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Victory's P.O.V
Joe left, but we left on good terms and not me kicking him out, everyone accepted my apology and Leila was more than happy for me to come over to her house. Ben accepted my apology and said he was sorry for leaving me. It sucks cause that all happened yesterday Sunday and now I have to go back to that horrible school, well it's not that bad it's just I'd rather be with my friends and there's a lot of hot people there but I'm in a committed relationship with Leila, I wonder if this is what dad feels like?

I didn't put up a fight this time. I put on my dumb button up shirt with my dumb tie and dumb skirt and my boots well not boots but yeah. I still didn't put stockings on though. I looked in the mirror and realized that I looked like Roger in drag "Oh my god" I said to myself.

I walked downstairs to show dad "guess what" I said "What" dad asked "I look like Lizzie" I told him "Who's Lizzie" he asked "Ugh Rogerina" I said "....Oh my god you do" he exclaimed "I don't know whither to be happy or not" I said "Ben hurry up" dad yelled "I'm coming" he said and trudged downstairs "Ew you look dead" I said "Are you alright" dad asked "I'm alright" he said "Are you sure" I asked "I'm fine let's just go to school" he said.

He was sweating a lot and it was freezing out "Ben if you change your mind, just go to the nurse and I'll come and get you" dad told him "Ok"he said and got out of the car "Take care of him" dad told me "Got it" I said, I got out of the car and ushered Ben into the school "I'm fine Victory, really" he said "No padre said I have to take care of you" I said "I will carry you to first period if I have to" I added "Victory I'm fine, it's just a cold" he said "But you're burning up" I said "If I still feel like shit by lunch I'll go home" he said "Shake on it" I asked, we shook hands and walked to our first periods.

"Ok hand me the homework from Friday" the teacher said "We had homework" I asked "Yes, but it's ok if you didn't do it you're new" he told me "Oh thank god" I said "That's not fair" David interjected "Well life isn't fair" I told him "For us maybe but life is in line for you" he said "Um excuse you, I have nothing aligned for me" I told him "Ok damn chill" he said holding his arms up "Bitch ass" I mumbled.

I work office aid now because there is no shop class here. I was instructed to bring a bunch of papers to the music room or choir room what ever they call it here. I walked into the room and it was empty not even the teacher was there, so naturally I decided to tickle the keys of the piano they had there. I only knew a couple things like Bohemian Rhapsody and others but I was mainly taught songs that dad knew which was a lot but I was more interested in his music. I actually didn't even do Bohemian Rhapsody I did Seven seas of Rhye instead, which is more complex if you ask me but I could do it I made sure of that.

Suddenly the lights were flipped on, because the only thing I was going off of was a lamp but anyway the lights were flipped on and I saw the music teacher clapping slowly "Amazing" he smiled "Oh uh glad you're here I was told to give you these papers" I said getting up "Who taught you" he asked "My dad" I said "Figured" he said "Yeah well I'll be on my way now" I said "You should come back for tutoring" he said "I'm not in the class" I told him "That's alright, you've got great talent" he said "Well thanks but I'm ok" I said and left.

It was lunch time and Ben was sitting at the end of a table waiting for me "Hey, I'll save your seat you can go get a tray" I told him "Oh..oh yeah" he mumbled, he looked absolutely dreadful, he got up and fell to the ground "Ben" I said and he didn't respond, he was passed out on the ground "Ben wake up" I told him, I was holding him up.

There was a crowd around us "Someone get a damn teacher" I yelled "Ben wake up" I said again, he was burning up. A teacher finally came and took him to the nurse coincidently it was the music teacher. I sat at lunch worried as hell they wouldn't let me go to see Ben for whatever reason, I was bothered with questions from people who didn't even know us "Shut the hell up, I'm just as confused as you" I eventually yelled and that made the crowd go silent.

I sat at the table alone waiting for a teacher to tell me any news "Are you alright" David asked me "I'm fine" I said hoping he'd go away but he didn't "What happened" he asked "I don't know" I said "How do you not know you were right next to him" he asked "Go away please I don't want to talk" I told him "Fine be alone" he said and I rolled my eyes. I assume dad picked Ben up.

*A few hours later*
School was over, I walked outside to see Brian instead of dad "Hey" I said "Hey, Freddie asked me to pick you up" he said "How's Ben" I asked "He's...alright" he said "Why was there a pause is he ok" I asked "He's fine, he's just got a really high temperature" he told me "Is he home or the hospital" I asked "Currently the hospital, he's got a bad case if the flu" he said "But can't you die from that" I asked "Yes...but I'm sure Ben is fine" he said.

He drove me home "Hey are you alright being home alone" he asked "Oh yeah I should be fine" I told him "Ok, I'm going to go but if you need anything call" he said. I walked inside the house and cleaned up the place because Ben had the flu and I don't want it and I'm pretty sure dad doesn't either. I replaced his toothbrush and loofah, his bed sheets and covers. While doing all of this I was wearing gloves and a mask with my hair tied back. I finished cleaning and was really bored, I fed that cats and Roxy, there wasn't much to do so decided to play the piano that's how bored I was.

I was in the middle of playing when dad walked in "Hey love, Ben is alright he's in his room, if you're going to go in there wear a mask" he told me "Ok" I said "When did you get into the piano" he asked "Recently, I walked into the music room at school and played a bit, the teacher thinks I have potential but I don't have much talent when it comes to it" I told him "Oh don't be ridicules, you're great if I had taught you to actually play the piano not just our songs you'd be even better" he said.

"Yeah but anyway how is Ben" I asked "He's alright, the doctor gave him some medicine to help, his fever should hopefully go down in the next couple of days" he said "Why did he pass out" I asked "The heat" he said "Ok, but he's better now right like he isn't at the risk of still dying " I asked "I don't know sweetheart" he said "What do you mean you don't know" I asked "It means I don't know, it all depends, all we can do is pray" he said.

I took his advice on praying, dad had his own way of praying he believed in a different thing then I did, one of the things that the surrogate said had to happen if she were to have me was I had to be raised a Christian and dad agreed, I never go to church I've never even read the bible but I do believe in God and that we go somewhere when we die, dad respects that and I respect his religion too.

I really wanted to check on Ben, I put on a mask and gently tapped his door "Come in" he said "Hey" I said "Hey" he smiled "How are you feeling" I asked "Eh" he said "How's your head you fell pretty hard" I said "It's fine, are you ok" he asked "Don't ask how I am I'm not the one who could die" I told him "I'm not going to die, calm down" he said "It's just scary" I told him "Everything is going to be fine, all I gotta do is pop these pills and I'll be better" he said "Ok, well I'm gonna go do you want anything" I asked "Some soup" he said "Got it" I said "Oh thank you kindly" he smiled. I made his soup, he still looked very pale and dead but I pray to God this flu goes away because he could be in serious danger.

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