the cabello family

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(Six Years Later)


Camila smiled as she heard a tiny voice calling for her. Grace had began calling her "mommy" for a few years now, but she never got used to the sweet melody of her daughter calling her name. She was young but from the moment she fell in love with Lauren she knew Grace was meant to be hers, too. She wasn't just part of the package of loving Lauren. No, Camila loved Grace as her own. Nothing could change that.

Camila arose from her seat at the table and walked into the master bedroom where her wife and daughter were, Lauren sitting on her knees staring at the little girl who was styling nothing but her Cinderella underwear.

"She wants to wear her Minnie Mouse costume," Lauren said with a sigh. "But I told her that kindergarteners don't wear their Minnie Mouse costumes on the first day" Lauren said with a pointed look at the green-eyed tot. Camila heard a sigh coming from their little girl. "Gracie Rhiannon Cabello, you don't want people to think that you are baby, do you?" The little girl shrugged her shoulders. "I guess not, Mommy." And that was all it took. The little girl allowed her other mother to slip on her denim shorts and white tank top before snuggling close to her. "Thank you," Lauren mouthed as she wrapped her arms around the little girl before standing up.

Camila couldn't help but take in the imperfect perfectness of the moment playing out before her. Yes, her and Lauren had a rocky start. But things were good now. They were a real family.

The pair stayed with Camila's mom and dad for some time, who had to remind Lauren almost every second that neither her or the little girl were a burden. They were completely supportive of Camila and Lauren's relationship, which the brown-eyed girl expected.

They got married straight after high school. Neither girl desired a fancy ceremony that cost ungodly money that could be going towards something else, so they went to the courthouse, signed some papers, and in an instant they were The Cabello Family. Lauren had made it clear that she no longer wanted to be associated with her parents or their last name. They hadn't talked in years.

Both girls ended up going to college, although they took their courses online so that they could take care of Grace. They created a healthy balance between the two of them, with one watching Grace while the other did homework and vice versa. It took a toll on their relationship at times, but they had both recently graduated and secured jobs stable enough to find a small place they could afford. It wasn't a mansion, but it was a start. And it was good enough for them. Alejandro and Sinu missed having the young couple and their granddaughter around, but they were indescribably proud of the places the girls were going.

When Lauren finished dressing the little girl, she glanced at her wife who was staring at her with those chocolate brown eyes she had grown to love. Locking eyes with her, she could tell something was on her mind. "What's up, babe?" Lauren said as she walked towards her wife. Camila said no words. She just pulled her wife into a tender kiss and whispered that she loved her. "I love you too, Camz. I love you too." Camila smiled and pulled away.

"Okay, I think it's time to get someone to their first day of kindergarten!" said Lauren. The little girl squealed in excitement, grabbing a single hand of each other mothers as she treaded along in the middle.

Hello friends. Thanks for your patience. I know it's been a long while. I haven't updated since right when shit hit the fan with COVID, and I'm now updating at the end of my summer vacation. Months have gone by.

I have decided to end Camila, Lauren, and Grace's story here. I have come onto Wattpad weekly and I've just felt so sad that their story was just sat lingering. And sad for my readers too. Things are just hazy in the world now and I'll be honest, my mental health has taken a hit. I feel tired a lot. And uninspired. So, I have decided that this will be the end of Grace. I am not sure I like how I ended it but I tried my best.

Thank you to everyone who has read my story and commented. This story has wracked up more reads than I ever thought it would and I am so glad for the people that have enjoyed this story.

Here's to Camila, Lauren, and Grace. In my mind they have the perfect happy ending and have a future little brother for Gracie and a dog and they grow old together and are happy forever. And usually those are sappy and annoying to me. But I don't think my heart could handle writing a sad thing right now lol. There are enough sad things in the world. So take care of yourselves babes. See you on the flip side. ❤️

Grace ↠ (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now