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We had exactly one week before we went to the beach house.
I was pretty excited to be honest.
Just to get out of the house, and to wake up to everyone else.
Not just Muffin.

Plus, it gave me a chance to try and make up with Cain, from last time.
He was upset.
I know he was.
Not to mention, he left as soon as Jeremy tried to say something.

I ruined his moment.
So it was up to me to make it up to him.

"How many sundresses are you even bringing?" I asked in Kim's apartment, both Keisha and I were on the bed watching our friend and girlfriend digging through her closet.

Kimmy sighed.
"As many as I can shove in my bag." She said with her attention falling on her suitcase.
I blinked as Keisha smiled softly.
"What about shorts or-"
"They'll be packed as well." Kimmy cut the other off but informed her at the same time.

Keisha made a face.
I looked to the other.
"What about you? Are you bringing any dresses?" I asked.
She smirked.
"I was going to bring just two, Jeremy mentioned we'd be going out to eat the night before we leave, so I figured I'd dress nice." She shrugged.
I nodded smiling softly.

"How are things with you and Cain?" Kimmy asked folding a light green dress, placing it in her bag.
I rubbed the side of my neck.
"Its pretty awkward, I don't know.. he's just been acting off ever since our first fight." I murmured.

"Do you think he cheated?" Keisha asked with a concerned look.
My heart skipped a beat.
"N-No, Cain isn't the type to cheat on someone, over an argument." I said biting my lip.
"But how do you know that?" Keisha pushed.

"I'm with Keisha on this one."
"You too, Kimmy?" I asked her with knitted brows.
Kimmy frowned.
"Angel, baby. You and Cain got together at the worst possible time, and six weeks later you two have that fight. Who's to say he didn't go to a bar, got drunk and had sex with someone?" She said with crossed arms.

"But I wouldn't of cheated!" I yelled now as Keisha placed her hand on my shoulder.
"We know, but based on what Kim's told me, you two know nothing about each other. You really don't know if he is the cheating type, and if he is.. then there is the possibility, he did that night." She told me as my eyes began to burn.

Kimmy clapped her hands together.
"But! We don't know, and we can't assume, maybe Cain is just trying to distant himself from you, until you're actually ready to be fully touched." She suggested now.
Biting my lip, I nodded frowning.
Would Cain really cheat on me?
I know our little fight wasn't the best..
But, if he cheated.
Then that mean't, he didn't care about my feelings.
At all.

I wish Keisha hadn't mentioned that, because now it'd be on my mind all day.
Just trying to figure out the why's and the how's.
Why would he do that?
And how could he do it?

I went home an hour later after Kimmy had finished packing.
I was unsure about a lot of things now.

I sat at the computer, sighing I pressed call.

Calling Sophia Clark...
The loud voice had said out loud.

"Angel!" The twelve year old greeted me with a huge smile, plastered on her freckled face.
I smiled softly.
"Hey, Sophia." I greeted her.
Sophia's hazel eyes twinkled at the sight of me.
"I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever call." She smiled.

I sighed softly but smiled.
"Sorry, its been a while sis. How're things in Cali?" I asked her.
She shrugged.
"Same as always, ready for summer to get here." She confessed.
I grinned softly.
"Yeah same, but spring break will be here in a week." I pointed out.

"I know!" She exclaimed.
"Ms.Martha told us we'd be getting two weeks, like you guys. Its actually a one time thing though, its for them to work on the science  room and other stuff." She said.
I made a face.
"What happened to the science room?" I  asked her.
She blushed.

"It blew up."
"IT WHAT?" My eyes grew wide as her blush darkened.
"It was an honest mistake, I was under a little stress that day and decided to mix potassium and water a-and-"

"Whoa, slow down. First off, it wasn't your fault kiddo, and secondly. What had you stressed that'd you mix those two?" I asked her.
She rubbed the side of her arm.

"Avery Cooley asked me to the spring dance on Friday.." She murmured.
I smiled.
"That's great, Sophia." I told her.
She blushed.
"But.. I don't want to go with him." She bit her lip.
I blinked then frowned.
"What's going on? You used to tell me everything, Soph." I said now.

