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Victory's P.O.V
I'm having the whole group spend the night, because I miss those idiots.

They all arrived at the same time which was good, I had dad pick Leila up because I don't want her to feel alone and unwanted.

"Victory I missed you so much" Lucy said while hugging me "I missed you guys too" I said "How have you guys been" I asked "We've been good" Gwilym said "How is Duncan" I asked "He sits with us every now and then when he isn't in detention" Joe said "Joe when did you get back, why didn't you tell me" I said "Oh well I kinda forgot" he said "Forgot" I asked "Yeah" he shrugged, that confused me how in the hell do you forget ME I'm ME, whatever I'm going to try not to kick everyone out.

After awhile dad finally came back with Leila "Hey" she said "Hi" I smiled and hugged her "No pda" dad reminded us "Right" I said, we sat down on the couch with the others "Why is he so strict on that" Lucy asked "Last time she was here, Jim caught us making out in my room" I told them "That's hot" Gwilym said "Shut up" I said "Where's Ben" Joe asked "Um I think he's still at Shaun's house, he'll get back soon though" I told them.

"So Victory how is it at the the private school" Rami asked "I hate it, it's so annoying, I have to take piano lessons in my free periods" I told them "Why" Lucy asked "The teacher, he's so creepy" I said "You can't drop out" she asked "No, trust me I tried" I said "It especially sucks because I don't know actual piano shit" I said "Language" dad yelled from the kitchen, I rolled my eyes and then there was a knock on the door.

"Oh that's probably Ben or Jim" I said getting up, it was both I guess Jim picked him up "Oh my god it's the boyyys" Ben said and Joe, Gwilym, and Rami all shot up and did their weird handshake "Now who the fuck is Shaun, are you cheating on the boys" Joe asked "Dude never, he's just on the team, same with David" Ben said "David" Gwilym asked "Yeah, some guy I've got a couple classes with him and so does Victory" he said.

"Who's David" Leila asked "Some annoying straight guy" I said "Anyway, what are we going to do" Ben asked "Let's just chill and talk" I said "Ok" he shrugged, they sat down on the couch again "Leila how are things at the house" I asked "My dad won't look at me anymore but my mom is cool" she said "What happened, why is your dad mad" Joe asked "I'm gay" she said "I'm sorry" I said holding her hand and she smiled "That's gay" Ben said and pointed "Shut up, Joe how is the movie" I asked "Almost done I guess" he shrugged "Cool, any other major things" I asked "Kimberly was expelled" Lucy said "Why" I asked "She had drugs on her" she said "Doesn't surprise me" I said.

"Guys, Jim and I are going out, don't do anything stupid, and no pda" he said staring at me, he left "I'm sorry he blames you" Leila said "Why wouldn't he" Joe asked "I kissed her first" she said "You guys kiss way more then you and Joe ever did" Ben said "Well I didn't want to kiss Victory, Freddie said if I touched one hair on her head he'd kill me" Joe explained "Yeah when we went on that walk, padre had John and Roger watch us" I told them.

"You're dad is kinda crazy" Rami said "Funny you'd say that, he probably likes you the best" I said "Why" he asked "I don't know" I said "Anyway Leila do you sit with them at lunch" I asked "Yes, they said I was their newest member they even gave me a pin" she said "Oh that's great, I'm so glad you all get along" I smiled.

"Well I didn't say that" she mumbled "What" I asked "I don't get along with Lucy" she said and I looked over to Lucy for confirmation and she nodded "Why" I asked "She's do I say this" Leila paused "Prissy" she said "Well yeah that's her thing" I said "I don't get along with her because I think she's a snake" Lucy said "Why" I asked again "She started flirting with you and broke you and Joe apart" she said "Oh my god why does everyone focus on that" Leila groaned "Because you broke them apart and they were cute together" Lucy said.

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