Chapter Fourteen: A New Beginning, Unhappy Pasts

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Chapter Fourteen


I woke up when hearing Sophia crying and noticed she wasn’t in bed anymore.

Shit where is she? I looked around the room, and she wasn’t there. I got up, and walked towards the bathroom when I heard her yell “NO!” I ran into the bathroom and turned on the light.

What I witnessed before me almost broke my heart; she was so scared and looked so vulnerable. She had her back against the tub and her knees up in front of her, her little arms wrapped around her knees.

“Sophia” She didn’t even look at me. What the hell was going on?

“Sophia” I tried again a little louder; Still no response.

“Sophia!” I yelled this time.

She cried harder and covered her ears with her hands, then she started whimpering. What is going on, is she crazy?

“Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me. I’ll be good. Just don’t hurt me.” She whispered over and over again.

“Sophia, I would never hurt you. Why would you think I would” I was so confused. I walked over and put my hand on hers

“NO!” she screamed. I immediately dropped my hand and fell back on my ass trying to back away from her. What the hell? “Please don’t touch me. Not again. Please I’ll do anything is you just let me go. Don’t do this to me again”

“Sophia. What’s wrong? You know I wouldn’t hurt you. What did I do?” I asked her I was growing more confused every minute

“Jason. I want Jason, why did you leave me here alone. I need you, and you left me” she whispered, I barley heard her, then she said “Jason, please help me” over and over so quietly.

“Babe, what’s wrong” I tried again. It was like she was terrified of me. Screw it. I was going to figure out what the hell was happening. I walked over to her and sat next to her, then pulled her into my lap so she was sitting side ways. Then I pulled her head to my chest and wrapped my other arm around her.

“No, oh god please don’t hurt me. I didn’t mean too, it wasn’t my fault!” she cried harder is that were possible, she was hysterical.

I rubbed her head and ran my fingers to her head “Shh baby, you’re okay, I’m right here. Everything is okay. Calm down” I repeated over and over. She was eventually calming down.

“I didn’t mean to break it, please don’t hit me again, I promise I’ll be more careful”

“What” what the hell was she talking about? I lifted her chin up, and looked into her eyes. They were glazed over, and it was like she wasn’t registering anything in front of her. “Sophia?” I asked. Nothing.

Then it hit me, she wasn’t even awake. She was still asleep.

What the hell scared her so bad?

“Sophia” I shook her slightly “Baby, wake up.” Then said “Sophia” more sternly and shook her. It looks like she finally snapped out of it. “Sophia?” I asked her

She looked at me for a minute before whispering “Aiden?” it came out as a question

“Yes. I’m here. What’s wrong?” I asked her.

She looked shocked and then backed up so quickly she hit her head on the sink, but barley took notice. “Oh my god” she cried and backed away from me. Scooting herself away from me like I was going to hurt her.

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