Life of Leila

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Leilas P.O.V.
"Thank you for having me over, I hope I can come over again" I said to her father "We'll see, depends if Victory can keep her hands off you" he said.

Her father drove me home it was just me and him, Victory had to stay due to her homework not being done
"So when did you start liking Victory" he asked "As soon as I saw her, she's amazing" I smiled "But she was dating Joe" he said "Well yeah I knew I shouldn't have kissed her but I had to" I said "Why" he asked "It was killing me, I had to be with her" I told him "So you didn't care that she was with Joe" he asked "Well I mean, I told her she didn't have to like me or date me, I told her that I was bi and that I was single" I said "But you kissed her" he said.

"Yes after I told her I was bi, I think it's kinda funny we were in a closet" I laughed a bit "Did you not care that she was straight" he asked "Well I didn't know, I thought she was bi too, and she is obviously, she's told me that she had been questioning it for awhile" I told him "Really" he asked "Yeah she thought that she had to be at first and then she thought that she should just do her but she knew she was attracted to girls" I told him.

"Oh I probably shouldn't tell you this, if you didn't know" I said "Don't worry" he said "So what do you mean she thought she had to be" he asked "I don't know" I said "Interesting" he said "When did you know you were gay" I asked "I don't know, some time when I was in private school" he said "When did you know" he asked "I'm in the 8th grade so probably 5th or 6th grade I think" I said "That's young how do you know you're bi" he asked "Uh....just stuff" I said, I don't think he should know I've had sex with a girl before not Victory but a different girl.

"Oh dear" he mumbled "How old are you" he asked "14, same age as Victory" I told him "Who kissed first yesterday you or her" he asked, I laughed nervously "Which time" I asked "What" he asked "Well we kissed while watching T.V. just a small peck, and then when you and your husband came home is also when we were kissing" I told him "Oh Jim isn't my husband, and why do you keep kissing my daughter" he asked "I like her" I shrugged.

"Well just do less kissing" he told me "Did you teach her how to kiss" he asked "No I thought Joe did" I said "No they never kissed much" he said  "Maybe she just knew" I added "Makes sence I did too" he said "Oh I forgot who you were for a second" I said "What" he asked "I've been seeing you as Victory's dad, I forgot you were Freddie Mercury" I laughed "I'm a big fan" I added "Well thank you" he said.

"I'll have to give away all my sex pistol albums" I said "Why" he asked "well Victory told me all about Sid" I told him "Ron't let her alter your music taste, she's naive" he said "Do you like their music" I asked "Oh no they're garbage, but it's not because of Simon" he said "Simon" I asked "I call him Simon, it pisses him off" he laughed "You and Victory are literally the same" I told him "Good thing, I'm amazing" he said.

"Well we're here" he said "Thanks, have a good day" I told him. I knocked on my door "Hello Leila, who is that dropping you off" my mom asked "Oh just Victory's dad" I said "I don't like it, he's got a weird mustache" she said "Don't be so judgy" I told her "Oh shut up" she said "Dillian get in here" my mom yelled for my father "Is her father gay" he asked "I think so, why does it matter" I asked "You know why it matters, now go take a shower you've got cat hair all over you" she told me.

I took a shower and sat in my room, I really didn't want to talk to my parents. They're homophobic, I can't listen to any music by any gay singers, I can't wear clothing that would insinuate that I was gay, which sucks because I prefer wearing guy clothes I don't want to be a boy I just like their clothes but if I even cross my legs like a guy they ask if I'm a dyke.

I think they'd rather me spend the night at a boys house then a girls, that's why I told them I was spending the night at Victory's but that she has a boyfriend, I told them I have one too, but that he can't meet them because his parents don't know.

"So how was your friends house" my mother asked "It was great, they get American T.V." I told them "Why do you like America so much" my dad asked "They've got better laws and more rights for people" I said "Why do care about politics" mom asked me "I don't I'm just saying it must be nice" I said "What was the man's name who dropped you off" my dad asked "Freddie" I said "Last name" he asked "I can't tell you" I said "Why" he asked "Victory and her dad asked me not to" I told them.

"Why it's not like he's Freddie Mercury" my mom laughed "Could you believe that" my dad said laughing with her "Leila why aren't you laughing" she asked "Because it's not funny" I said "It was him wasn't it, that mustache" my mom said "Why does it matter if it was Freddie Mercury" I asked "Because he's a gay, and that's against the christian way of life" my father said "There are plenty of christians ok with gays and there are plenty of gay christians" I told them.

"You can't be serious" my mother asked "I am, how could you guys be so old fashioned" I said "Every one is experimenting" I told them "Leila, you aren't gay are you" my mother asked, I didn't know what to do "Maybe I am, if I said I was would you not love me anymore, would you throw me out on the streets and leave me to die" I shouted, I hated that they were so stupid and old fashioned, I'm not saying everyone was ok with it but most people are "Well would you throw me out" I asked again "YES" my father shouted.

"Mom will you throw me out" I asked "I...Dillian we can't she's our only child" my mom said "Well I don't want her in the house, imagine what the neighbors would think" he said "Imagine what they would think if we kicked her out" my mother said, my dad looked furious "She can stay, but she is not my daughter anymore" he said and left the house.

"Thank you mom" I said hugging her "You're welcome, I'm sorry I had no idea" she said "I won't say anything bad about culture again" she said "Oh thank you mom" I said. Dad has been gone for hours, probably drinking.

He's got a problem but he's never hit me or my mother he doesn't even shout really but he's definitely got a problem, I'm just scared of what he'll do know, I'm glad mother is going to try, she's even going to get me Elton John albums which is funny, she's heard his music before it come on the radio and when I told her about him she asked me not to tell dad.

She wasn't horrible when it came to stuff like that but dad was not the happiest. That's why he acted like this, he was nice to everyone really didn't matter about race or gender, maybe I can explain to him that gays are the same as regular people.

"Victory guess what" I told her "What" she asked "My parents know I'm gay" I told her "That's great how did they take it" she asked "My dad left the house and said I wasn't his daughter but my mom said she'd try to be better about it" I told her "Oh I'm sorry about your father, but it's good about your mother" she said "Yeah, how is your homework doing" I asked "It's there, could you call me back I'll call you when I'm finished" she said "ok, bye" I said, she said bye too and hung up, I hate that she had to go to that damn private school.

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