Adventures With A Girl And Her Pet

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A week had gone by and Cain had not returned. The Queen had decided to take the family to Central City for some shopping.

Jeb and Cora stood in the back of the store as they tried on dress after dress after dress. Each one seemed like a forever conversation of how it looked.

"I can't believe bodyguard duty entails us to watch them shop." Cora banged her head against the wall.

"Isn't this job so much fun?" Jeb rolled his eyes.

"Like a heart attack." Hitting her head a few more times on the wall. "Have you heard anything from your dad yet?"

He turned sideways and leaned against the wall, "Nothing. He must have been really mad. What did you say to him exactly?"

Cora relayed her conversation she had with Cain, "Then he left slamming the door in his wake."

"I can not believe you put all that together and called my dad on it. That's probably why he got even more upset over what you said than normally. Not many stand their ground like you do or say the stuff you do. He probably felt like he was losing his touch putting fear in people."

Pushing off the wall, "He really hasn't done anything to make me afraid of him. I think he is just a big teddy bear."

Laughing at her, "When you tell him you think of him as a teddy bear, make sure I'm there, please. I so want to see his face when you tell him that."

"I'll do my best."

Hours later, they returned to the castle with two carriages. One with the royal family and the other with everything they had bought for that day.

Cora was sitting on DG's bed while she went through her newly bought clothes. "I don't think you all got enough stuff."

Holding a dress-up to her while she stood in front of the mirror, "I don't really care. It was more of getting to spend time with my mom and AZ. AZ hasn't smiled that much in forever."

Bouncing on the bed, "She needs to get laid."

Tossing the dress on a near by chair, "Not everything is solved by getting laid."

"It sure helps. A long line of guy hookers, one after the other till things look up."

"Let's drop it please, I'm a little uncomfortable talking about my sister like this." Reaching for another garment.

"Dually noted."

Jeb found Cora the next day as she was leaving her room on her way to breakfast.

Taking her wrist, "Come on."

Letting him pull her "For what?"

"I heard the Queen telling the Consort how excited you got when you were in the meetings last time we were here. So I set it up after getting the ok from the Queen to let me show you and Gobo around Central City." He told her.

"Jeb, you don't have to." She said when they reached the front doors.

Pushing through them, "This will be fun. We can see how many people we can scare with Gobo or how long it takes before getting kicked out of a place because of him or us."

Smiling at Gobo, "Don't give me that look. You know you'll have just as much fun as we will."

He snorted descending the stairs. The two friends cheered going the rest of the way down the steps.

Entering their first store, Cora snatched a hat that caught her eye. "How do I look?" Placing it on her head before making some poses.

"You look fabulous." He made a face of disgust before laughing at it.

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