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Freddies P.O.V
David and I plus our children are having a meeting at my house. "Ok guys this meeting is to talk about some things" I told them "Why am I here" Ben asked "You can leave" I told him "Who wants to go first" David asked "Can I leave too, this is very unnecessary" Duncan said "No, you've been very rude and disrespectful to Victory you're staying especially" David told him in a stern voice "Now, Victory how does Duncans feelings towards you make you feel" I asked.

Victorys P.O.V
I want to blow my Brain's out this is honestly going to kill me "I don't mind him liking me it's the fact that he's hit me and kissed me on an attempt to get me to like him" I paused "Because likings me is one thing being a sexual sadist is another" I said looking directly at him "I'm not a sexual sadist, you're the psycho who tried to stab me" he said, David and dad gave me a funny look.

"It was after he hit me with a table leg I think that should be excused" I said "Duncan why do you like her so much" dad asked "I don't think you want me to say that" he said with a devilish grin, soon after his witty remarks dad lit a cigarette and crossed his legs he was getting mad.

That's what he always did when he was getting ticked off "Duncan why do you think any of this is ok, I swear I raised you better than this" David said "Did you, when you weren't at a studio you were snorting cocaine off of a hookers back" he exclaimed and stood up "I understand I wasn't a good influence then but I'm trying to get over my addiction I swear, Freddies party was the first time and the last time I had done it in months" David told him still seated.

"Sorry about that I didn't know you were quitting" dad said "Who brought it" I asked "Why do you want to know" dad asked me "That's not what I meant" I said quickly "Anyway I'm sorry but I don't see how my drug problem relates to you attacking and kissing her without consent" he said "It doesn't I'm just saying stuff to get you mad" Duncan said looking at him self in a mirror "Victory any word" David sighed "If you did want me to like you, you picked the wrong way of getting me to like you back. I mean Joe sent flowers and Gwylim was charming but no you picked hitting me with a table leg" I said looking at him and I could tell he was looking at me through the mirror "Well to be fair Joe is a twat, and Gwylim doesn't like you anymore" he said "I know" I said.

A couple hours later "This is going no where" dad sighed and David had removed his jacket and was on his fifth cigarette "Leave" I told them "What" they asked in unison "I want to be alone with him" I said "He hit you with a table leg" dad "reminded me" "I don't see any tables in here" I said.

They left "Finally we're alone together" he smiled and turned around he had been standing in the same spot for the entire time "Duncan I think you can agree this has gone on long enough, don't you want this to end" I asked "Not without you in my arms" he said slyly "That's what I'm talking about you know it doesn't work but yet you keep doing it" I said "Or is that what you think. I know you still care about me you're too nice not to" he paused.

"You see you've blocked off in your head the fact that you have feelings for me but as soon as I grabbed your arm at his party your feelings came flooding in" he said "I don't like you get that through your thick scull" I told him. I grabbed his hands and held them in mine "Duncan if you actually like me, then you will stop all of this because you're ruining me on the inside. I can't sleep without seeing you hitting me in the head or holding me down" I paused "Please promise me that you will stop all of this and maybe just maybe we can still have a some what healthy friendship" I told him, I was practically begging.

"Fine" he said "I'll stop, I'll stop with the comments, the stares, and the hitting especially" he said "Really" I asked "Really, but only because I finally see the toll I've been making on you" he said "But I will still like you hell I'll still love you, and I'll wait for you to come to your senses peacefully" he smiled "I won't ever date you but thank you so much for stopping" I told him and I hugged him tightly I'm so happy that this was finally over, he hugged back and caressed my hair, I pulled us apart.

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