She frowned on the other side.
"I.. I wanted Morgan Wolf to ask me.." She confessed.
My eyes grew wide.
"Wait.. Sophia, are you into girls?" I asked her.
She looked away.
"I mean, kinda? I've always had a crush or I think its a crush, on Morgan! She's insanely pretty and-"

"And she's your best friend." I frowned.
Her eyes teared up as she frowned.
"I know its bad to like the same gender, but you did it.. and I don't know.. anytime I see Morgan, this small spark appears, and I want to k-kiss her." She said as her face burned a dark red now.

I smiled softly.
"Soph, its okay to like your best friend, if I'm being honest. Which I am, I had a crush on Jeremy when I got here, and he's my best friend."
"Did you tell him you liked him?" She asked wiping her eyes.
I frowned sadly now.
"Well, no.. I didn't want to make things awkward, plus he likes girls. That's the only complicated thing, but sometimes friends don't make it awkward." I wanted to hug her so bad.

"If anything, you could always invite Morgan over and talk to her about it, see how she feels about girls liking girls, and when the times right. Ask if she'd ever date one, then tell her you think you like her." I told her.

"But what if she runs away?" Sophia cried.
"That's the upsetting part, trust me. Its not easy to come out, especially to friends. If Morgan runs away from you, for liking girls and for liking her, then that's her loss. Not yours, yeah.. its going to hurt for a while Soph, I'm not saying it won't. But its all about the timing." I explained.

She frowned softly.
"Are you going to come visit during spring break?" She asked changing the subject.
I smiled softly.
"I was thinking about it, what do you want to do when I get there?" I asked her.
She smiled.
"Everything!" She giggled.
I laughed as I heard a knock on her door.

Mom came into view before her own eyes lit up.
And for the first time.
Sophia didn't cut the conversation short, she just moved over some for mom to see me.

"Hey, pumpkin. How are things?" She asked.
I smiled softly.
"Things are good, in a week we're going to a beach house." I told her.
Mom smiled.
"That sounds pretty cool." She admitted.
"Bubba is coming over after that!" Sophia told mom now.

Mom blinked.
"Oh he is?" Her eyes fell back on me.
I blushed.
"Well I was thinking about it, if you guys don't care." I told her.
She smiled.
"Well of course not, that's great you're coming over. Jacob and his family is supposed to fly in from Washington, and Andrew wants to come visit, he said Amy had her baby." She told me now.

"Oh wow, that's awesome. I'll have to text them a congrats." I said.
She nodded smiling.

"Oh mom, I was actually wanting to talk to you.." I said looking to Sophia.
Mom blinked then looked to my sister.
"Hey baby, can you give us a moment?" She asked her.
Sophia blinked but nodded.
"Sure mom, bye Angel!" She said running out of the room.

Mom's brows knitted.
"What is it, Angel?" She asked.
I frowned.

"Have you or dad ever cheated on each other?" I asked her.
Mom's eyes grew wide.
"Oh goodness, no. Well..." She bit her lip.
"Okay, yes. I cheated." She told me now.

My heart skipped a beat.
"You cheated on dad?" I asked her.
She frowned.
"It wasn't a good time for us, pumpkin. We were fighting all of the time, and I went to a friends party, and made a few bad choices there." She told me.
I frowned.
"Did you ever tell dad?" I asked her.
She frowned but nodded.

"I told him the very next day, the guilt was already eating me alive and even though what we were going through, I loved your dad." She said.
My stomach was twisting in painful knots.
"How did he react?" I asked.

She frowned.
"In a way, he understood? But at the same time, he was angry, hurt and even betrayed. I mean, to give your all to someone and to cheat on them like it meant nothing, can kill any relationship." She said.
"He left you." I blurted out.
She smiled softly but nodded.

"For a few weeks, he needed time to think, of course this was before any of you were even born." She added.
"So.. how did you get him back?" I asked her.
She frowned.
"He came back, and even though he wasn't the one who cheated, he apologized to me. We had a long talk after that, and as a woman. I cried a lot as well, but ever since that day. I haven't thought about cheating, its too painful and a lot of trust is lost." She said.

I frowned deeply.
"What's this even about Angel? Did you cheat on Cain?" She asked worried.
I frowned looking at her, shaking my head.
"No ma'am, I think.. I want to say, Cain cheated." I told her.

