A Difficult New Addition

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DG came running down the steps of the castle. She slid to a halt in the middle of the room when she saw Cora and Gobo. "It's ok, Deeg, I found them in the woods on my way back. This is Cora and her daemon Gobo." Cain told her.

DG looked at Cain confused, "Her what?"

"Later. Will you get Raw, please? We'll meet you in the kitchen." Cain then headed to the kitchen with Cora and her daemon.

Cora was a little nervous around Raw. A walking cat that can talk didn't bother her as much, but the thing could know a lot about you by just feeling, now that didn't sit well with her. Raw checked her, she was good just some bumps and bruises.

Since the group didn't understand Daemons, Cora was more than happy to explain them. Which took a good portion of the night because of all of DG's questions.

The next day DG was going on one of her numerous dates her parents set her up on. Her parents started doing matchmaking a little over a month ago when it hit the one year mark of the death of the witch. Even though she hated going on the dates, she did it out of respect to her parents.

DG spent hours arguing with Cain about how she wanted Jeb to be her bodyguard on these dates. Jeb didn't scare them off as Cain did. They were nervous enough going out on a date with her, she was, after all, the one to help put a stop to the witch. Not to mention she was more powerful than anyone around.

Cain stood outside on the steps of the castle watching Jeb and the others escort DG and her date to some restaurant.

"You're one of those people who thinks that nothing is done right unless you do it." Cora moved next to him on the steps.

"No, I'm not." Turning his head to her.

Laughing, "I thought a Tin Man was supposed to be good at lying."

Turning the rest of his body to her. "Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm just standing here laughing at you. Besides, don't worry, your son will do fantastic watching DG if he is anything like you. Which he is." She said.

"Shouldn't you be watching your pet or something?" Walking past her.

Following him, "He's right behind me. And he's not a pet, for the millionth time."

Looking over his shoulder, "Well, don't you need to be getting back home through that door you mention earlier?"

Shrugging, "I have no home to get back to. Not since I saw my parents murdered outside my home a few years ago."

Cain turned to her, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It was expected. They didn't agree with the church. So they got killed for rebelling against them."

"That sounds a little cold. Like it doesn't matter to you that they are dead."

She looked over at Gobo, who was laying off to the side, then turned her attention back to Cain. "That was their choice. They knew the consequences and I've come to terms with that."

He adjusted his hat. "And you are not at all upset with them in the slightest?"

"Only every day of my life. Come on Gobo let's see what Glitch is up to." Cora called, walking past Cain. Cain watched her ascend the stairs and head to Glitch's office.

Cora sat across the table from Glitch as he explained what he had been working on as Gobo laid by the fire. The door wasn't fully shut, it hung opened just a crack. Cain had quietly stood watching from the crack in the door. Seeing Cora smile occasionally at something that Glitch had said or done. Mostly it was something that he had done, like a trip or fall. Gobo got up and slowly made his way to Cora. Nudging her leg, she bent down to him. Slowly sitting up, she looked to the door, Cain quickly moved away from it. Hoping that she did not see him.

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