Are You Alright

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Victory's P.O.V
I heard knocking at the door assuming it was Jim I opened it because dad said he was coming over but it was the whole gang.

"Victory thank God are you alright what happened" Joe questioned "Did Kimberly do this to you" Gwylim asked "Guys I'm fine, no Kimberly didn't do it I did it I was at Brians house and I got mad and punched the wall a couple times" I explained.

"Victory darling who was at the door" dad asked comeing down the stairs "Oh hello children, Victory you didn't tell me they were coming over" he said "To be fair I didn't know they were coming over" I told him.

"I told the guys and they apparently had to come see her even though I told them that she was fine" Lucy said "It's alright dear" dad said, the door was still open and Jim was walking towards the house "Hey Victory who's this guy walking up to your house" Rami asked "Oh that's just Jim" I told him "He's here, shit stall him" my dad said "Ok" I said.

Jim was inside the house "Hello Victory where is Freddie" he asked "Getting ready, have you met my friends" I asked "No I don't think so" he said "This is Lucy, Joe, Gwylim, Ben, and last but not least Rami" I told him "Nice to meet you" he told them "So where are you and my dad going " I asked "We are going out to eat and then going to my house for a bit" he said "That's cool, please don't kill him or anything I know he can be a handful but please don't also don't sell him" I told him "Trust me those aren't my intentions tonight" he said.

Dad walked down the stairs he was in a casual yet flashy outfit "Are you ready dear" he asked Jim "Definitely" he said "Let's go then, Victory are they spending the night or something" he asked me "I don't know" I told him "Well you have an ok with me as long as their parents are cool" he said "Ok, you guys have a fun night don't get kidnapped or murdered and no drugs" I told then "Ok bye dear have fun" he said and closed then door behind him.

"Do you guys want to spend the night" I asked and they all nodded yes "Ok well there's a phone in my room, my dads room, the kitchen, and the living room" I paused "Lucy you use the phone in my room Gwylim I'll come with you to use my father's phone the rest of you can fight over the other phones" I told them.

I brought Gwylim into the room "Hey mom" he said "Can I spend the night at a friend's" he asked "No you don't need to pick me up in the morning" he said "Ok thanks bye love you too" he said and hung up "Are you staying" I asked "Yeah" he said "Cool" I smiled "Hey uh Victory" he said "Yes" I asked "Is it true that you like Joe and I" he asked, I can tell I turned a bright red also I could see myself in the many mirrors in the room "It..uh..its complicated" I told him "Well I know I haven't gotten you flowers and all but I like you too" he said "That's nice to hear" I smiled.

We walked out of the room and I saw that Ben and Joe were actually fighting "Oh my God get off of him" I shouted and pushed Ben off "I dibbed the living room phone but then he ran over to it and I tackled him" Ben explained "You guys are animals" I told them "What's going on" asked Lucy coming down stairs "These dingbats were fighting over a phone" I told her "Well I'm done in your room she said yes" she told me "Ben you use the living room phone I'll escort Joe to my room, where is Rami" I asked "I'm in the kitchen" he yelled "You guys didn't break anything did you" I asked "No" Ben said "Good, let's go Joe" I told him.

He walked into my room "Phones in the corner" I told him "I get he's your dad and all but why is your room covered with Queen posters" he asked "I like Queen" I shrugged "Hey dad" he said "Yeah no hi" he said "Can I spend the night at a friend's" he asked "Yes I mowed the lawn, and did the dishes" he said " bye" he said "Is it a yes" I asked "Yeah" he said, as we were leaving he walked over towards one of my smaller cabinets "What's in here" he asked "Scrunchies" I told him "Come on let's go" I told him "Ooo I like this one" he said grabbing an electric blue "Can you put it in my hair" he asked "Yeah sure" I laughed, I put it in his hair and gave him a mirror "I look amazing" he said "Prettier than normal" I told him "Well that's just rude" he said "Come on let's go" I told him I grabbed his hand and led him back to the living room.

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