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Victory's P.O.V
I haven't talked to Leila in forever, I haven't even been able to call because I've been so busy with school. We scheduled a sleep over at my house, because her parents don't know about her being bisexual, and since my father is a semi openly gay man we both thought it would be best that it was at my house and she's never met my father before.

"Hello Leila it's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you" dad told her "Thanks I've heard a lot about you too" she smiled "Well then that's out of the way, I don't want any kissing, spooning no touching in general" he told us "No worries" she said "Good, I had Phillip order some pizza for you guys and Ben" he told us "Ben is here, I thought he was spending the night at Daniel's" I said "No I said he couldn't go, his grades are slipping" he said "He better not bother us" I said "Victory dear why don't you show Leila around" dad suggested "Ooo fun" I smiled.

I showed her the library and the piano room. "Your house is awesome" she said "Thank you" I smiled "So what now" she asked "That's it, do you want to watch T.V. in the living room" I asked "Sure" she smiled "Dad are you and Jim going out for dinner" I asked "Yes he's on his way now" he said "Ok, hope you guys have fun" I smiled.

Leila and I snuggled up on the couch and watched M.A.S.H. we were able to watch it because Jim did something so that way we could watch American T.V. along with British T.V. the best of both worlds if you ask me.

Leila was so beautiful she had short dirty blonde hair and was slightly tan (tanner then me, not saying much) she was amazing, smart, sweet and absolutely gorgeous she was the total package "Victory are you alright" she asked "Yes, why" I asked "You're staring" she said "I am" I asked "Yes" she laughed "Oh I guess I'm just smitten by your beauty" I told her "Oh stop, I'm not that pretty" she said.

"Excuse me but you're absolutely gorgeous" I told her "Oh stop it" she said "Never" I smiled "If you would let me I'd shower you gifts because it's everything you deserve" I told her "Really" she asked "You're perfect of course I'd do anything for you" I said "Aw you're the best, I'd do anything for you too" She said hugging me I split us apart and kissed her cheek, and then she kissed me on the lips "You're perfect" she smiled "I'm nothing compared to you" I said "Victory the pizza is here" Phillip told me "Thanks" I said, I got up "Hey where are you going" she asked "I'm going to get Ben, he's probably asleep don't worry" I told her.

I went upstairs and went to Ben's room I knocked lightly on his door "Come in" he said "The pizza's here, yours is in the kitchen" I told him "You get a pizza to yourself" he asked "No Leila and I are sharing" I said "She's here" he asked "Yes, we're having a sleep over" I smiled "Ok, well put it in the fridge I'll eat it tomorrow" he said "Ok good night" I said. I walked back downstairs "Well he's going to bed" I said.

We went into the kitchen and grabbed our pizza and brought it into the living room "So how was your day" I asked "Good, even better now" she smiled "That's good, my day has been the same" I said.

We ate our pizza and continued watching T.V. well she did I was just staring at her she was so pretty, "Victory" she said "What" I asked "You're staring again" she said "Sorry" I mumbled, I turned to the T.V. and she cuddled close to me "It's so cold" she said "We can go to my room, it's warmer in there" I told her "What would we do in there" she asked "Talk, I don't know we'll figure it out when we get up there" I said "Ok" she shrugged.

We went upstairs, I turned my fan off and we sat on my bed "Do you want to listen to some music" I asked her "Sure, what do you have" she asked "I've got Queen obviously, Elton John, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, and Prince" I paused "And a couple others" I said added "Do you have anything by the sex pistols" she asked and I bursted out laughing "What" she asked "No, we don't allow trash in the house" I said "They aren't trash, I like them a lot" she said "Why, Sid vicious is horrible" I said "No he isn't" she said.

"Have you even met him" I asked "No" she said "Well I have, and he's horrible" I said "How" she asked "Well first off he's called my dad a number of gay slurs, second he's incredibly weak" I said "It took one punch and he started bleeding" I said "Your father punched him" she asked "No, I did" I said "Why" she asked "He called dad a fag" I told her.

"When was this" she asked "Just before school started" I said "Why didn't I hear about it" she asked "We kept it quiet" I smiled "How many fights have you guys kept quiet" she asked "Well there that small thing with Kimberly and then the big fight with Duncan" I said "Wow" she said "I know it's a lot, I can be very violent at times but I promise I'll never lay a finger on you" I told her "Oh that's disappointing" she said "What" I asked "I wouldn't mind you touching me" she said, I opened my mouth to say something but my mind couldn't form a sentence "Close your mouth flies will go in it" she smiled, I did and she pulled me close to her and kissed me.

I kissed back immediately and since I'm taller then her she was on her toes so I picked her slightly and then Jim came into the room "Oh...uh...I apologize" he said leaving quickly "Oh shit" I said "Oh no, are you going to get in trouble" she asked "I guess we're about to find out" I said.

Freddie's P.O.V
"Are the girls awake" I asked Jim "Oh they're definitely awake" he laughed "What's that supposed to mean" I asked "They were just making out" he said "What" I exclaimed "Victory" I shouted.

"Yes" she asked while coming downstairs "What did I say before I left" I asked "I love you" she said "Don't be a smart ass" I told her "I said no touching and what did you do" I asked and she didn't say anything "What did you do" I asked but louder this time "I kissed her" she mumbled "No what did you do" I asked "I just told you" she said "No, I know damn well you guys were doing then kissing" I told her "Fine we were making out a little, it's nothing compared to what you and Jim have done" she said.

"Jim and I are adults" I said "Ok but we weren't even doing anything, we were just kissing it wasn't like we were about wrip off our clothes" she exclaimed "Don't raise your voice to me" I told her she looked furious "Leila" she shouted "Yes" she asked all innocent "Come here please" Victory said also sounding all innocent, Leila walked up next to her Victory grabbed her and smashed her lips against Leilas and then Victory broke away from her "That is all we were doing, you are just overreacting" she said.

I watched in horror why was she so good at kissing who the hell taught her that "Victory....I....what" I asked "I think what Freddie means is...explain" Jim said "Yes that" I said "I did Leila dear you can go back to my room if you'd like" she said but Leila didn't say anything I think she was also a bit shocked about the kiss "Just both of you go before I have a heart attack" I told them.

Victory's P.O.V
"I think I just won that" I said "I'm still shook over that kiss" Leila said "We could do it again if you'd like" I smiled "No I already got you in trouble" she said "No you didn't I knew he said no touching I just chose not to listen" I told her "You sly dog you" she smiled "I know" I said, she leaned in for a kiss and then moved her head just before our lips touched "I'm going to go change" she grinned "Why" I asked "To tease you of course" she said "Well stop it" I told her.

She came into my room wearing her pjs and I was wearing mine too "I'm so tired" she said "Me too" I told her "Well where am I sleeping" she asked "I'll sleep on the floor you can have the bed" I said "I'm not taking your bed" she said "Well you're not sleeping on the floor" I told her "I guess we'll just both have to sleep on the bed" she said "I guess so" I said. I let her have the side next to the wall so that way there was no chance of me kicking her off on accident "Good night" I said "Good night" she said and kissed my cheek.

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