she needed to get out

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T/W for brief mentions of self-harm.

After those words left Clara's mouth, all hell broke loose in the Jauregui household. Sinu made attempts to change Clara's mind, telling her that if Lauren and Grace were a burden, they were more than welcome to stay at her house long-term, to which both of Lauren's parents just scoffed. Camila, now fueled by pure anger, shouted obscenities at Clara and Michael, telling them that there was no way in hell they could take Grace from Lauren, and that it would be the last thing they did if they even tried. Neither Mr. Jauregui or his wife cared, viewing Camila as a little girl who was only tainting their daughter's sexuality further.

And then there was Lauren, who so badly wanted to speak up, but her vocal cords were failing her. She felt defeated, like there was nothing she could do to save herself or her daughter right now. And on top of her sadness, the green-eyed girl felt undeniable anger filling her veins. She could honestly punch a wall right now, and afterwards she was sure she would break down crying. In short, the teenager was a mess. And she needed to get out. She needed her daughter. Lauren looked over to Camila's mother, who turned her eyes to meet the teenager's, a sad, sympathetic look in her eyes. Lauren could tell that Sinu didn't know what to do, and that broke her heart. "Mrs. Cabello, can you drive me to pick up Grace?" The woman smiled sadly, agreeing immediately. "You better have that baby back here tomorrow for the new parents, Lauren. 10:00 am." Lauren's heart lurched in her chest. "Okay."

And so three hours later, the two teenagers were sitting on Camila's bed, Lauren holding her little girl close and unwilling to let her go. Camila's heart broke. This was the last night Lauren would spend with her daughter, the baby she had loved and nurtured for almost an entire year. She couldn't even imagine the pain Lauren was going through. Lauren hadn't said a word to her all evening, and it was beginning to worry the younger girl. She had spoken to Sinu, but with Camila, nothing.

"Lo...I-" The glare that Lauren shot towards Camila didn't go unnoticed by her doe-eyed brown eyes. "Don't, Camila. Just don't." Camila was confused. What had she done? "Okay...I was just-I was just trying to help." And that's when Lauren exploded. "Well you're not fucking helping, okay? This is all your fault, Camila! You did this! If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't be in this god damn mess. I would still be living my sorry life, and you yours, but at least I would still have my daughter. I hope you fucking rot in hell, Camila. I really do. It's where a life ruiner like you belongs. Now, if you even care, I am going to spend my last night with my daughter." The pain and anger that laced Lauren's voice made Camila want to reach over and wrap her arms around the older girl, and she hated Lauren for that. It was like she could attack the most vulnerable parts of Camila and still, the girl would fall at Lauren's feet. But Camila was still human, and humans hurt. Right now, Camila was hurting. As she silently slipped out of her bedroom and into the bathroom, she began to feel hot tears flowing down her cheeks. She ached for Lauren and Grace the most, knowing that their fate was the most heartbreaking of them all. And Camila ached for her and Lauren, for they had just started, and it felt like they were already meeting their end. And amongst her sadness and empathy, Camila felt angry at Lauren. She had only been trying to help, and once again, the Lauren she knew most came out to play and shot her down. The brown-eyed girl felt her lip tremble as she opened the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, her eyes landing on a familiar friend; her shaving razor. Her breath caught in her throat as she grabbed it, twirling it in her fingers softly. She jumped as she heard a knock on the door, hearing her mother ask her to come to the living room when she was done, and she quickly put the razor away before exiting the bathroom. When she approached her mother, she couldn't ignore the worried look on her face. "Mami...what's going on?"

"Mija, Lauren isn't in your room. All of her and Grace's stuff is gone, along with her car. I called her mom and she isn't there. They're missing, Camila."


So...long time no see! Like I mentioned before, I have been busy getting ready to leave for my third year of college. And tomorrow night my dad and I officially start our road trip! I wanted this chapter to be longer, but before school I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys. So I just split this part in two. It isn't the best, but hopefully it holds you over, lol. Don't be alarmed if updates start getting a little more spaced from here on out. Ya girl is getting a degree, but this fic is very much on my mind and I don't intend on stopping it. Thanks for everything. :) 

- K

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