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*** Kentucky... a Year Ago ***

As we walk up the hill toward the our destination I begin to get an eerie feeling. Glancing at my sister I can tell she feels it too.  Drawing closer I get my first close look at the two-story mansion.  It's faded with age and the windows, mostly still intact, rattle slightly as the breeze sweeps through the tall weeping willow out front.

Growing up we were told this place was haunted and that anyone who goes inside doesn't come out.  I never believed such nonsense but now that we're here, I can't help but think the stories may be true.

"You're not thinking about backing out are you Blackwell?" Jason asks from behind us.

"Are you kidding? It's just an old house," I say glancing at Megan.

Ashley leaves Jason's side and catches up to us. "Guys, you don't have to do this. I mean just because my jerk boyfriend dared you doesn't mean you have to go in there."

Megan glances over her shoulder to see Jason and Nick laughing, and turns back around. "Yeah Ashley, I do."

We stop just short of the stairs and turn to the others.  "Remember the dare," Nick begins, "You two have to spend thirty minutes exploring the house before coming back out. If you don't," he eyes Megan. "You have to go out with me Friday night."

"Yeah, in your dreams," Megan whispers as Ashley giggles.

"I think you two will look great together," Ashley says softly.

Megan gasps and pushes her away. "Stop!" She says. "That's not funny."

Watching the exchange I shake my head. "Look, if we're doing this let's get going."

"Alright," Jason looks at his watch. "It's almost four. Now go inside and to prove that you've explored the house go to the upstairs window above us so we can see you. When time is up Ashley will text you."

"Alright," I turn to Megan. "Are you ready?"

She glances back at Nick. "More than ready."

Following her up the steps we stop at the front door. "Just think," we turn back to Jason. "If y'all disappear the Blackwell twins will become part of the legend." Jason laughs as he taunts us.

Ashley smacks him on the back of his head. "Shut up!" She shouts. "Sorry guys." We glance at each other, Megan turns the handle, and we proceed inside. After closing the door she grabs my arm.

"Thanks for doing this for me."

"We'll what are brothers for?  Besides, I can't stand the thought of you becoming Nick's girlfriend."  I get the look and can't help but snicker.

She sighs, "I wish I'd never agreed to do this."

"Yeah, I bet you do."  After a moment her frustration fades to unease.

"Max. You don't think these stories..."

"Could be true?  Of course not, or at least I hope not," I answer teasingly.

"Come on sis.  Let's take a look around before we go upstairs. I'm kind of curious about this place anyway."

"You may be but I'm not."

"Well, we've got thirty minutes.  Let's see if we can find some ghosts."

"I really wish you hadn't said that."

Exploring downstairs we find old furniture covered in dust.  Musty curtains still hang above the windows. Their color faded with age. Moving on we see a large table in the dining room. It's still set up for a meal with glasses and plates covered in cobwebs; the chairs pulled back slightly as if waiting for someone to sit down. It's obvious something strange happened here a long time ago.

As we continue to look around Megan suddenly gasps. "What?" I ask.

"I," She quickly looks around. "I don't know. It felt like something ice-cold just went through me."

I felt something too, but I'm not going to let on. "It's just your mind playing tricks on you.  Let's just check out upstairs and by then it'll probably be time to go."

Finding the stairs we climb up to the second floor and as we turn the corner she stops and stares down the hallway.  And by the look on her face, I know it isn't good.

"What is it?" I whisper.

"Can't you see her?" Her voice trembles.

As I look down the darkened hallway I don't see anything.  "No. Who do you see?"

"I... I see a woman dressed in white at the end of the hall. She's just standing there, staring at us."

Taking another look all I see is the end of the hall, but being her twin I can feel her terror.

"Oh God. She's coming this way!" She whispers frantically. Suddenly it becomes very cold. I can actually see our breath.

Megan's now shaking. "You still can't see her?"

"No. Where is she?"

Megan swallows hard. "She's right in front of us."

Reaching out I take her hand trying to calm her down and instantly the spirit appears. She's just like Megan described and has a slight blue glow surrounding her. She looks so beautiful but has a look of sadness upon her face.

After a moment, she reaches out with both hands and for some reason that I can't explain, we both extend ours until we touch.

*** Sometime Later ***

Waking up I find myself lying in the hallway beside my sister.  Slowly, I raise up and look around. It seems the spirit we encountered is gone.

Megan abruptly sits straight up and gasps. "Hey, take it easy sis."

"Where?" She looks around. "Where's," she stares down the hall, still trying to catch her breath.

"It's okay. She's gone," After a moment she calms down enough to where we can get to our feet. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I think so. What about you?"

"I could be better." We look down the hall again, still not believing what we just experienced.

"Sis, I believe our thirty minutes are up."

"Yeah, I'm with you Max. Let's get out of here."

We rush downstairs and continue out the front door.  As our feet hit the ground our friends rush over.

Ashley, almost in tears hugs Megan. "Where on Earth have you been hiding?  We've been inside looking for you."

"Yeah guys, this isn't funny at all. It's been four hours since you two went in. We almost called the cops," Jason says a little angry.

"Jason, if you'd really looked for us you would've found us. We," Megan interrupts me by grabbing my arm.

"Max," she whispers and points toward the setting sun.

"That's impossible," I whisper in disbelief. It was four o'clock when we went inside and it gets dark about eight. Checking my watch I show it to Megan. According to it instead of being missing for four hours, we've been gone for twenty-four.

"Blackwell, I owe you one. Come on Ashley. We've wasted too much time here already."

"I'm glad you're okay. I'll see you tomorrow," Ashley says as Jason drags her away.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow Megan," Nick says and turns to follow the others. "Hey guys wait up."

Turning back to each other we try to figure this out.

"Max. If they did search the house they should've easily found us. And what about the time difference. None of this makes any sense."

"I know sis. I guess there's more to this place and the legend than we thought."

"Yeah, but if it's true about people going inside and disappearing,  why did the spirit let us go?"

"I don't know, but somehow I feel one day, we'll find out."

Turning back to the old house our thoughts return to our encounter upstairs with the woman in white...

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