Happily Ever After

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The time finally came and Gobo sat at Cain and Cora's feet while the three of them sat up front in the crowd. They watched as DG and Jeb exchanged vows.

"I'm so happy for them. They are so cute and perfect together." Cora whispered in Cain's ear.

"If you say so." He mumbled.

She pinched him, "Be happy or you will not get any tonight."

Wrapping an arm around her waist, "I wish you would not pinch me."

Giving him a kiss on the cheek, "You bring it on yourself."

"There was something I forgot to give you this morning." He took her hand and placed a ring on her finger "Will you and that damn cat marry me?"

She bit her bottom lip when she looked down at Gobo. He was looking up at her, giving her a sharp nod yes.

Looking to Cain with eyes full of tears, "Yes, yes I will marry you."

Cora couldn't stop looking down at her hand. Not hearing much of the rest of the ceremony. When finished the two stood before everyone.

Jeb cleared his throat, "We have an announcement to make. There will be a second wedding today."

Cain stood up holding his hand out to her, "Right now!" She said in shock taking his hand.

"I don't want to wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He guided her to the alter.

Looking down at herself, "But I'm not really dressed to be a bride."

The Queen moved next to her, "Let me take care of that."

With the help of her two daughters, Cora's clothes turned into the most beautiful wedding dress she'd ever seen. Her hair was magically up with a vail in it and Cain's usual attire was made into a suit like his son's.

Not being able to see herself in a mirror, she figured she looked amazing. Cain was giving her the same look he gave her when she went out with Alexander in that dress DG let her borrow.

"Thank you, your majesty, AZ, DG." She smiled.

The people that day got two weddings. After the ceremonies, where a lovely reception followed. As they were sitting and enjoying the food that was just given to them, Cora rested her head on her husband's shoulder, "How did you know I would say yes?"

Resting his head on hers, "Gobo."

She looked up at him before looking under the table at her Daemon, "You talked to a human being that wasn't me!"

"I had bought a ring a few days before we had our first picnic where we first met. But I, as you would put it, chickened out that day to ask you to marry me. Then when I couldn't sleep one night I sat out on the porch looking at the ring I had bought when he came out. I must have been out of my mind at the moment since I started talking to it like a real person. I asked him if I was to ask you to marry me would you say yes and he nodded a yes." Cain told her.

Dropping the table cloth she had picked up, "But that was months ago."

Kissing her hand, "I didn't want to be rejected. I don't think I would be able to go on if you were to say no. But Jeb caught me looking at the ring and suggested after I told him how I felt I should just go ahead and ask you at the wedding then do it after them."

Looking back under the table, "I cannot believe you didn't tell me, you man whore. No cake for you."

"Don't be mean to him. I asked him not to say anything to you. I wanted it to be a surprise."


"Lacey get over here this instant!" Cora called.

Cora was beyond exhausted and wanted to take a well-deserved nap. Hearing giggles but seeing no child she called after her again.

Cain had a house built in Finaqua, just far away to give them privacy but not far if he was needed. They had moved back to the castle a few years later when DG got pregnant to help out. Which in Cora's words have not been going so well. Cain and Cora's kids were only a few months old.

Groaning when Lacey didn't come as she wanted, "Gobo will you get her please while I look for the other two."

Lacey was big but still small enough for him to pick her up by the shirt and bring her back to Cora.

Cain walked in the room carrying the other two, "Missing something?"

"Besides my mind, yes. If I knew I was going to have triplets when I married you I would have never said yes." Grabbing Lacey from Gobo.

"Well, DG went into labor. Thought I come by and get you four."

Lacey wanted to ride Gobo so Cora let her, "Alright. Where did you find these two?" Taking one of the children from Cain.

Holding up the one in his arms, "Attia found her way to Glitch and his workroom. And Olivia there was outside the room in the hall looking out apparently bird watching through a nearby window."

Heading out of the room, "Attia is more like Glitch every day. Was he at least in the room this time?"

"Yes. He would have been there all day too if I didn't tell him about DG, he's on his way there now. How are all my girls?"

"All three of your little girls need to be put on leashes and I need sleep."

Chuckling, "Some emerald and diamond-studded leashes on the way."

Glaring at him, "Jeb and DG are going to have a little girl."

"That was below the belt."

Stopping outside the room they were to wait in, "So was the emerald/diamond leash joke." Pushing through the doors.

Once Attia was set down, she went straight to Glitch, who was sitting next to Raw. Lacey was a lot like Cora and took to liking AZ. She, for some odd reason, brought the best out of her and help her get over what she had done when being possessed by the witch. Lacey had gone over to sit on AZ's lap who was next to the Queen and Ahamo. Olivia was like Cain but had picked up Jeb's and Cora's facial expressions. Cain would say he felt like they were staring back at him sometimes.

When DG finally gave birth it was late. Jeb came out white and in shock. Everyone looked up at him when they heard him enter the room.

It took him a moment to speak, "I have a daughter...and a son." He said softly.

Cora's head turned to Cain, "What the hell is with this family? I'm convinced you two have super sperm."

Kissing her head as he got up, "You don't want any more kids then?"

"Not unless you can promise me I'll not be popping out more than one of them."

"And that you will be having a boy." He smiled before going to congratulate Jeb


A/N: I hope everyone had fun reading this. I had fun writing it.

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