Chapter Five: A piece of paradise

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the nest two chapters are Dedicated to ohyeahnearlyforgot 

for the two cover designs in this and the next chapter :)


Chapter Five


As I was about to climb the stairs to meet Sophie on the roof, I suddenly collided with something small, but solid. When I looked down, there was Sophie coming out of a dorm room.

The second her eyes met mine, she groaned to herself. I could tell she wasn’t happy to know I now knew where she lived.

“Hey Soso.-” I was cut off when she snapped at me

“Don’t call me that” and I noticed that she bites her lip when she’s angry, like she’s trying to keep the words in before she says something she’s going to regret.

I just stared at her, because she has no idea how hot she looks when she’s mad. I glance at her lips. They look soft, and I find myself just wanting to push mine against hers.

“Are you going to stare at me all night, or are we going to do a project?” she asked so politely I would think she actually liked me. Then she was gone up the stairs. I groan to myself as soon as she’s out of ear shot.

God she’s so frustrating. I have never had a girl turn me down, or tease me, or talk back to me like she has. And I don’t know why I just can’t get her out of my head. I just feel drawn to her.

Call my cocky, but I know she wants me, it’s only a matter of time.

I climb up the stairs after her and it’s even more beautiful than last time I was up here.

The large arc with flowers growing over it, the shelves perfectly scattered with all types of flowers. The newly growing trees that were planted before summer.All I can think is how peaceful this place is.

And then I see her, she’s standing there, taking in the beauty of her surroundings, she looks so at ease and happy. I wish I could see that more often.

I really wish I could sketch her up here, her eyes glistening with amazement, and the beauty around her. “it’s beautiful up here, isn’t it?” I ask her.

She turns to me, I expect to see annoyance or irritation, but I don’t. I see admiration and joy, and I’m glad I picked this location. Before I can stop myself, I blurt out

“Listen, I know I have no right to ask, but could I maybe draw you, up here… Please”

She looked at me and her eyes got wide, she was about to say no. but then her expression changed, she looked into my eyes, searching for something, most likely that I wasn’t trying to mess with her.

she must have seen the nervousness in my eyes, because then she nodded. “Where and how do you want me?”

I gave her a smirk “Oh I can think-”

“Do not finish that sentence. Or I change my mind.” Ah already she knows me so well.

I just looked into her eyes. They make me so nervous. I don’t know what is about her. It felt like forever I was just staring in her eye.

“Uhh, maybe sit over there” I point to an area I cleared up here last year; it’s like a seat in the middle of a group of flowers. “Put your back against the, the shelf that looks like a set of stairs, and bring your right knee up a little bit, and curl your other leg under your right one.. Uhh, put your elbow on your thigh, and rest your temple I your palm, then look at me”

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