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Victory's P.O.V
I'm finally not the new girl anymore, and I'm not the only girl in math now (and I got my cast removed). The new girls name is Colby and she's got a very edgy style even in uniform (she also doesn't wear stockings).

"Guys this is Colby, tell us something about yourself" the teacher said "I don't want to be here" she said "Get used to it" I mumbled "Right, well just take a seat with Victory" he said "Who's Victory" she asked "The one with her feet on the table" he said and I removed my feet.

She sat next to me and thankfully didn't try making conversation because low key I don't want to talk to anyone. Math class was boring David didn't give my pencil back I expected that though, I checked in at the office, gave some papers to the gym class and saw Ben, we joked around for a bit and then I left.

I went to the music room and the lights were turned on and Mr. De Vries was talking to some girl, I knocked on the wall to get his attention "Oh Victory" he said "That's me" I said "Nice to see you without a cast" he said "Yeah" I said "This is Colby, she's my new prodigy" he said "How do you know her" I asked "I met with her before class, she broke into the room like you did" he said.

"I didn't brake in I was deleveraging papers" I told him "Right well Colby is replacing you" he said, I had a big bright smiled on my face "This is great" I said "What, you're not upset" he asked "Of course not" I said.

I walked out of the music room a new woman, this was great I hated those classes now I could go hang out with Ben in his class for the period or mess with David in his class.

I walked in the hall and Colby stopped me "How did you get out of class" I asked "I said I needed to use the restroom, why were you so excited to leave" she asked "I hate his class, I'm not even in it" I told her "He asked me to go for free periods and when I said no he had the office do it" I said "Oh ok" she said "You wanted to be in his class" I asked "Yes, but I don't have it I only have art" she said.

"You must have a reading class then" I said "Yes" she said "Ok well I'll let you do whatever you were doing" she said, I walked around school just chilling out and vibing until a teacher asked where I was supposed to be, I told them I was in office aid and that they said I could walk around, she didn't believe me but thankfully the bell wrang so I ran off to my next class.

Lunch came around and I saw dad talking to Ben "Hey padre what are you doing here" I asked "I thought it be fun if I ate lunch with you guys" he said "You got in fight with Brian didn't you" I asked "Yes" he sighed "Knew it" Ben said "I could just leave" he said "Would you take us with you" I asked "No you two miss enough school as is" he said "Well then lunch it is" I smiled.

"So Colby replaced you" Ben asked "Yes thank god" I said "No more piano classes" dad asked "Nope a new prodigy came in so I don't have to go anymore" I said "How was your day" dad asked me "Is anyone going to ask me about my day" Ben asked "I always ask how your day is" I told him "Well he never does" Ben said "Beg your pardon" dad asked.

"You always pay attention to Victory just because she's crazy, maybe if I started throwing coca cola bottles threw your window you'd pay more attention" Ben said "Ben dear" Dad said "I know I'm adopted and everything but I didn't ask to have an alcoholic father" he said and left the cafeteria. I'm shook he just told dad off at school there are eyes of course "Well why are you still sitting here go comfort him" I told dad.

Ben's P.O.V
He never pays attention to me, the last time he did was because I was low key dying. He never comes to my games, never says good job, he wasn't even interested when I told him I wanted to do boxing, and then when I did start boxing he never comes to any of my matches.

Victory has come to more matches and she doesn't even understand the sport. He shows Victory so much attention just because she could kill herself and everyone around her, maybe if I was batshit he'd show me attention "Ben dear what's the matter" he asked "You never pay attention to me" I told him "Of course I do" he said "What two sports am I in" I asked him "Football and boxing" he said "If you know how come you never come to my games" I asked

"I'm busy, we've got that concert in July and it's getting closer" he said "When Victory was forced to go into tutoring you came by, you care more about Jim then me" I told him "Every time you guys have a date, it's when I have game or a match and then Roger has to give me ride" I added.

"He congratulates me when I win, he does all the shit that you should do" I told him, he didn't say anything "We'll talk more when you come home" he said "Yeah fucking walk away stupid prick" I told him.

Roger was being a better father then he was, MY dad was a better dad then he was, I know he adopted me and that's cool, paid for my education, clothes and food, he fucking yelled at me when I left Victory alone after she kicked everyone out.

School was over I was not looking forward to going home especially since I called him a prick, my dad would've beaten me up (maybe my dad wasn't better but still the principle). The car ride home was silent, he glared at me through the window but I ignored him and kept looking through my window.

We got home unfortunately "Victory go to your room" he told her "But" she said "Now" he demanded and she went upstairs but I saw her sit at the top of the stairs to watch "Ben" he said "Dad" I said "I adopted you from your parents, I give you money and expensive gifts, I put you in one the best private schools in the country" he said but I stopped him "Giving me things doesn't mean you give me attention" I told him.

"I don't know what you want from me, I give you so much but apparently it's not enough" he exclaimed "Gee I don't know maybe say "Ben I love you and I'm proud of you" I joined boxing so we'd have stuff in common but I guess it didn't matter because you've never seen me fight, Victory comes to my football games more then you do" I yelled.

"You give Victory more attention just because she's crazy" I added "Victory isn't crazy" he said "Are you fucking stupid, she beat up a 15 year old right where you're standing, our door has cuts in it from when she threw glass bottles at it" I told him "She's got anger issues she isn't crazy" he said "I'm glad you like lying to yourself" I told him.

"Ben why did you even bring her up" he asked "Because you give her attention and you give me nothing" I said "Because she needs it" he said "And I don't" I asked, "I'm done talking" I told him "No you're not" he said "Yes I am" I said and walked upstairs.

I sat in my room resisting the urge to break literally everything in the room, and then Victory came in "Are you ok" she asked "Yes" I said "I'm sorry you don't attention from padre" she said "It's not your fault" I told her "Do you really think I'm crazy" she asked "No...I think you're batshit" I laughed and she did too

Victory and I were playing some board game when dad came into the room "Hello lovies" he said "Hey" I said "I'm sorry for not giving you the proper attention you deserve, I should've seen this" he said "I'm also sorry about your games and matches I'm not as interested in sports and it's hard having a straight son" he added "It's alright" I said "It's not alright, I shouldn't make date nights on your game nights and then have Roger pick you up" he said.

"Padre it's alright, I overreacted" I told him " No I'm sorry" he said and picked me up from the floor and hugged me, this surprised me because I'm almost as tall as him "You can put me down now" I suggested. He put me down and asked about my trophies and metals. I had a lot of them because I'm amazing.

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