Dressed To Kill

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Azkedellia and the Queen sat on the balcony to the dining hall. They were snacking on some fruit and visiting, while Jeb and Cora stood in the background.

"I stopped by my dad's room this morning. He wasn't there. Noticed he hadn't been there all night long." Jeb kept himself looking straight ahead.

"That's because he spent the night with me on my porch. We really didn't get far, just kissed."

"You're kidding!" He looked at her.

"We're not you and DG, we do not need to go at it like rabbits."

Jeb looked down at his feet, "We haven't actually done anything but kiss as well."

Cora looked around, "Hold the phones. Why? If you don't mind answering that. The two of you are hot people."

He made sure no one was near to hear, "Don't tell anyone."

Holding up two fingers, "Scouts honor."

"I can't have her if it's her first time if at all. It's not right."

"Why? The Queen and Consort are going to be ok if she is in love with someone who has no title."

Lowering his voice he leaned forward, "I just want to do it right is all."

Keeping her voice low too, "I'm living in a fairy tale. But I highly doubt DG is a virgin coming from the other side and all."

Jeb looked like he couldn't believe what he was hearing, "You really think that?"

"The other side is a completely different world. But don't take my word for it. You do things your way. DG is very lucky to find someone like you."

"You think you can sneak me in a few dances with DG at the costume party?" He gave her a silly grin.

Shaking her head at him, "Sure. I'll even see if I can sneak a mask in for you as well."

When Cora reached her room, a note was stuck to the door. She read it as she went in. "Can you believe this Gobo? Because I am not what Alexander thinks I am he wants your collar back. What a freaking douche." Crumpling the paper up and throwing it in the fireplace.

Climbing on her bed, "You said it yourself the thing was hideous. Give it back to the poor man so he can give it to some sap who'll like it."

Starting a fire, "The guy is a damn Indian giver and he is just going to have to wait. It's back at Finaqua."

Things were slowly coming and the ballroom that was going to hold the party was being decorated ever so beautifully.

Cain and Cora were laying in bed in Cain's room. They were taking things slow. Neither of them planned for it to go at this pace, it just happened that way. The two shared a bed every night taking turns in each other's room. Whatever room they were in Gobo would hide in the bathroom. But they never had sex.

Cora was curled up to Cain as his arms wrapped around her, "The Queen has informed you the entire reason I'm to be Swoosie?"

"The Queen told me that there was someone who wanted to kidnap her and that is why you are her. But she did not tell me that she was pregnant."

Cora sat up, "You haven't said anything. I don't want to give the Queen a reason to behead me or worse throw me in jail."

He moved and kissed her forehead, "She won't do either of that. Probably reprimand and demote you. Worse fire you, but that's it."

Pouting, "What will become of me if I get fired?"

"You'll learn to turn tricks with that silly cat of yours. And make tons of money." Assuring her as he laid back down.

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