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//Hello my lovelies, so this chapter is going to be slightly NSFW. I say slightly, because no one goes full out, but sex is still a small thing that happens. So here is the warning label, enjoy~\\


Two weeks had passed and I was finally free from that hellscape known as a wheelchair.

The doctor even gave an okay for me to return to work and school.
The only thing that's bothered me is.
Cain was being distant.

I remember that night so clearly, we both got angry and he went home.
He didn't come to my house for four days, and when he did.
He seemed hesitant about a lot of things.
I know I freaked out when he had barely touched me.
I don't know.

I stood in my room, getting ready for class for the first time in ten weeks.
I felt like the new kid all over again.

After changing I walked into the living room where Kimmy and Keisha had been.
Kimmy made a face.
"Keisha's going to babysit Muffin from now on, so the pupper is no longer neglected." She said with a smile.

I blinked looking to Keisha.
"Are you sure? I can give you some cash when I get pa-"
"Angel, keep it." Keisha smiled softly.
"I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart, plus I love dogs." She looked to Kimmy.
"So I offered to watch her while you were at school, it also gives me something to do while I wait on callbacks from places I've applied at." She added.

Sighing softly I looked to Kimmy who grinned.
"Ready?" She asked.
I stared at the front door, biting my lip I nodded.
"So he's been acting distant ever since the argument you two had?" Kimmy asked walking down the street.
I nodded frowning.
"I mean I did overreact a little, but he also got mad at me for lashing out." I told her.
Kimmy rolled her eyes.
"Angel, you were raped and abused. Cain has to understand that you're going to be traumatized for a while, I mean.. it has been ten weeks, but something like that? And not to mention, the news has been blasting about what happened every week." She crossed her arms.

"Maybe you two should just give each other space-"
"No, Angel. Listen to me," Kimmy's brows knitted.
"Something bad happened to you and Cain acted without thinking, yes he was trying to be a boyfriend, but he didn't stop and think first before trying to comfort you. You both need time, plus you both did kind of jump into a relationship the day after the accident." She looked away.

I made a face.
"What's that have to do with anything?" I asked her.
She stopped and looked to me.
"I mean you jumped into his arms the moment he opened them, you both didn't give the other a chance to actually get through this. Especially you Angel, the moment Cain gave you the okay to be with him, you took it without thinking about things. And now look, you're both being awkward around each other now." She frowned as we continued to walk.

"So, do you think we should break u-"
"No, that's not what I'm saying." She frowned softly.
"I'm saying, you should slow down with your emotions, yeah you've been dating for two and a half months, but you need to slow down." She sighed softly.

"I just think, after what happened to you, you thought you wanted Cain and now that you have him, you don't know what to do." She said as we walked up the stairs to the college.
"Should I talk to him?" I asked her.
She smiled.
"I mean, if it will make you feel better. I think you should, it may fix the crack in the relationship." She said walking inside.

"WELCOME BACK, ANGEL!" The entire building of college students greeted me with a huge sign that greeted me back.
I stood there with wide eyes.

And to my right.
Was the guy himself.

He smiled as he stood by some of the girls.

"What is this?" I looked to Kimmy for an explanation.
She grinned.
"What? You think we weren't going to set something up for you?" She grinned.
My eyes widened.
"Is that why you told me not to bring my bag?" I asked.

Jeremy smirked.
"Damn straight, today's a free day. Even our professors agreed, so in the cafeteria awaits the party room with food, cake and music." He said sweeping his arms in the air, pointing them towards the cafeteria.
"Shall we?" He asked.

I thought I would cry seeing this.
It was something I didn't expect.
Not from anyone.

My eyes fell on Cain.
"How are you here?" I asked him.
He shrugged.
"Told my own professors at school, I'd be coming here to celebrate your welcoming back party, and they told me to go ahead." He said.

I wanted him to hug me.
To do anything.
But my skinned burned at the thought of being touched.

So instead, I just took his hand and walked towards the cafeteria.

