Unsuspected Surprise

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Cain was coming back from an almost two-week stay at Central City. He had gone there on official business for the Queen and couldn't wait to get back to the castle and his own bed. As he turned down the road to Fin Aqua, a body fell from the sky. Pulling his horse to a quick halt, he slid off and went to it. He noticed it was female when he got close to check for a pulse, which he found.

She sat up gasping for air. "Not so fast. Are you hurt?" Cain asked.

Looking at him, "What? Oh, yeah I'm fine." She stood up.

Her long wavy black hair was covered in dirt and twigs as her green eyes scanned the area.

Following close behind her as she looked around, "What are you searching for?"

"Gobo." She quickly answered as her search started to become more frantic.

"What's a Gobo?"

"My Daemon."

Pausing in his tracks, "Your what?"

The girl began to hyperventilate. "I need to find him. Do you understand? I need too."

Cain moved next to her, "Take a deep breath. We will find this Gobo of yours."

There was some rustling to the right of them, then came a growl. Cain spun, pointing his gun at the creature. Not knowing what to make of it, he cocked his gun, feeling threatened by it as the animal took to growling at him.

The girl moved in front of him, "No, don't shoot him, that's my daemon. Hurt him, you hurt me."

Cain lowered his gun but did not put it away. "What kind of animal is that?"

"A white tiger." She told him, running over to Gobo with a big hug.

"So do you have a name?"

"Cora and this is Gobo. Mister, can you by any chance tell us where we are?" She looked over her shoulder to him.

Scrunching his eyebrows, "You're in the O.Z. and it's just Cain."

This time it was her turn to tilt her head. "The what?" Cora rose from her spot to look back at Cain.

"The Outer Zone. I'm heading to Fin Aqua, why don't you come with me? We'll get you fed and have Raw check you out." Cain offered.

Smiling, "We are hungry. But what's a Raw?"

"Raw is our healer/seer." He answered, going back to his horse.

Cain got on his horse, pulling Cora up after him. Gobo ran alongside them. They reached Fin Aqua as the first sun was setting.

As they went into the castle, Cain stopped, turning to Cora. "Does that thing go everywhere with you?"

Crossing her arms, "Yes. We cannot be separated. Deal with it." Cain rolled his eyes and continued walking into the castle.

A/N: I hope you enjoy, the next chapters will be longer, I promise. Hope you enjoyed and Comments are most welcomed. :)

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