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I was still pretty stumped after last night.
I tried calling that same number back after they had hung up, but got nothing in response.
I was pretty sure it was Cain.
It sounded like him.
I needed to talk to him, and the only way that'd happen is when I went back to Florida.
The wedding was tomorrow.
And right now.
I was having to focus on what to wear to a bar.

Andrew said to wear whatever was comfortable.
And to me, pajama's were an appropriate idea.
But he told me no, pretty quick.

So here I was.
Standing in my old room, staring at the clothes from my duffel bag.
I had no idea what to even wear.
No one told me I would be asked to be Andy's best man.
And no one mentioned a wedding would happen the week, I flew in.

Jeans and a tucked in shirt for tomorrow, could work if I talked it over with the bride and groom.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I rubbed the side of my neck.

Jeremy and the girls were also coming to the wedding tomorrow as well, and since they knew beforehand, unlike me.
They already had their clothes picked out for tomorrow.

I mean, I still had some cash that could probably afford a somewhat nice suit for tomorrow.

"You look like you're stressing." Amy smiled softly at the door.
I looked up at her with knitted brows.
"O-Oh, do I? Sorry." I frowned.
Amy made a face.
"What's going on, soon to be, brother n law?" She smiled walking in now.

I frowned at her.
"I don't have a suit for tomorrow." I confessed.
Amy blinked.
"Is that why you're stressing?" She gave off an amused smile.
I nodded.
She grinned.
"Alright, well the best man isn't supposed to stress. That's the bride and grooms job, but get dressed and you and I will go and get you a suit." She told me, patting my shoulder.

"No, Amy. I couldn't ask you-"
"Angel, we're going to be family starting tomorrow. You might as well get used to the idea, that I will spoil you as well. Plus no one even told you about the wedding." She smiled at me.
She had a point.
I stood up frowning.
"I'll pay you back." I told her.
She smirked.
"Kiddo, I don't want your money. I want you to get dressed, so we can go." She said stepping out of the room after closing the door.

I sighed.
Well, that works I guess.
"See any you like?" Amy asked inside of Macy's.
I looked through the rack frowning softly.
Some of them were pricier than others.

"What color are you two going for?" I asked her.
Amy smiled.
"The traditional black and white, but Andrew said his guys can wear darker colors if they don't want black." She told me.
I blinked but nodded, my eyes falling on a dark green suit.

She walked around then smiled.
"Do you like that one?" She asked.
Hesitating, I looked at the price tag.
"Nope." I lied walking away.

"Yes you do! Angel, if you like it. I'll get it for you." Amy said removing the suit as she followed me.
I turned to her frowning.
"Amy, that suit is eight hundred dollars." I cried with knitted brows.
"Angel, its fi-"
"Can I just wear jeans and a nice shirt or something?" I asked as my face burned.

Amy frowned softly.
"Why won't you let me buy this for you?" She asked walking us over to a bench, inside of the store as I frowned.
"It's expensive.. I mean, our family has always been well taken care of.. and usually I never look at the prices, but these clothes.. I would feel so awkward standing next to Andy, wearing them." I rubbed my arm frowning.

Amy smiled now.
"Its just for a day, Angel. Once you wear it tomorrow, you can either bring it back and get the money back for it, or you can hang onto it and see it as a new outfit to wear to Holiday's and fancy parties." She smiled.
I frowned as she held onto the suit.

"Andy won't be mad?" I asked her.
She laughed softly.
"Sweetie, this is my money. Not his, if I want to buy his little brother a suit for our wedding tomorrow. Then I will buy him a suit." She handed me the suit now smiling.
"Andrew doesn't have a say in what I spend my money on, trust me." She said standing up as I joined her now.

"But," she turned to me.
"I will let you buy us lunch." She winked as she walked over to the register, to check out.
I stood there, holding the suit but smiled softly joining her.
"What sounds good? Personally, I think anything grilled sounds good." She said as we walked through the mall.
I looked to her.
"Well you bought me a suit, so its whatever you want." I shrugged now.
She smirked.
"Here's a tip, never tell a girl that, if you say whatever you want. You might as well toss the credit card in the trash, because you'll go block in an instant." She said. 