"That's not where the balloons were supposed to go!" Adam yelled at the student who had been struggling with balloons.
My eyes grew wide.

"Even Adam is here?" I asked.
Jeremy smirked.
"Oh yeah, after our professors told our class what happened to you and those boys, Adam literally acted out." He sighed.
"He was actually the one who wanted to throw the party." He told me.
My heart skipped a beat.

"I thought he hated me." I murmured.
Kimmy smirked.
"Isn't it weird how after something like that happens to one student, the entire college reaches out after a single student makes a stand and demands for a party to be thrown?" She shook her own head.
"Adam kept pestering us about you, half the damn school in fact." She looked to Jeremy who looked exhausted from having to think about it.

I frowned, looking to Cain.
"Wait here." I stepped away from the trio then walked towards Adam.
My heart racing as he barked orders about different things.

"Adam?" I called out to the other.
"Wha?!-Oh, Angel." His face turned into a nice shade of pink.
"Hi," he looked away now.
"Hi." I looked away as well frowning.

Biting my lip, I looked back to him.
"Thanks, for all this, by the way." I said as I looked around.
Adam rubbed the side of his neck.
"O-Oh, yeah no problem.. it wasn't really a big deal actually, but after what Professor Locker told us.. It just bothered me," he looked at me now.
"I thought I was a real dick to you, I have been since you got here.. but after that, and when he mentioned the bodies. I actually feared you were one.." His face turned a darker red.

"But your friend, Kimmy.. she uh, told us you were making a smooth recovery, with a lot of therapy.. and I don't know, I thought throwing a party like this, would be an alright apology for being so hard on you, before that happened." He looked down to his feet now.

Blushing, I smiled softly.
"I do appreciate it, thanks Adam." I told him now.
He blinked before his brows knitted.
"So.. um, this is awkward, but.. a-are we okay now?" He asked me.
I smirked softly.
"Yeah, we're okay Adam." I said patting the other on the shoulder as my hand burned.

I walked back over to the group, Cain had vanished to go get some punch.
Kimmy motioned me to go join the other.
I was bad at small talk.
The words always betrayed me.

Sighing I walked over to the other anyway,
Despite how bad my chest was squeezing me.

"Hey." I greeted Cain who glanced to me, smiling.
"I see the talk with Adam went well, what do you think about the party?" He asked me.
I blinked but smiled softly.
"I like it a lot actually, I thought I'd come to school and it'd be normal.. but instead, everyone surprised me." I looked at him with knitted brows.

"Can we talk?" I asked now.
He blinked but nodded, walking out of the cafeteria with me, into band hall.

I crossed my arms.
"I'm sorry." I said now.
He looked confused.
"Why are you sorry? Its just a party, Angel." He smirked now.
"No," I looked at him frowning.

"For arguing with you two weeks ago, I feel like I overreacted and I shouldn't of lashed out at you." I rubbed my upper arm.
"I talked to Kimmy about it, and she thought us talking could maybe fix things.. because we've been distant." I told him.
He looked at the floor for the longest time.

"Yeah.. um, Angel-"

"There you two are!" Jeremy stopped at the situation, his brows knitting together.
"Is this a break up?" He asked now.
My eyes grew wide.
"What? No." I told him.
"We were just talking, but I understand how you feel Angel." Cain said frowning.

"Lets just go back to the party, and enjoy the rest of it, and afterwards. We can go back to your place to talk." He said taking my hand as the burning feeling returned.

It was hard to enjoy the rest of the party after that.
Because Cain had seemed off for the rest of the time.
We ended up bringing the majority of left overs home.
Which meant no cooking for me for a few days.
I could live with that.

But before I could even consider eating.
I had a conversation to finish, with Mr.Parker.

We both sat on the bed.

"Are you wanting to break up, Cain?" I asked him.
He bit his lip but frowned.
"No, just a lots been going on.. and I want to touch you so bad, but I can't." He looked at me with knitted brows.
"I know you need time to get over what happened, but.." He looked away and I gave off a sad smile.
"You have needs." I ran a hand through my hair.

