Joe is Leaving

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Joes P.O.V.
During the summer I sent out a recording of myself to some movie producers for a movie called Jurasic Park. I got the part which is great I play a younger character but I'll make it work I have a baby face the only thing is I'm not sure how to tell Victory especially with her birthday coming up so soon well a week and some days. I'm so nervous I don't know if she'll be happy or not. I gotta tell her though.

Victorys P.O.V
I had a rough sleep last night but I'm going to try to have a good day still, Joe has been stressed about something recently and I'm not sure what it is he won't tell me but every one else knows even dad knows and he doesn't even like Joe that much anymore.

"Hey do I have to go to school today" I asked padre "It's only the second week of school" he said "On the third day of school I marked my calendar for the last day it's called the end of school bitches"" I told him "Language also no you're going" he said "Why we aren't doing anything today" I said "No you're going I have work to do at the studio" he said "So, I'm 13 I've been alone in a house before" I said I knew I was getting a bit testy but now I wanted a solid reason "I said you're going and that's final" he said sternly "But why" I asked again "Because Joe is telling you that he's going to America today" he blurted out.

"What" I asked "During the summer apparently he sent out a video of him acting or whatever and the producers liked it so he was casted and he's leaving soon before your birthday" he explained "And you knew and didn't tell me" I asked "Yes it's not my thing to tell but here we are" he said getting up from his seat and cleaning off the counter.

I ran upstairs and called everyone except Joe and they all knew and decided not to tell me "Victory are you good" Ben asked "Did you know about Joe leaving" I asked "Whatt no...yeah I did" he said I turned to my window opened it, yanked out my phone from the wall and chucked it out of the window "Are you mad" Ben asked "Yes" I said and slammed the door closed.

I took a moment to collect myself not wanting to return to my old ways of destroying everything over something so small. I walked out of my room "Victory why did you throw your phone out of the window" dad asked me calmly "I had some temporary rage but I'm...ok now I'll buy my new phone this weekend or something" I told him "Ok...Ben we're leaving hurry up" dad yelled, I walked out of the house and got into the car and waited for dad and Ben, they came outside soon after.

"Alright who is ready for a fun day of school" dad asked "I am, foot ball try outs are today" Ben said "Victory darling are you ok, you've been very quiet" he said "I'm fine, today will be interesting" I said. We finally got to school "Ok bye lovies, Victory don't hurt anyone" dad said "Bye" I said.

As soon as I stepped out of the car I was bombarded by the group with apologizies "Guys it's fine" I told them "I was upset of course but I'm fine now" I added "I should've told you I'm so sorry" Lucy said hugging me I pushed her off gently "It's fine where is Joe" I asked and then Joe walked over gingerly clearly he didn't know that I knew.

"Hey guy's...what's up every one good" he asked "What's the movie called" I asked "What movie" he asked "Yhe movie you're going to be in" I said "Ohhhh...oh.....which one of you piss flaps told her" he asked angrily "Dad when I asked him why I couldn't stay home today" I told him "I'm really sorry I was going to tell you today" he said "I know dad said you were going to" I said "Can we speak privately" he asked.

"Yes" I answered, we walked out to the field, dead in the center "Are you mad at me" he asked "I was at first but now I'm not" I told him "I'm still sorry" he said "Ok" I said simply "What's the movie called" I asked again "I can't tell too many people but it's called Jurrasic Park" he said "Where in America are you filming" I asked "I think Hawaii" he said.

"Sounds fun, when do you leave" I asked this was the number one question on my mind "Funny story either today or tomorrow" he said and then it looked like he started flinching as if I was going to hit him even though I've never hit him "I'm not going to hit you, I wish you didn't have to leave so soon, I'm going to miss your birthday" I told him "That's what you're upset about my birthday" he asked "Yes, I'm also upset that you didn't tell me as soon as you found out how long have you known" I asked.

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