I blushed but nodded as we walked into the Logan's Roadhouse.

Sitting at a small table with her across me, she smiled opening her menu.
The waiter came up to us smiling.

"What can I start the lovely couple out with to drink?" The man asked us.
My eyes grew wide.
"O-Oh no, we're not-"
"I'll take a sprite, and my cute boyfriend over there will have a coke." Amy winked as the waiter wrote it down with a smile.
"Excellent, and would you be interested in an appetizer?" He suggested.

Amy smiled at me as I tried to find my words.
"Chips and salsa, please." I told him.
He nodded.
"Right away, and I will return shortly to take your order." He told us vanishing, to get the drinks.

I looked at Amy.
"Cute boyfriend?" I asked her.
She smiled.
"Oh come on, Angel. It was just some light fun, there was no harm in it." She said as the waiter returned with our drinks then disappeared.

"It.. It just felt weird, not to mention. Off." I confessed.
She smiled taking a sip of her sprite.
"Most guys would of flirted back, but you're a good kid who respects both his brother and me. I like that about you Angel, its nice." She smiled looking at the menu now.

Blushing I nodded.

Soon enough the waiter returned.
Amy ordered the half rack of baby back ribs, with a garden salad.
And I got the mesquite wood-grilled pork chop, with a loaded baked potato.

It wasn't as expensive as I thought it'd be.
But it was fair to say.
I was almost flat broke.
I just had enough to get my car home, and a plane ticket back there.
Unless we just drove the whole way back.
And then I wouldn't be as broke as I already felt.
When we got back home, I still had a few hours before I had to get ready for tonight.
Hanging my suit up.
I grabbed the car keys and headed towards the hotel to see my friends.

"SHE BOUGHT YOU AN EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLAR SUIT?" Kimmy practically screamed.
I stood there wishing I had braced my ears for that.
I frowned at her.
"She did."

"What a nice girl." Jeremy said laying on the bed, with Muffin in his lap.
I walked over to him.
"Would you of let your sister n law buy you a suit that costs that much?" I asked him.
"Sure would of." He smirked at me.

The three of us scrunched our faces up at the other.
"You are wordless, Jeremy." Kimmy said walking away now.
Jeremy shrugged.
"I mean shit, your sister n law finds out you don't have a suit, and she wants to buy it, despite the price? I don't see the problem." He said sitting Muffin down.

"The problem is she spent a lot of her own money on me." I said stressing out.
"Because she wanted to! Not because you pressured or forced her too." Jeremy walked over to me smirking softly.
"You are the only one upsetting yourself about this, Angel. Your sister n law knew how much money she had, and she wanted to buy you that suit." He said as I frowned.

"I guess so, it just feels weird."
"Why? That other people care about you?" He teased.
"No--well, actually yeah.. I don't even know Amy all that well, but she still went out of her way and bought the suit."
"And then there's my issue with the car." I bit my lip.

Keisha's eyes lit up.
"If you don't want the car, I'll take it." She grinned as Kimmy rolled her eyes.

"My family has just spent a lot of money on me, and I don't have anyway of repaying it back." I said frowning.
Jeremy groaning.
"Dude, you're depressing me. Look, your family just love you okay? This was their way of making up for how shitty they treated you, when you came out to them. I say, accept the gifts now because later on I doubt you'll get as lucky." He said.

"Especially when there's four younger kids behind you." Kimmy added.
"Sophia is the youngest of you four, and then there's Alex and Jessica plus now baby Noah will be getting gifts. Your family is just giving you what they can, so later on you'll understand why they can't." She explained.

"Wow.." Jeremy whistled.
"That was wise." He said now.

I blinked, but it had actually made more sense.
Not to mention.
Made me feel better.
"Ah, bars." Andrew sang as he smirked at the sight of the building in front of us.
"You never go to any." Michael pointed out with an arched brow.
"He's right." Matt agreed.

