It's A Fleeting Feeling When All You Can Do Is Wait

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No amount of struggling was getting Cora free anytime soon. She couldn't tell how many people were there but she knew there was more than one.

"Be careful with her. She is carrying Kieran's baby." Cora heard someone say.

She had been blinded folded, gagged and had her hands tied, she couldn't tell where the hell she was. But she did feel the cool air and knew they were outside. It was a long travel and Cora felt them turn left then right numerous times. They finally reached their destination after what seemed like a long run.

The person that held her sat her down. He faced her one way before removing the blindfold. When her eyes adjusted she looked around the place. It was dark and dingy, the building they were in looked to be falling apart and very dusty. Her eyes finally landed on a man with fair light brown hair and chocolate eyes. Even though her hands were tied Cora pulled the gag from her mouth to spit on him.

Wiping it off his face, "Now, now Swoosie, is that any way to treat me, Kieran the father of your baby?"

She spat on him again, "Hell yes. Leave me to bear this alone, then you freaking snatch me."

Some light was turned on, "You are not Swoosie." He said getting a better look at Cora.

"I am so. What makes you think I'm not?"

"Oh you have the fire she has, don't get me wrong. But I know she would be showing now. And you don't sound like her. Her voice is softer, more light." He paced in front of her.

Watching him, she felt Gobo was very near, "So I'm not this Swoosie at least untie me. I'm not going to run, I don't even know where the hell I am." Holding up her tied hands.

He stood inches from her, "No."

"Should have said yes."

Cora grabbed his knife before she shoved him away from her. She stabbed the guy behind her as Gobo attacked the guy next to her. Swoosie's lover grabbed Cora by the hair. She yelped in pain causing Gobo to feel the same pain. The man Gobo attacked got up and kicked him.

She yelled at the guy, "Noooo, stop, please. Do what you like to me but don't hurt him."

Tears falling down her face, Gobo had slid off to the side under some tattered cloth. He wasn't moving.

He held her hair tight, "Oh I plan on making you pay for what you did."

"Then you should have kidnapped a more docile person." Cora gave him a swift elbow in the stomach before punching him in the face.

The other stranger attacked her, she quickly punched him in the throat. While he stood there coughing, she laughed, going to see to Gobo. Kieran got her halfway before getting to Gobo. Cora was worried that he was really hurt, he hadn't moved since he was kicked.

Kieran threw her across the room, "That was a big mistake."

"Life is full of mistakes." She slowly rose from the floor.

"Some even get you killed-like this one." He went over kicking her in the stomach.

Spitting, Cora got up on her feet, "Someone's coming for me and you'll be sorry. He will make you pay for hurting me."

Hitting her across the face, "No one's coming for you. I doubt that anyone is even missing you this very moment. Swoosie does have a habit of leaving parties unannounced and unnoticed."

Cain moved as quickly as possible to find who took Cora. Whoever took her better of not laid a hand on her or so help him the person was going to pay.

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