Meet the teacher

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* I moved up two days *
Victory's P.O.V
"Padre have you seen my socks" I yelled "You have more than one pair of socks how did you lose all of them" he yelled back "I don't know I just did" I said "Did you check the clean laundry bins" he asked "No not yet" I yelled, "I found them" I yelled "Good, get your shoes on" he said "Ok" I yelled "Darling why are you yelling I'm right here" he said softly "Oh, well I'm ready" I told him.

We walked outside and there was a car but no driver "Where's our normal driver" I asked "I'm driving" he smiled "Oh god I'm gonna die" I said "Hey I'm not that bad" he said "Yes you are don't lie to yourself " I told him "Just get in the back and buckle up" he instructed "Sir yes sir" I said.

We drove to the school with out crashing thank God, a lot of confused people probably wondering 'why is Freddie Mercury at a middle school' or something along those lines, I was extremely happy though being able to show off my dad felt amazing I was laughing almost the entire time.

"How many classes are we going to" he asked taking his sunglasses off "Nine" I told him looking at my schedule "Nine, I have to meet nine babbling idiots" he asked "Yep" I smiled "You're lucky I love you" he said "I know" I said back.

I ran into the group in a couple of classes atleast four so that's cool and I ran into Ben and Rami in two separate classes "See any friends besides the normal group" he asked "Not friends but acquaintances " I told him "Well just prepare for some fake friends coming soon" he said "I know, I'll be fine" I told him.

As we were walking around one of the girls that made fun of me last year stopped us in the hall "Wow Victory I didn't know he was your dad, by the way I love that top" she said "Yeah, thanks Kimberly" I said "You know how last year we talked all the time, me and her you couldn't separate us two" she told my dad, he fake laughed "Listen Kimberly was it" he asked "Yes" she smiled "Stay away from daughter you fake ass bitch" he told her.

She looked very confused and angry and I thought it was hallerous "Dad are you nuts" I laughed "I'm sorry dear but she was very annoying and her name was Kimberly" he said "Oh trust me I know she was a total b-word last year" I told him "Darling you can curse in front of me I'll allow it" he said "Nope I'm saving it for high school graduation" I told him.

"Anyway what did she make fun of you for" he asked "Since I couldn't tell people that Freddie Mercury is my father I just never talked about my parents" I told him "And so she thought I never talked about them because they left, and started spreading rumors that they were drug dealers and or addicts and stuff like that" I said "That's horrible dear I'm sorry" he said "It's fine clearly you aren't a drug abuser or dealer" I said "Well I did a lot of cocaine in the 70s but it wasn't too bad not like Bowie I mean" he said "To be fair David was on a diet of three things chillie peppers, milk, and cocaine" I told him "Darling I know" he said "Still" I told him.

Last two classes "Hello I'm Mrs. Smith" the teacher said not looking up "Are you the math teacher" he asked "Yes" she said still not looking up from a list of students "Victory struggles in math, she doesn't pay attention so I need you to make sure that she is" he told her "Do you understand" he asked.

She finally looked up and had a shocked face like she had seen a ghost "Yes my daughter she needs help in math" he said again "Of course Mr. Mercury" she nodded "Great other than her not paying attention she is a great student" he smiled "That's nice to hear, I used to tutor celebrity children and they are very difficult to deal with" she said "Not my Victory" he said tussling my hair "Dad you're doing it again" I told him "Right sorry darling, well it's been nice seeing Mrs. Smith I think it was" he said "Yes it's great meeting you" she said.

"Come on we've got one teacher left history teacher" he said "Correct" I told him, we walked upstairs "Hello you must be Victory and you must be her father" the man said he was very calm about meeting dad which was weird "Wait a minute Dave" dad asked "Yep it's me" my teacher smiled "It's been much too long dear" he said "I know I haven't seen you in years and your band took off" he said "Dad how do you know him" I asked "We were in a band before Smile and Queen of course it didn't work very well so I dropped it" he said.

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