Mom's eyes widened.
"Why would he cheat on you baby?" She asked me.
I frowned.
"Six weeks into my therapy, we had this huge argument.. and he left pretty angry, and when he came back it had already been four days later, and he had been acting off." I rubbed the side of my neck.
"Even now, he's acting off.. I feel like its me, but Keisha suggested that he may have cheated, and that's why he is being distant." I told her.

She frowned softly.
"You're acting pretty calm about this fact, would you honestly be okay knowing he slept with another man?" She asked.
I blushed but frowned.
"Well no, but.. I feel like I overreacted that night, and ruined things." I told her.
"Angel, baby. You were raped and nearly sold to some stranger, you were not in the right mind to even consider romantic gestures. That had to be traumatizing for you."

"It was." I told her.
"Then maybe you and Cain should sit down and talk about it, see if he has anything he needs to tell you, and if he lies by telling you no, throw in the cheating card." She told me.

"But what if he didn't cheat and I'm just going nuts?" I asked her feeling my heart pounding.
"Then you apologize for even assuming that, and maybe he'll get over it and you'll move forward." She said with crossed arms.

I frowned.
"I'll talk to him after the beach house, I don't want this to ruin our trip." I told her now.
She nodded.
"Do it when your ready, pumpkin. As scary as this may be, maybe he didn't cheat and you two will honestly just grow as a couple." She told me looking to the door.

"I have to go baby, your dads home and we have food on the table. If you start feeling more and more worried, talk to him and ignore the trip for that moment. Your relationship is more important than some silly trip to the beach." She said.
I frowned.
"Alright.." I murmured.

"I love you pumpkin, talk to you soon." She said before hanging up.
"Bye.." I said softly.
"You said you wanted to talk to me, whats this about?" Jeremy questioned inside of Blue Wolf's bar.
Cain frowned.
"I need you to keep an open mind, because I can't go to Angel about it.. not yet." He said.
Jeremy's brows knitted.

"Why do I have a feeling I'm about to kick your ass?" He asked now.
Cain frowned deeply.
"A few weeks ago, I made a stupid mistake and I-"

He groaned being slammed into the wall.
"I really hope those next few words are not, I cheated on Angel. Because if they are-"

"I did." Cain said lowly.
Jeremy's hold on the others collar, tightened.
"Oh you sorry fuck, I knew you couldn't be fucking trusted." He growled.
Cain glared.
"It was an accident!" He snapped then groaned feeling Jeremy's fist connect to his face.

"How the fuck is cheating an accident? You knew what you were doing, you bastard!" Jeremy yelled as other guys ran over, pulling Jeremy from Cain who was glaring harshly.

"I didn't mean to, I wasn't thinking!"
Jeremy glared.
"You cheated on Angel, Cain. How the fuck could you not mean to cheat on someone that precious? He seriously likes you." He said with knitted brows.
"I know he does."

"Then why the fuck are you so god damn selfish?!" Jeremy ripped out of the other guys hold, storming up to Cain but was stopped by Garrett who frowned.

"Get out of my way, Garrett."
"Jeremy, I know you're upset. But fighting isn't going to solve anything, this is between Cain and Angel." He said.

"That's where you wrong, this stupid fuck just told me he cheated on my best friend, so now its between all three of us." He was in Cain's face.

"So either you tell him, or I will." He growled harshly.
Cain frowned.
"I was going to tell him at the beach house."
"Oh and ruin our entire week? Yeah smart thinking, break my friends heart at the place he's been excited to go to." He growled.

"Jeremy, I need time to think on how I'll tell him." Cain spat.
"Oh buddy you've had plenty of time to fucking tell him, but instead you've been twiddling your thumbs, waiting to tell him. God you make me fucking sick." Jeremy stormed towards the counter.

Cain looked down.
"I make my own self, sick." He murmured.

Jeremy glared.
"I won't say a word to him, but you will tell Angel next week, and if you don't.  I won't hesitate to drag your sorry ass down." Jeremy said in warning.

Cain frowned deeply, not saying anything else.
But simply nodded in response.

And Then There Was You. (BoyXBoy)(REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now