"I haven't been fair to you, and I can't keep hiding away in the dark because of what that monster did." My skin burned as I touched the others leg.
"But.. I don't want to lose you either." I said with so much confidence.

Cain looked panicked for a small moment.
But smiled.

"So, are you giving me the okay when it comes to hugging and kissing you?" He asked.
Biting my lip, I looked at him with a nod.

He exhaled before wrapping his arms around me.
"I've waited to do this for ten weeks." He confessed as my body burned from the touch of his body against mine.
But I held the other back, as his lips finally pressed to mine.
Sending an electrifying feeling through my body.

We kissed for the longest time, until he was pushing me down.
Fear raced through me, as he kissed my neck.

"C-Cain." I cried now as he stopped, then groaned to himself.

He sat up.
"This is such a pain." He ran a hand through his hair.
"You give me the okay-"
"For hugging and kissing, not for sex." My brows knitted.

He glared softly, licking his bottom lip.
"So when then? When can I touch you more than this?" He asked as I shrugged.
He gave off a bitter laugh.
"Alright." He stood up.

"I am having to restrain myself for you, Angel." He told me.
My brows knitting.
"Restrain? Cain, I am sorry that you need sex in your life to get you by, but I just am not ready yet." I told him.

He stood there, wide eyed.
"You think that's what I want in life? Is just sex?" He got on his knees before taking his hands in mine.
"I want you Angel Clark, but you're making it incredibly hard with the mixed messages, how will I ever know we're actually together when you push me away?" He asked.

"You think I'm pushing you away?" I asked with furrowed brows.
He frowned softly.
"I want this relationship to work, I do.. but you can't give me go ahead's, without freaking out in the middle of a make out session. I really want to be able to hold you, without you shoving me away or getting upset I'm even touching my shoulder with yours." He looked away.

"I know you went through a terrifying time, but no one will touch you like that, ever." He bit his lip.
"I just want to feel like your boyfriend, and not someone on stand by for when you think you need attention. I'm a human, not a pet Angel."

"I never said that!" I yelled at him.
He glared softly.
"Then stop thinking I'm going to hurt you!" He hissed.
'More than I already have..'

"I want you to know I am here for you, I want to feel like your boyfriend, and you won't let me." He growled.
I looked away frowning deeply.

"Touch me." I told him.
He looked at me, knitted brows.
"No, not if you're gonna hit or yell at me." He argued.
"Damn it Cain, if you don't do something now, I'll change my mi-"

His lips pressed to mine as my body set itself on fire.
He caressed my cheek as the burning grew hotter.
His hands traveled to my jeans, pulling them down as my eyes teared up in panic.
Don't think about it.
This is Cain.

He pulled my shirt over my head, as he kissed my chest.
My face flushing as he brought his hands to my hips.
Pulling at my boxers.

My eyes squeezed shut then tensed feeling something hot wrapping around my member.
My heart began to pound as Cain worked his tongue around it.
I felt like I was going to explode as tears fell freely.
My hands going to his hair, gently tugging as he held my left leg.

Removing his mouth as he kissed my inner thigh.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
Blushing fiercely I nodded as he pressed his lips to mine.
My body remained burning.

My eyes grew wide hearing his jeans unbuckling.
"C-Cain.." I cried unsure now.
He looked at me.
"If you're scared, we can stop." He said as my eyes fell on the hard state he was in.
Inhaling sharply I shook my head.
"We've already came this far." I told him.
He nodded, and with warning.
He pushed into me.

The pain in my back returned as my body felt like it had been set on fire.
With each thrust.
I had the memories resurfacing and I hated it.
And the worse part of all.

Was the sound of me screaming.

And Jeremy breaking the door down with a slice of toast in his mouth.

All three of us just froze.
Jeremy's face burning red.
Cain looked like he was ready to kill himself.

And I lied there.
With so much regret.

Nice job, Angel.

And Then There Was You. (BoyXBoy)(REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now