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"The zoo!" Jessica beamed excitedly in her highchair as she sat next to her brother, Alex who was playing in his eggs.

Valerie sighed softly as I walked into the kitchen, she gave off a tired smile.
"Hey there, Angel. How are you?" She asked ignoring her messy children for a moment.
I smiled softly.
"I'm good, Val. How are you?" Her eyes fell on her kids now, then back on me.
"Tired." She laughed.

We both tensed at the sound of loud crying from the guest room.

"Sounds like Noah is awake." She said.
I smiled.
"Noah is a girl right?" I asked her.
She smirked softly.
"Yeah, your brother and Amy had a weird idea to give their daughter that name, but regardless. Its cute." She confessed.

"What time are we going to the zoo?" Sophia asked rubbing her eye, before hugging me.
Mom walked in with hair pins all in her hair.
"We're going to go after everyone's had breakfast and they're ready, so eat something Sophia." She told her.

Sophia nodded as Valerie looked to us.
"I can cook you two some eggs if you want." She offered.
I smiled.
"That's okay, Val. I can do it, your hands are pretty full." I said looking to Alex who was getting ready to knock his eggs off, but Jacob caught the plate earning his two year old to laugh like it was hysterical.

Valerie sighed as Jacob walked up, kissing the other on the cheek.
"I'll handle the two trouble makers." His eyes falling on his children who started grinning innocently at him.

"How many eggs do you guys want?" I asked them turning the fire back on.
Valerie smiled.
"Two eggs, please Angel." She said resting her head on the counter.
"Jake?" I questioned him.
"Two as well, thanks." He said feeding Jessica her eggs who kept grossly showing him, but he ignored it by using the spoon to push it back in her mouth.

"It smells great down he--Is Angel cooking?!" Andrew demanded sliding down the railing of the staircase, being swatted by our mom who scowled.
"How many times have I told you, not to do that? My grand babies will think its okay to do, and what happens if they were to get hurt?" She scolded smacking the other.

Andrew smirked.
"Sorry, mom. I won't do it in front of them."
"Don't do it period, you're still my baby and your fiancee doesn't need her fiance in the hospital days before the wedding." She sighed heavily at him.

Ignoring her now, Andrew peered over me.
"I'll take four eggs."
"God, fat ass." Jacob groaned lowly.
Andrew stuck his tongue out at the other.
"Eggs are good for you, plus two of them are for Amy. Smart ass." He said flipping our brother off.

I smirked shaking my head as dad walked in.
"Want some eggs, dad?" I asked him.
Dad blinked.
"Our son finally comes home and you're all letting him cook? Wow, but yes Angel. I'll take three." He said.

Jacob brought his mug to his mouth.
"Fat ass 2.0." He said but winced once dad's newspaper met the back of the others head.
"This fat ass also appreciates fried eggs first thing when he wakes up, not to mention. Is the one bringing all of you moochers to the zoo." He said taking a seat next to the other.

"Fat ah." Jessica giggled as Valerie's eyes widened.
"No sweetie, don't repeat what they say. Grandpa and daddy are bad for saying those words, especially daddy." She glared at Jacob who avoided eye contact now.

I smiled placing the plates down, immediately Andrew devoured his as Amy walked down, bouncing Noah in her arms.

Amy walked over to me, smiling.
"Someone's been waiting to meet their uncle." She told me.
I looked down to see Noah already looking back at me, full of curiosity.
Her eyes were the same as Amy's, which were hazel and she had light brown hair.
She gave off a cute smile before reaching out.

And Then There Was You. (BoyXBoy)(REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now