Chapter Eighteen.

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The Original Chapter Eighteen Is Going To Be Scraped, This Is A New Chapter Eighteen

Taehyung stared at the ground as the sky roared with thunder.

He stared at the small granite tombstone as he looked at his surroundings. The tombstone was engraved with his beloved sister Lee Kim. A tear fell down his face as he sat on the ground feeling the water droplets splash into his hair.

"I miss you so much Lee, this is all my fault." He whispered, he ran his hand up her stone as he cried.

"I'm so sorry, it should've been me Lee. Please forgive me." Taehyung sobbed, a cold hand touched his back as he jumped turning around wiping his eyes.

"Taehyung, this isn't your fault. Stop beating yourself up. Lee never blamed you, she wouldn't ever." The other male said as he stared at the swollen eyed boy.

"I miss her so much Yoongi." Yoongi nodded looking away. "Me too."

Taehyung stood up as it began to pour harder, the two males walked back to Yoongi's vehicle.

The car ride back to Taehyung's house was quiet. It had been 5 months since Lee died, Jungkook's court date kept getting delayed for an unknown reason.

Taehyung switched Universities and decided to move closer back home with his parents. He only lived 30 minutes away from his friends.

Yoongi and him always went to see Lee every Sunday. Taehyung could remember her smile so vividly still.

They never spoke about the incident like it never happened.

"We're here." Yoongi mumbled, Taehyung looked around nodding as he opened the car door.

"Bye Tae." Yoongi whispered, Taehyung froze staring at Yoongi. Taehyung nodded before closing the door hurriedly.

Taehyung walked into his parents house, as he walked upstairs to his room. He entered his room before falling onto his bed.

Tears streamed down his face as he remembered her voice, her smile, everything. When Yoongi called him Tae. He remembered when they were younger.

"Mom said to come inside!" Lee yelled, the young boy turned and looked at her as he rolled his eyes.

"No! Only if  mommy tells me herself!" Taehyung yelled as he crossed his arms. Lee rolled her eyes before walking down the porch steps.

"Taehyung get your ass inside now!" Lee yelled walking up to him, he gasped as he stared at her.

"Bad word! You said bad word! I'm telling!!" Lee's eyes widened as she grabbed his arm pulling him off the swing. He screamed as he fell to the ground.

"Lee stop! That hurt!" He yelled, Lee started smacking him as he screamed.

"You aren't telling mom and dad nothing! Got it?" Lee said, Taehyung nodded quickly before standing up.

Lee laughed as he stared at Lee frowning. "You're so mean." Lee nodded.

"Get over it Tae. I'm your older sister, that's our job." Taehyung frowned before walking up the porch and into the house


Jimin laid in bed as Hoseok rubbed his arm. Jimin sighed as he remembered the night.

"I keep having nightmares. It's the same one." Hoseok looked over at Jimin wrapping his hand around his waist.

"What you went through was terrible, I think you should see a therapist." Jimin shook his head.

"No, I need to get rid of this myself."

"Baby your not going to be able to, you need to get help."

Jimin closed his eyes rolling over facing the wall, Hoseok sighed as he stared at the bare back of his lover.

"I love you Jimin, I don't want you in pain. Ever." Hoseok sat up after whispering those words, he walked into the bathroom shutting the door.

Jimin sighed rolling back over, tears filled his eyes as he stared at the ceiling.

He could never sleep, his eye bags were very visible, it was killing him. He felt as if he should've died that day. He felt like he did die that day.

Hoseok opened the bathroom door as he stared at the crying male, Hoseok frowned walking over and sitting over the bed rubbing Jimin's head. Jimin cried into the bed.

"Why us? Why did he have to kill Lee, he should have just killed me instead!" Hoseok shook his head.

"Don't say that, Jimin you cannot blame yourself. Jungkook did this, you didn't." Jimin sat up crashing into Hoseok's shoulder, his hand gripped his shirt as he cried loudly, Hoseok closed his eyes hugging Jimin. 

Jimin sniffled as he calmed down before pulling away, they made eye contact Hoseok moved in trying to give him a warm kiss but Jimin turned away standing up.

Hoseok sighed looking at the bed. Jimin walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, he opened the fridge grabbing a bottle of water, Hoseok walked into the kitchen.

"Jimin, you need to eat. You've lost so much weight." Jimin shook his head, Hoseok walked closer to the male Jimin backed up'.

Hoseok looked away, "Jimin, I'm not going to hurt you. I love you, I would never." Hoseok whispered, Jimin stared at him tears falling.

"I'm in pain Hoseok, everything hurts. I feel like I am dead! I'm numb. I keep picturing Lee and how bad our relationship was, I should've treated her better." Jimin cried out, Hoseok grabbed Jimin's waist pulling him into a hug.

"Baby no, you know you did nothing wrong. You guys made up remember? Don't beat yourself up over this." Jimin cried into his shoulder as his body shook.

"When we were in the warehouse, she told me something." Jimin whispered, he pulled away from Hoseok as he looked him in his eyes.

"She said, she was sorry. And, that she would always loved me." Jimin whispered, "Then he killed her...." Jimin mumbled, Hoseok frowned looking away. 

Jimin walked back into the bedroom laying back onto the bed, Hoseok followed behind him.

'I love you Jimin." Jimin stared at Hoseok, he smiled. "I love you too." Jimin whispered.

New Chapter Coming Soon

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