Chapter Nine.

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Lee stormed up to the car a annoyed Yoongi following behind, "Lee, why are you so mad?" He mumbled, Lee laughed dryly before turning around facing the black haired boy

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Lee stormed up to the car a annoyed Yoongi following behind, "Lee, why are you so mad?" He mumbled, Lee laughed dryly before turning around facing the black haired boy.

"Jimin saw, Yoongi! Do you know how that makes me feel?" She whispered angry, Yoongi honestly couldn't care less, Lee always complained about how she lost Jimin and how she misses him and he was tired of it.

"Lee just go back to him if you regret being with me so much." Yoongi whispered. Lee rolled her eyes, Yoongi clenched his jaw, she was pissing him off and you could tell by how his facial expression was.

"Lee, I've tried so fucking hard to please you but you're a fucking bitch." He yelled, people near then turned around and stared awkwardly, Lee stood there eyes widened and mouth a gaped.

"You're always talking about Jimin, everything you do surrounds Jimin. Lee be considerate for one fucking time in your dumbass life of yours, think about how I feel!" Yoongi yelled louder on the verge of tears, Lee looked down fumbling with her fingers.

"I wanted to be the one you loved again Lee but I know now, I can't replace him and I never will but this has to stop. I'm sorry Lee but we are done." Lee's head shot up as Yoongi walked to his car getting in a driving off. She sighed before grabbing her hair screaming. People just gave her weird stares.

"Fuck!" She mumbled, before storming off.


The two shirtless boys laid in the bed cuddled up to each other. One ran their fingers through the other's hair as the other hummed quietly.

"I can't believe we just did that." One of the males mumbled, the other chuckled before moving over and pecking the others lips.

"Mm, Jungkook as much as I'd love to fuck you again I just can't, Jimin needs me right now after this whole Lee ordeal." Taehyung whispered. Jungkook's eyes grew dark at the mention of his name.

"But Taehyung we just had sex, you can't just leave right after." Jungkook scoffed, Taehyung frowned before sitting up. "I know and I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll see you back at the dorm okay?" Jungkook ignored him as he grabbed his clothes off the floor pulling them over his pale body.

Taehyung stood up walking over to the boy grabbing his hand to have it yanked away aggressively.

"You're leaving of course, everyone always fucking leaves." He mumbled, Taehyung was confused but he got dressed and walked out with Jungkook behind him.

"I had a amazing time and I like you a lot but Jimin-" Taehyung was cut short by Jungkook bashing his shoulder as he walked by ignoring his words.

Taehyung frowned but nodded nonetheless, he walked out of the home traveling all the way back to the dorms.

Once he arrived he stood in front of Jimin's dorm, he texted him and right after the door swung open and a red eyed Jimin stood there.

"Tae." Is all he whispered before tears streamed down his face. Taehyung sighed before pulling Jimin into his embrace. His cries were muffled in between the others shirt.

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