Chapter Ten.

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1k? Thank you guys so much! I'm sorry I haven't been posting :( I've not given up!

The sun shined brightly through the window as the two males laid directly by each other sound asleep, it was a Sunday and the two lovers were just sleeping in before the next day

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The sun shined brightly through the window as the two males laid directly by each other sound asleep, it was a Sunday and the two lovers were just sleeping in before the next day.

Jungkook snored softly into the other males shoulder as he slept, Taehyung's eyes fluttered opened as he stared at the sleeping male, a small smile stretching across his face.

He's so pretty, Taehyung thought, a loud buzz filled the room as Taehyung sat up looking over at Jungkook's phone as he still slept. He reached over slowly trying not to wake the other male up, Taehyung successfully grabbed the phone looking at it slowly.

A text message from Hoseok laid there. Taehyung pressed the home button slowly to see the message appear on the screen, he sighed before Jungkook groaned opening his eyes, Taehyung panicked reaching over quickly placing his phone back.

Jungkook sat up his black hair curling from how he slept, he stared at Taehyung a smile forming on his face. Taehyung sighed in relief smiling back.

"Goodmorning." Jungkook whispered, before leaning in a placing a chaste kiss to the other males lips.

He pulled away giggling before moving over and standing up, his fully uncovered body revealing itself, Taehyung bit his lip looking away, Jungkook smirked before walking into the bathroom.

Taehyung hesitated before looking over at Jungkook's phone more messages from Hoseok were there. He sighed before ignoring them and standing up, pulling his boxers on.

He walked over to his phone looking at it to have a missed call from his sister Lee, he rolled his eyes before a knock came from outside.

He looked over walking over to the door opening it, Hoseok stood outside staring at Taehyung before walking in.

"Where is Kook?" He asked, Taehyung pointed towards the bathroom, Hoseok rolled his eyes before walking over opening the bathrooms door, Taehyung's eyes widened before walking over to Hoseok to have him walk into the bathroom shutting the door. Taehyung scoffed before attempting to open the door to see it locked, Taehyung gritted his teeth.

"Open the door." He groaned, Whispers came from behind the door as Taehyung stood there annoyed, the door shortly after opened and Hoseok walked out smiling.

"It was urgent sorry." Hoseok mumbled smiling shyly, Taehyung was not amused as he stared at the other male before walking into the bathroom shutting the door.

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