Meetings, Presents, and Secrets Revealed Oh My

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The next morning Cora and Gobo joined the Queen as she headed out to talk with some officials. It was a long carriage ride to where they were going. The Queen had Cora and Gobo sat with her inside the carriage.

Hands in her lap, "We need the officials to agree with helping us."

Gobo moved up on the seat next to Cora "How and why your majesty?"

"With their help, it will give us permission to check their land for any long coats or people going against myself and my family. How I was thinking is a little help from Gobo here. We can kind of intimidate them into it."

Resting a hand on her Daemon's head, "Is the Queen even allowed to do such a thing?"

She leaned forward, "Technically, I wouldn't be doing anything. It is just simply me bringing my personal guard with me." Sitting straight again.

Scratching Gobo's ear, "Intimidate it is then."

"As my personal guard I would like you to exit the carriage first. Scan the place and then I'll come out. Everyone expects this but they are not expecting Gobo to come with you."

The officials were waiting outside as the carriage holding the Queen, Cora and Gobo pulled up. The guards on horse dismounted and handed their reigns to some stable boys.

They all gaped as Cora came out. Seeing what came out next surprised them all. Gobo glared at them as the Queen gracefully exited. Cora made sure to stay near the Queen. It seemed to make the others uncomfortable having Gobo so close.

When it came to sitting around the table, the Queen sat at the end. Cora lingered in the back as her Daemon paced the room by her feet. Gobo would snort or make some noises through out the conversation, but always when the officials were talking. What they didn't know was the Queen had a sign for when he was supposed to do it. The officials soon agreed to help out with what the Queen wanted.

The Queen waited till the carriage had begun before speaking, "You two did a good job. We received word a few days ago that some longs coats and resisters were in these officials part of the O.Z."

Smiling, "I am glad you're satisfied with our work."

"I have been meaning to ask, how was your date last night?"

Cora looked at her hands, "Not my kind of thing, your majesty. Even though dressing up was fun."

"What do you think of the Duke for DG?" The Queen crossed her legs.

She shrunk in her seat a little, "You want my honest answer?"

"Yes please." The Queen said politely.

Taking a breath, "I think she is too good for him. He's not witty or smart enough to hold a candle to her. If anything was to come of it, it would be beneath her."

She laced her fingers together, "So you see it too."

"See what, your majesty?"

"That she is all ready in love with someone else."

Tilting her head, "That's what you look like when you're in love? I thought she just really liked someone else."

The Queen let out a sigh, "So do you know who this person is?"

"She hasn't told me. If you don't mind me asking, what if she is in love with someone who isn't royalty, a duke, an earl or what not?" Cora stuck her hand out the window to feel the wind on her hand.

"She can marry whom ever she likes. I did. I would like it if she would tell me." The Queen looked out on the passing land.

Cora watched her, "Maybe she's not ready to say anything just yet. Weren't you like that with the Consort, when you two first fell in love?"

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