she wished she could just freeze time

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A few weeks after Thanksgiving, Lauren was torn between being the happiest yet saddest she had ever been in her life. She wasn't aware that two feelings on the complete opposite ends of the emotional spectrum could co-exist, but here she was, feeling both simultaneously. It rocked her mind more than she would like to admit. On one hand, the new territory she was exploring with Camila was completely euphoric. Although they hadn't placed a label on themselves and their kissing and touching was limited to Camila's bedroom, they were at a comfortable place together. But on the other hand, Lauren was well aware that she would have to face her parents soon. Sinu had made hints about it, and she couldn't ignore the endless notifications that popped up on the screen of her phone, texts and phone calls coming in from both parents daily. She wished she could just freeze time, erase her parents completely, and live a happy life with Camila and Gracie. This was reality, though, and Lauren knew that would never happen. She would have to face her parents and it would need to happen soon.

So, after school on a Tuesday in early December, Lauren found herself, Sinu, and Camila standing outside of the big, white door that led to the inside of her home. Home. Although she had grown up in this house, it was the furthest thing from a home. No, home was in Camila's bed. It was in the dinner's she shared at the Cabello's kitchen table, playful banter exchanged every single night. Home was wherever her little girl was. This might be her house, but it certainly was not a home. Knocking slightly, Lauren felt the wind escape her lungs at the sight of both of her parents on the other side of the door. She felt Camila's slender fingers playing with her own, but when she saw her mother's cold eyes look down disapprovingly, she yanked her hand away from Camila's touch. "Lauren," Clara greeted before looking over the Camila and Sinu, an emotion Lauren couldn't quite decipher in her eyes. "Nice of you to finally show your sinful face around here. Where's that mistake of yours?" Lauren's blood boiled at her mother's words, but when she felt Sinu's warm hand squeeze her shoulder, she willed everything inside of her to not completely snap. "She stayed late at daycare." She heard her mother scoff. "Yeah, more for us to pay. Come in, I suppose. Your father is waiting. We need to talk to you." Lauren's stomach turned at those final six words, knowing that they couldn't mean anything remotely good. She saw Camila smile at her comfortingly, but she couldn't even appreciate it because her anxiety was so high. Following her mother, she entered the much-too-big dining area, noting her father sitting at the head of the table. She wanted to roll her eyes at him, but she refrained. Once everyone was sat down, Lauren could feel the heat of her parents' eyes on her. She looked up slowly, looking towards her father, waiting for the rage that would follow. His deep glare was enough to make bile rise in her throat. "Lauren Michelle," his deep voice began. "You have no idea the shame you have put on your mother and I for the past few weeks. Look me in the eyes when I speak, young lady!" Lauren flinched, but fixed her eyes on her father's. "And for what? So you could go play house and fondle this girl who gives you some of the attention you crave? He pointed towards Camila, who visibly sunk her in her seat. "Tell me Lauren, was it better than that bastard who helped you make Grace?" Lauren was about to snap. Everything inside her was telling her to lunge towards Michael, to wrap her hands around his neck and choke the life out of him, but she stayed silent. She would never admit it, but she was too scared to say a single word. Clara took over this time, putting her two cents in. "You don't understand what we have been through with the family, Lauren! What we have had to explain to them! They have only just started to talk to us like normal again!" Sinu tried to intercept, making an attempt to connect with Clara as a mother, but she quickly realized that nothing she said would get through to the woman. They were very different parents with very different parenting styles. Clara looked back to Lauren, and the next words silenced everyone in the room. "Lauren, we've decided that our family needs a fresh start after all of this drama. We've chosen a family who will take care of Grace. They'll be here to pick her up next week, and we can just move on. You'll be able to focus on your studies without a needy baby all the time and we can forget this ever happened."

Lauren barely made it to the bathroom before sheemptied the contents of her stomach. 


So...that happened. Very short but very important chapter. Don't hate me. I move into college on the other side of the US in two weeks so I apologize for taking longer to update. I can't believe I'm already gonna be a junior! Any freshmen, appreciate the beginning because it's almost over before you know it. Have a good week, everyone. 

- K 

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