happy birthday to you

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Life had both settled down and become equally as hectic for Lauren and Camila. Lauren, now met with the relief of not having her daughter taken from her, was now facing the wrath of her angry parents, plus settling in at the Cabello residence full-time. Although she had stayed here for quite some time, it was now permanent, and she couldn't help but feel like a burden every time she went down to the kitchen for a snack, or when her daughter had a particularly bad night. The green-eyed baby was almost one now, so her crying was pretty tame, but she was teething which made for some long nights. Camila was wonderful though.

Her Camila.

Camila would help her through the long nights, holding Grace while Lauren went to get her whatever she needed. She would even take care of the baby so Lauren could get some rest when she knew she had a test the next day, even against Lauren's protests against the action. Sometimes it felt like they were raising the baby together, a two-parent unit, something that Lauren had longed for since she fell pregnant at a young age. Sometimes she even thought to herself that they could be a real family one day, but she often shoved those thoughts aside. They hadn't even put a label on whatever was happening between them, but Lauren was content with how things were. They shared kisses and spoke sweet nothings behind closed doors, they took care of Grace together, and Lauren was surrounded by endless love and acceptance from the Cabello family. Labels would come eventually. Right now, she couldn't complain.

The main focus right now was that Grace Jauregui was turning one in a few days, and Lauren was a ball of many different emotions. Thankfully, Sinu was more than okay with having a small celebration for the little girl, just the two Jauregui's and the Cabello's. "Your baby only turns one once, Lauren," she had told the teenage mother. And Lauren could have melted with gratitude.

So there Lauren and Camila were, Grace peacefully sleeping in their room, and Camila struggling to keep her footing on the stepstool she was trying to balance on. She would sway here and there, and Lauren would prepare to brace her fall, but she always found balance right before she fell. "You know, Lauren," Camila started as she began pinning the "Happy First Birthday!" sign above the doorway. "I never would have envisioned you and I decorating for a first birthday together." Camila chuckled at the situation, but she saw hurt and guilt flash through Lauren's features. Camila knew that Lauren felt sorry for the way she had treated her for so long, and it was her mission to make sure the girl knew she was forgiven. If the roles were reversed, Camila was certain that she would have taken her pain out the same way. "Lauren, baby...you know I forgive you. That is all behind us. And you have spent every day making up for what you did. You have more than paid the price." Lauren just smiled gently, ensuring that they were alone before placing a small kiss on the girl's lips "I promise to spend every day of our life together making up for what I did." Camila smiled softly. "I know, Lauren. I know."

Finally finishing the decorations, the two girls slid into their shared bed, careful not to wake the almost-one-year-old up. Snuggling into each other, Lauren began to gaze up at the ceiling. "I can't believe she's turning one already, Camila. Where did the time go?" Camila just wrapped Lauren up in her arms tighter, signaling to the young mother that she could continue talking. "I just feel a sense of accomplishment, you know? This year was so hard, but I survived an entire year being a single mother, despite all of the odds pressed against me. And this year has brought me so many great things, Camila. You're one of the best ones." Camila smiled sweetly, leaning over and kissing Lauren gently. "You're my best one too, Lauren Jauregui."

The next day, with snow falling on the calm January day, the first year of little Grace Jauregui's life was celebrated. Sat in Sofia's old highchair that was now used more often than not, the little girl dug into her small teal and purple cake as the ones who loved her most sang to her.

Lauren had used some of the savings she had from her parents to buy the decorations, printing out nearly a billion photos from the first year of her daughter's life to make a collage out of. Lauren smiled sweetly, noticing that the photos from the first months were mostly of just Grace or her and Grace, but as time went on, more friendly faces entered the photos as well. There were many of Camila laying on their shared bed, holding Gracie tightly, now becoming accustomed to caring for the baby more often. There were also photos of Sinu and Alejandro loving on the little girl. They were both truly blessed, and Lauren was thankful.

She caught a glimpse of Camila's eye while they sang, and the two flashed their signatures smiles at each other before focusing again on the little girl they loved so much.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Gracie. Happy birthday to you." 


Well...where do I begin? It's been a long time since I updated this story. As I have mentioned before, I am in college currently and this past semester was a lot busier than I anticipated (in good ways!). The most important being that I scored an internship that I will be starting a few weeks from now. I am thankful for anyone who has stuck by me and understands that life just happens sometimes. But I have no intentions of stopping this story. It has been so unbelievably therapeutic for me.

I hope you will stick with me.

Happy New Year to all of you! 

- K

Grace ↠ (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now