Chapter Four.

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Hi guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated anyways here is a SUPER short chapter to help, I'll update twice tomorrow I'm sorry I love you guys~

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated anyways here is a SUPER short chapter to help, I'll update twice tomorrow I'm sorry I love you guys~

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It's been around a month in a half since Jungkook and Taehyung have been roommates.

Taehyung honestly got use to Jungkook, hell he even made Jungkook laugh. Which really shocked Taehyung but still he laughed.

Taehyung was currently sitting across the floor talking to Jungkook, which was really weird since they literally just were like enemies.

"So then I told her that she was cute, and then she literally screamed and ran into a door!" Taehyung yelled laughing. Jungkook laughed really hard smacking the ground with his palm. Taehyung started snorting which made Jungkook laugh harder.

Taehyung wiped his eyes giggling, he looked up at Jungkook who was still laughing. Taehyung smiled before a knock sounded outside. Taehyung stood up walking to the door opening it to find Jimin, Who looked really sad. Jimin walked in before looking at Jungkook.

"Oh your here."

"Uh I live here." Jimin shrugged his shoulders before sitting on Taehyung's bed. Taehyung walked over and sat down beside him.

"It's been a week now Tae, me and Lee are over so please tell her to leave me alone." Jimin whispered fumbling with his fingers.

Although Lee cheated she still felt horrible so everyday she would text Jimin like how she use to and Jimin was getting annoyed. She did this so why is she trying so hard to fix it? When she knew what she was doing in the first place, it makes no since to Jimin.

"I talked to her Jimin, she's really sorry. Why don't you talk to her?" Taehyung spoke, Jimin scoffed before staring at Taehyung, "Are you serious? Tae I understand she's your sister, but she fucked some guy behind my back." Jimin yelled. Jungkook just sat there unamused.

All three of them sat in silence until Jimin stood up, Taehyung stared at him confused until Jimin walked out of the dorm door.

"What the fuck." Taehyung whispered, Jungkook chuckled before shrugging his shoulders.

"Just let him be, he's a dumb fucker anyways." Jungkook mumbled smiling, Taehyung frowned before nodding.

"I guess he can be sometimes, but he's really cool. We've been friends since high school." Jungkook nodded before his phone rung. Jungkook placed the phone to his ear before standing up.

"Um I gotta go." Is all he said before walking out the door. Taehyung sighed before laying down.

"Why the fuck everyone leaving?"


Jungkook slowly walked down the alley checking his surroundings. His breaths were heavy as he felt on edge.

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