I blinked as my brother glared at the two of them.
"I go to bars." He said trying to defend himself.
"Oh yeah?" Kyle questioned now.
Andrew made a face.
"Okay so its been a while," he took me by the shoulders.
"But this is Angel's first time going into one, legally!" He said excited again.

The trio rolled their eyes.
Kyle looked to me.
"So, how long you here, Angel?" He asked trying to make conversation.
I blinked but smirked.
"Only until Sunday, then flying back to Florida." I told him.
Kyle nodded as we headed inside.

I walked behind Andrew as I looked around, others were already looking our way.
Some had lust in their eyes.
And it made me feel uneasy about a lot of things.

"Stay close to me, and don't leave my side." Kyle said now as Andrew, Matt and Michael went to order drinks.

I looked to the black haired male before nodding.
He held a rather irritated look that fell back on the guys, who were already looking our way.
'I just realized how feminine you were.'

My face caught fire.
Did I really look that feminine?
Apparently Kyle thought something, because he wanted me to stay close.
And not to leave his side.

We walked over to a table where my brother and the other two were.
Andrew grinned at me.
"Are you excited to finally drink with your big bro, Ang?" He asked as I took a seat.
Trying not to blush from how embarrassing that actually sounded, coming from him.

"Hey, Andy. You might want to keep Angel with someone tonight." Kyle said now taking a drink of his beer.
Andrew's brows knitted.
"Whys that?" He asked.
Kyle made a face.
"Lots of drunk perverts, have him eyeing the kid up and down, since we got here." He said.

Hesitating, I took a drink of my beer frowning now.
Andrew looked around frowning now.

"I mean, the kids got a pretty face." Michael said frowning.
I flinched as the guys looked to him.
Michael's blue eyes fell on me.
"So of course guys are going to check the kid out, if you're attractive. They're interested, that's how the world works." He told them.

Andrew looked to me.
"Do you want to leave?" He asked concerned now.
I shook my head.
"No Andy, this is your final night as a free man. I'm not going to ruin that." I told him.
Andrew studied me before sighing.
"Alright, but I want you to stay at this table. Its more secluded and no one's exactly bothering us over here." He said.
Not arguing, I nodded before taking another drink.

It felt like an hour in, and Andrew and Matt were both wrecked from drinking.
Michael wondered off to go flirt with some girls.

Which left just me and Kyle.
He sat near the window, drinking his whiskey in silence.

"Hey there." A new voice greeted us.

Blinking, I looked over to see a taller yet more built guy.
He held a bottle of jack in one hand, and a piece of paper in the next.

Immediately, Kyle was looking our way.

"Hi." I greeted the guy.
He smirked down at me.
"The names Joel." He introduced himself.
I blinked.
"I'm Angel." I told him.

Joel grinned.
"Can I buy you a drink, Angel?" He asked me.
Frowning now, I bit my lip.
"Um, su-"

"He's not interested." Kyle interrupted as I looked his way, shocked.
Joel glared his way.
"You this kids baby sitter or something? I'm talking to him, not you." He said before his green eyes fell back on me, smirking.

"So about that drink." He pushed.
Smiling softly, I nodded now.
Joel's eyes lit up before vanishing.

"How do you know its not going to be drugged?" Kyle hissed bitterly.
I looked to him frowning.
"I'll know." I said unhappy about how well I knew now if drinks were tampered with.

Soon enough.
Joel was returning with two glasses of what I was assuming, vodka.
A huge upset on my part.
I can't do well with vodka.

I stared at the clear liquid for a moment.
There was no sizzling or anything this time.
So maybe.

I brought the glass to my lips, downing it to only feel it burning and trying to come right back up.
I groaned but tried to hold a confident look.

Kyle looked exhausted and Joel looked impressed.
"Look at you." He praised with a smirk.
I managed a smile, but immediately felt my stomach doing somersaults.

Covering my mouth, I removed myself from the table and ran straight to the bathroom.
"This is why we don't drink hard, Angel." I groaned sitting next to the toilet.
I could already feel a headache appearing.

"Angel?" Came Joel's voice from outside the stall.
I frowned, flushing the toilet then wiped my mouth before opening the door.

"Hey." I said feeling like I was swaying.
What a light weight, I've become.

