A Tug of War

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Cora rubbed her eyes as the banging on her door grew louder and louder, showing no sign of stopping. "Coming! Just stop with the banging!"

She opened the door to find Cain on the other side. "What is so damn important that you needed to wake me up at the butt crack of dawn?"

He didn't say anything. Irritated, she went to hit him but her hand went through his shoulder. And his entire body turned to smoke.

Cora shot up, tangled in her sheets. Crawling out of bed, she went over to her bedroom door and stuck her head out of into the hallway. It was, of course, empty.

Not moving from his spot on the bed, "What's wrong?"

The suns were now shining through her windows, "I think I'm on something." She said, falling back onto the bed.

Rolling onto his side, "Yeah, you're on something. It's the side effects of having a crush."

Cora spent her day sitting in the hallway as the Queen did work in the thrown room. Like some of the other royals throughout the kingdom, Ahamo and the Queen were doing everything they could to restore the O.Z. to it's finer days. They were almost there too. Almost everything had been restored except for a few things here and there.

She was telling a joke to some of the guards outside the thrown room when DG approached.

"May I speak with you?" She asked Cora.

"Sure," Cora replied, following her down the hall.

DG spun to her when they were out of hearing range from the others in the hall, "Alright, here's what happened. You know I'm to go out again with that Duke from the second day you were here. Well, his cousin came for a surprise visit this morning and before I knew it a double date was put in motion."

Crossing her arms, "I don't follow."

DG bit her bottom lip, "You're the Duke's cousin's date." DG said quickly.

"Don't you mean AZ? She is royalty and the one to be dating royalty or Duke's. Whatever is all out there."

"AZ does not feel comfortable with going out on dates with people. So you have to."

Cora's eyes grew wide. "How do you come to that conclusion?"

"When I described who I was bringing as the date for the Duke's cousin I kind of described you."

She threw her hands up, "And why did you do that?"

DG licked her lips, "Because the Duke is really boring and I knew if you were to come out with us it would be so much better. You can also help me find a way to break it off with him. Plus you can so pass as royalty, I said you were our cousin."

Pointing at her, "Just this one time and you have to talk with your mother about me going with you."

The youngest princess smiled, rushing to the throne room. Moments later, Cora was called into the room.

"My daughter has informed me of tonight's event." The Queen said when Cora stopped in front of the group.

She felt Gobo lean against her leg when he sat next to her, "I didn't want to your majesty. Since I'm not royalty, I'm a simple guard, if that. But who am I to argue with what makes the princess happy?"

The Queen smiled softly. "It is alright with me. I like to encourage new friends for my girls."

"Just one thing...and I hope I'm not coming off rude. Since you all could throw me in jail or behead me if you like. I don't have anything to wear if I had a bunch of clothes and I have no clue how to act."

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