New Girl

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Victorys P.O.V
A new girl came in three weeks ago, and we immediately clicked she is funny and smart and not to mention beautiful, she makes me feel different is how I can describe it. I've only ever felt this one other time when I first met Lucy but the feeling quickly left when I met Joe and Gwylim.

*Early in the morning*
"Guys it's raining" dad told us "Damn it" Ben exclaimed "What" I asked "Our football game is canceled now it's pouring" he told us, we were sitting down for breakfast.

Peter couldn't make it cause the weather so we had cereal "Well I'm sorry" dad said "Hey could you come to the next one" he asked dad, he knew I didn't have an athletic bone in my body "Of course" dad said "You know when I was in school, I played every sport they offered, especially boxing I was amazing" he told Ben "Boxing eh" Ben asked "Yes" dad said so proud of himself. "Well let's get going" dad told us.We quickly ran out to the car it was pouring just that little time we were outside we got soaked.

We got to school alive some how and we ran inside and sat with the group and the new girl Leila was there "I'm freezing" I told them I only had my wind breaker on "Want my jacket" Leila and Joe asked at the same time "No it's fine" I said and sat in between them.

*Two hours later*
I was in art and I actually had Leila in my class and she's really good "Victory and Leila could you guys run an errand for me" the teacher asked we both nodded yes, she needed things in the supply closet downstairs.

"Victory I have to tell you something" she said turning the supply closet light on "What up" I  asked "I'm..I'm bisexual" she told me "Cool, mad respect" I said and then there was a crash of lighting and a huge boom of thunder and the power went out. I could hear the sixth graders screaming "You good" I asked her "Yeah" she said.

The lights came back on and Leila pulled me so I was facing her and she kissed me and I did the worst thing I could possibly do...I kissed back. I pulled away after I realized what I was doing "Oh God" I said "What" she asked.

"I'm dating Joe he's going to be so heart broken" I told her "Hey it's ok, I made the first move" she said "But I kissed back, I ran my hands through your hair for fucks sake" I said I was freaking out one I'm bi apparently low key knew that already but I'm dating Joe he'll be heart broken "Victory it's ok" she said hugging me, she smelled amazing and don't even get me started on the kiss.

We walked back to class with the paint the teacher needed "Victory, I really like you I know you're dating Joe but just know I'm single" she told me. Lunch was awkward because Joe knew something was wrong but obviously I can't tell him hey I'm bi and I kissed a girl and liked it.

I saw Leila a couple more times throughout the day it wasn't awkward it was as if we knew each other for years and like we'd already been dating "You're beautiful you know that" she asked "I'm not but ok" I smiled "Oh stop it" she said "You're the pretty one" I told her and she blushed, we were sitting next to each other and I saw her open her hand and put it next to my leg with my other hand I held hers and she smiled "You're hands are freezing" she laughed "I know" I said and we held hands for the rest of class.

The whole day I forgot about Joe and I felt horrible but I really liked Leila I don't know how I'm going to explain this to him or when. Dad picked us up and it was a silent car drive the only noise was the rain hitting the car, it felt awkward to me but I'm sure they enjoyed the quiet.

*Later at home*
We got home and I sat in my room thinking about what to do, do I break up with Joe to date Leila and brake his heart or keep dating Joe and lying to myself like I have been all my life or break it off but not dating any one. I hated this why did she have to kiss me, why did she have to like me. Why am I even thinking about this I love Joe I'm staying with him and it's final.

It was dinner time I made dinner because Peter still couldn't make it, it was a real storm out there "Victory where is the ring Joe gave you" Ben asked "What do you mean I have it o-where did it go" I asked "Is it In the kitchen "Dad asked, I rushed in and it wasn't there, I ran upstairs to look in my room along with Ben and dads room no sign of it "Where is it" I yelled from upstairs I completely emptied my backpack.

I couldn't find it anywhere "Dad where are the keys" I asked "Victory you can't go outside it's pouring" he said but I already found them and closed the door.

It was pouring there was thunder and lightning but unlike the song it was not very very frightening because I was going to find my ring. It wasn't in the car I searched the yard and found it, it was covered in mud but I could easily clean it off.

I walked back inside drenched and dripping wet and now for sure I had a cold of some sort "Victory are you insane, you did all that for a ring" dad yelled "It isn't just any ring" I told him "Right it's from Joe it's always Joe with you" he said.

He had a point but who cares "Let me feel your forehead" he said "Good grief you're burning up already, go change your clothes" he said. I took my shoes off so I wouldn't track mud on the carpet, I did leave a trail of water droplets all the way to my room though.

I was freezing, dad had Ben bring me extra blankets "You're staying home you have a fever" dad told me "Sorry" I said "It's fine just remember something" he said "What" I asked "Love kills" he said and got up to leave my room. What kind of message was that "love kills" completely useless.

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