Four beers and a vodka, and I can't stand.

Joel smirked.
"Didn't realize it was too much for you." He said.
I smirked now.
"I usually can knock back a few shots of whiskey, but lately its been rough." I said leaning against the wall.
Joel joined me as he smirked softly.
"Maybe I should of asked what you'd prefer, not get what I usually drink." He said now.

I glanced to him.
"Its okay." I said.

Joel looked to me.
"I noticed you were examining the vodka before downing it, were you making sure I didn't drug it?" He teased.
I smirked.
"Actually, I was." I told him staring at the tiled floor.
"A guy few months back drugged me after getting me a drink, and next thing you know. I'm at a sex slave auction." I told him.

He laughed, but I wasn't offended.
He looked highly amused.

"A sex slave auction? What, no way." He smirked now.
I looked to him with a grin.
"Yeah.. stay away from online dating, Joel." I told him now.
Joel blinked but then smiled.
"Roger that, anyway. I came in here to check on you, but there was something else I needed to check." He said.

Fixing to question him.
My eyes widened feeling his lips pressing to mine, his tongue sliding into my mouth.
I should fight him off.
I knew I should.
But holy shit.
He was a great kisser.

"Alright, that's enough." A voice chimed in, before ripping Joel away from me.

"What's your problem?!" Joel yelled as Kyle stood there.
I felt a little angry myself but at the same time, pulled back to reality.
And less buzzed.

Kyle glared at him.
"A cute kid comes to a bar, and you buy him a drink to just take advantage of him later." He said.
"Kyle, it wasn't like tha-"
"Be quiet!" Kyle barked at me, glaring fiercely.
He glared at Joel.
"I already told you he wasn't interested, I don't know what part of that didn't register." He hissed.

Joel glared at him.
"If you're not his babysitter, what are you? Brother, boyfriend?" He spat.
Kyle frowned at him.
"At this point, I am his damn babysitter. Tonight's his brothers bachelor party, and it was going good until everyone got shit faced and you popped up." He growled.

Joel looked to me.
"Angel, you don't need this guy watching over you. It wasn't even his job to do so, nor was it your brothers. You're an adult, I'm pretty sure you can handle yourself." He said glaring at Kyle.   

I wanted to agree with him.
I really wanted to.
But based on how easy it is for people to swoop me up, to knock me around.
I don't think I can handle myself.

I smiled walking over to Joel.
"You seem like a real nice guy, Joel. But I'm only here until Sunday, and then I'm moving back to Florida." I bit my lip.
"So I'd rather not even try to involve myself with anyone here." I looked at him and he looked disappointed.

"Well, how about my number then? We can just be friends if you'd like." He said.
My eyes lit up and Kyle looked actually shocked.
I smiled now.
"Sure, your number sounds fine to me." I told him.

He grinned.
"Awesome." He said taking my phone then placing his number inside.
"Call or text me whenever." He kissed me again despite the glare Kyle shot at him.
Joel licked his lips.
"You're a real cutie, Angel. The next guy who shows up at your door, is going to be lucky. Wish I could of been him." He said before walking out of the bathroom.
After that whole show down.
We left the bathroom and went over to get the guys up.
Of course this was going to be a fun trip.
Andrew couldn't even stand.
So Kyle had to carry that ass.

"Thanks for earlier." I said walking down the street.
Kyle glanced to me.
"About that Joel guy?" He questioned.
I nodded frowning.
"I know I can't handle myself all that well, but I don't think he would of been a threat." I told him now.
Kyle made a face.
"I wasn't taking that chance, your brother was in no shape to check on you, so I knew I'd have to. But you're right, I don't think so either.. there's just a lot of bad people in this world, so you can't be too sure." He said.

I nodded as we stopped in front of the house.
I guess I forgot to mention, we walked to the bar since it wasn't too far from where we lived.
And Kyle and the drunk duo were only a few houses away from us.

Saying my goodnight's to him.
I walked us inside and brought him to the room, him and Amy shared.

Then I brought myself to my own room, and fell asleep.

And Then There Was You. (BoyXBoy)(REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now