All is well

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Victory's P.O.V
Every one seems very happy, Ben is with us and has Roxy now, padre is practically finished with his album now, Lucy and Rami are happy, Gwilym and Joe are still a bit anxious of who I like better but atleast they aren't mad at each other anymore, every one is happy and you'd think that it would make me happy because I care so much about all of them but I envy their happiness it makes me sick but it's true.

I don't know why I'm not happy I've got it all and school will be starting soon so I'm excited but just not happy, everyone thinks I've gotten better with the therapy but I haven't the therapist is an idiot and keeps asking the same thing "Why" but if I knew "Why" I wouldn't need to see a therapist and I'd solve it myself.

Thankfully I've been able to fake my happiness so well that he thinks I don't need therapy any more. "Victory darling come here" dad called I slumped out of bed and slowly walked to the living room where him and the others were.

"Victory, summer is almost over and so we have to do one more thing as a family" he said and paused "So we can either go to a water park or to a zoo" he told me "How about neither" I said "What" he asked "I don't feel like doing anything I just want to stay in my room" I told him "Why" he asked "If I hear one more person ask "Why" I'm going to blow my brains out" I snapped.

"Victory where is this coming from" he asked "Nothing it's nothing I'm going back to my room don't bother me, do your family stuff with them and leave me out of it" I told him, I ran up stairs and locked myself in my room.

Freddie's P.O.V
"What the fuck just happened" I asked myself "I thought you said she was going to therapy" Brian asked "She was, therapist said she was doing better" I told them "Clearly" Roger sarcastically said earning a slap on the back of his head by John "Ben did you know anything" I asked "I'm just as shocked as you are, she seemed fine" he said "I suppose the other's don't know either" I asked "If I didn't know her own "Brother" then they didn't either probably" he said.

"Guy's I'm gonna have to reschedule this whole family event thing " I told them "It's fine Fred we'll see you tomorrow at the meeting" Brian asked "Yes hopefully" I said.

The guys left Victory was still locked in her room "I'm gonna go to my room" Ben said "Ok" I told him, I'm so worried about Victory I should've seen it in her eyes, that's where she shows all of her emotions there but I couldn't see it "Victory" I said at her door "I said don't bother me" she answered "I know but I just wanted to say I'm here if you want to talk and so are your friends and your brother" I told her "I don't have a brother" she said "Um Ben" I said.

"Right yeah well I'll keep that in mind go away " she said "Ok, I love you dear" I told her "I know...I love you too" she said, poor Victory I really don't know what's happening she won't open up at all and it's hurting her and her family. After a while Victory came out of her room and I heard pots and pans clanging in the kitchen "What are you doing" I asked "Feeding you guys" I answered "You don't have to make dinner" I told her "No it's fine" she said.

Victory's P.O.V
A little while later I made dinner and made their plates and put them on the table and made some tea "Guys dinner is ready" I shouted "Thank you dear, you didn't have to do it tonight though" dad said "No it's fine, it's my apology for earlier" I told him "Ok dear, where is Ben" he asked "Not sure I'll go get him" I said.

I walked upstairs and heard Ben talking "Oh yeah, look at me" he said I knocked on his door but he didn't hear me I guess, I slowly walked in and he was looking into his mirror COMPLETELY naked "Oh my God Victory what are you doing" he asked frantically covering himself up "Oh my God I'm sorry...what are you doing" I asked covering my eyes "Nothing get out" he exclaimed "Sorry ...dinners ready by the way" I told him and he slammed the door shut.

I walked back to the dinner table I probably looked like a mindless drone "Victory dear what happened I heard yelling" dad asked "I'm going to kill myself" I told him "What why" he asked "I saw Ben naked" I told him "Oh dear, I'm sorry" he said rubbing my shoulder.

Few minutes later Ben sat down at the dinner table I couldn't look him in the eye or in general "Dinner looks great" he said nervously "Ben why were you naked" I asked "It's my room and I can be naked if I want" he said "But why" I asked "None of your business" he snapped.

"Ok then what were you saying" I asked and he turned pale "Did you hear me" he asked "Yes" I said "What's going on" dad asked "Ben was feeling himself" I laughed "I was not" he said "Yeah right, wait till I tell Lucy" I laughed "You wouldn't dare" he said "You bet your pale ass I would" I told him "Kids calm down Victory language and you are not telling Lucy or anyone as a matter of fact" dad said "Fine" I said "Now leave while I talk to Ben" he said "What" Ben and I asked in unison "You heard me go I'll call you back in when we're finished" he said "Ok bye" I said and went to the library.

Ben's P.O.V
What's he going to say I'm going to have a heart attack "Ben I know I'm not your real father" he said and I nodded "But if you have any questions about your body or anything like that I will answer them for you, and if you don't want me to tell you that's also fine" he said "Ok, I'll keep that in mind" I told him "If you are going to do that lock the door" he told me "Got it" I laughed nervously.

"Victory you can come back now" he shouted "I'm backkk" she said and sat down and started picking at her food "So family dinner conversation" He said "How's the album" I asked "Great it's finished" he said "Congrats padre" she smiled "That's good" I said "Thanks kids" he smiled "Well I feel really bad about earlier" she said "What happened dear" dad asked "I don't know I'm just sad, and my therapist is stupid" Victory admitted "He just keeps asking the same thing and it's so annoying" she added "I'm sorry dear" he said.

"It's fine the only time I've been happy recently was walking in on Ben being fucking stupid" she laughed "Oh just fuck me I guess" I said laughing too because it's kinda funny "Children watch your fucking mouths" Freddie shouted causing Victory and I to laugh even more "Anyway I'm glad something made you happy" he said "I love my life I think my sadness is gone this is fuc-I mean this is just great" Victory smiled.

After dinner I walked into Victory's room "Victory I have a question " I said "Ok ask away " she said " did you see my dick" I asked and she started laughing again "Yes why" she asked "I wanted to know, I'm going to go kill myself be right back" I told her and we laughed it off and I went back to my room.

Victory's P.O.V
"Lucy I'm not supposed to tell you this so you can't tell anyone" I told her "What is it" she asked "I walked in on Ben naked and he was talking about how good he looked to himself in his mirror" I said dying of laughter "Oh my God, that's amazing" she said I could hear her laughing "I know right" I said laughing.

"Did you see his thing" she asked "Yeah I need fucking eye bleach" I told her "So" she asked "Ew you perve" I laughed "Oh just tell me" she said "I don't know he had one I don't have anything to compare it to" I told her "Makes sence well I have to go" she said "Ok bye, remember don't tell anyone " I said "I know bye" she said and hung up.

I ran down stairs because I have a lot of energy "Padre can I go to your meeting tomorrow to apologize and stuff" I asked "Yeah sure, ask Ben if he wants to go" he said I ran back upstairs I knocked on his door several times and he ran to the door "What" he asked "Do you want to go to the studio tomorrow" I asked "Yeah sure" he said "Padre he said yes" I shouted "Ok, go to bed" he shouted back "Ok good night" I shouted "Good night" he yelled "Good night Ben" I said and hop scotched to my room.

I had way too much energy I had to take a melatonin and everything and to help me sleep I played some Mozart on my record player which Ben and dad were not too happy because I had it on full volume.

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