A Thron In The Tin Man's Side

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After her so-called "training" with Cain, she went to find the Queen. Her and Ahamo were going over some paper work.

Popping her head in, "Excuse me, your majesty. What is it you would like me to do? Because as of now, I have no clue."

"You were to train with Cain today and go over what my personal guard will be doing." She answered.

Moving in the room now, "Well, I kind of kicked his butt establishing that I already know how to fight. And being a guard I'm to keep you safe, and the Consort if he is around, from anything that is harmful. Most of it I can't really learn till I actually do this whole protecting thing."

"You make a good point. The Consort and I are almost done here and will be going to lunch with our two daughters. So you may wait in the hall till we are done and then you can escort us to lunch. It seems a little frivolous to do now but it's good practice when we leave the castle for anything."

Bowing, "Yes your majesty."

Cora sat in the hallway, just down the way from the guards and the room the Queen and Ahamo were in. She wanted to be just far enough off so she and Gobo could talk, just them.

"Cain is kind of cute." She confessed.

Gobo let out a little growl, "I figured when you straddled the poor man earlier."

Laughing, "What's wrong with him? He's rugged, a man of few words, he can fight. Not to mention, he looks very yummy with his shirt off in those very tight pants."

"I think you can do better." Gobo rested his head on her leg.

Petting his head, "He is just so, so very cute. Especially when he is irritated."

"Leave the poor guy alone. There is a reason he is who he is."

Looking down at him, "What's that suppose to mean?"

Gobo sat up, "He and his son work here and not one of them have either mentioned Mrs. Cain nor do you ever see her. The two are defiantly uncomfortable when they are in each others company. Like they have spent a significant amount of time apart. Something has happened with that man and he is still hurting. So be careful Cora, he might not be ready for what you want of him."

"I can just take sex. Like he would ever want to date someone so young. He probably would think I'm not mature enough or some stupid excuse like that."

The Queen and Ahamo soon came out. The two moved from their spot and went over to them. As the group disappeared down the hall in the opposite direction where Cora had been sitting, Cain stepped from behind the corner.

The royal family decided to have lunch out by the Gazebo.

Cora and Gobo were over by the lake as part of the lookout. They would walk up and down the bank of the lake. Things had been on more alert since the assassins. They had a bunch more guards on duty. Some were hidden, while some walked around in the open.

Things had mainly calmed down after the witch and the long coats that were still devoted to her were captured and thrown in jail. But they still had a few people who wanted the royal family gone.

Jeb moved next to her, smiling softly at him, "Hey what's up?"

"The Queen has invited you to come sit with them and have lunch," Jeb said.

Looking at the group, "Really?"

Going back over to them, "Yes."

Cora went over sitting next to DG. "Thanks for having me." She said.

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