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//WARNING:: This chapter contains all of the followings:: Graphic Language, cursing and mentions of rape.


"You need to sleep, Angel." Cain told me.
It's been three days.
Three days of Muffin missing.
And the last thing on my mind.
Was sleep.

I looked at him frowning.
"Have you found, Muffin?" I asked him.
He frowned looking away.
"Not yet."
"Then I won't sleep." I said stubbornly.

"Your health is important, Angel!" Cain hissed.
"And my dogs life is more important than me not getting sleep, she's out there missing and probably terrified!" I yelled at him.
"Shes just a dog." Cain said lowly.
I glared at him, standing up with a stumble.

"And you're just a person who can be easily replaced." I warned storming past the other, going outside as my head began to pound painfully.

"Did you get a nap in?" Jeremy asked as I looked to him.
"No, I won't sleep until we get Muffin back." I said.
Jeremy smirked softly.
"Alright, but if you miss the rest of the trip. Don't whine about it later." He said as I flipped the other off in response.
"I love you too." Jeremy said walking off to go back to looking.

My eyes burned as I looked around for her.
Kimmy and Keisha went into town to see if anyone had seen her.
And I was hoping someone had.

I walked down to the beach, my hands shoved in my pockets as I stared at the water.
It twinkled back at me as I frowned.

"Angel!" I heard Jeremy yell my name.
I turned around and felt my eyes swell with tears that fell.

Jeremy held Muffin who was covered in twigs and mud.
But she wagged her tail excitedly when she saw me.

Stumbling to run, I fell on my knees at a point as I ran to the two.
Jeremy's arms were cut and bleeding.
But he handed me the dirty pup who started aggressively licking me.
As I laughed and cried at the same time.

"Where have you been?" I cried kissing her as my clothes got soiled from the mud and whatever else she had in her fur.

"Jeremy found her?" Kimmy asked excited as her and Keisha ran up to us.
I nodded looking to Jeremy who smiled softly.
I wanted to hug him.
To show him my gratitude.

As soon as I tried to take a step forward.
Keisha was removing Muffin from me, and Jeremy and Kimmy were both catching me.
My body had finally given in to no sleep.
And just when I needed Cain to explain something to me.
And when I wanted to snuggle Muffin.

Sleep said no way bitch, and knocked my ass out.
When I woke up, it was morning.
My head was throbbing and my stomach felt like it had ate itself.
I looked around but felt relief seeing Muffin sleeping at my feet.
Curled up and cleaned.
Her brown eyes opened and she greeted me with kisses and a wagging tail.

"Hey girl." I greeted her with a raspy voice.
But she ignored it and started nuzzling and licking me.
No matter how much I attempted to get her to stop.
It was nice.

I got out of bed, swaying like I had been drunk the night before.
I walked to the bathroom, taking a quick shower as the water bit at my skin.
It felt nice.
I know I crashed yesterday afternoon, so I guess I slept the entire day away.
Sounds about right.

After the shower, I walked into the kitchen with Muffin on my heels.
Her food and water bowl were both filled.
I'd have to thank the others for caring for her while I was out.
I opened the fridge and felt nauseous.

"About time you rose from the dead." Jeremy said holding a water bottle in his hand.
I turned to the other.
"How long was I asleep?" I asked him.
He looked to his watch, then to me.
"For two days." He said.
My eyes grew wide with shock.

"T-Two days?" I asked him.
He smirked.
"I told you not to whine, we have two full days to do whatever then its back to the apartment life for a week of more freedom." He told me.
I yawned softly.
"Oh yeah, I still have to buy my plane ticket." I said.

Jeremy arched a brow.
"Plane ticket?" He asked now.
I nodded.
"Yeah, I was going to visit the family for our final week. I sort of promised Sophia." I said getting out a bowl for some cereal.
Jeremy nodded.
"That sounds good, oh by the way. We changed the plans, we're going out tonight to eat. Not tomorrow." He told me.
I blinked.
"What changed?" I asked confused.

Jeremy frowned.
"We all agreed we'd want that last day to be our relaxing day, plus. Cain wants to talk to you after we go out to eat." He told me.
My stomach sank.
"Why does it feel like I'm going to regret the talk?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"Honestly, if I were in your shoes. I'd hate it, but don't let what happens tonight ruin our fun dinner date with everyone." He smirked now.

I smiled softly with a nod.
"There he is." Keisha greeted me as I stepped outside where the others were.
My eyes fell on Cain who looked at me for a moment, but didn't say anything.
Was he still sore from my warning the other night?
I know we were all tired.
But, for him to just tell me that Muffin was just a dog.

She was my first dog.
My dad was allergic to them, so we never had a dog as a kid.
So when I moved out.
She was the first thing I adopted.
And she was completely worth it.

"Hi guys." I yawned rubbing my eyes.
Kimmy rolled her eyes.
"How dare you yawn, Mr.I'mGoingToSleepForTwoDays." She said.
I blushed looking away as everyone else grinned.

Jeremy sat down, pulling me into his lap as Cain flashed him a nasty look.
He smirked deviously as I leaned against the other.
"Are we ready to party tonight?" He asked, his hands holding me down.
Keisha grinned.
"Its just a dinner date, how much partying are you expected to do there?" She asked him.
He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"All of it, I want to get wasted and dragged back here." He told us now.
I smirked softly.
"Having a drink sounds good to me." I admitted.
Keisha grinned.
"We can just walk there and walk back here like zombies, because that's how it'll look and feel." She grinned like a child.

Kimmy smirked at her girlfriend.
"How drunk do you plan on getting tonight?" She asked.
Keisha blinked.
"Drunk enough to forget who I am and why the world is a square." She told her.

My brows knitted.
"But the worlds not sq-"
"Shh." Jeremy covered my mouth as he smirked at Keisha.
"Let her imagine things, its cute." He said.
Two hours later, we were getting ready and I was trying to fix the tie on my shirt.
Cain appeared in the full body mirror, with crossed arms.

"What was with that, earlier?" He asked me.
I turned to him.
"What was what?" I asked confused.
Cain made a face.
"You and Jeremy, he pulled you into his lap and you just stayed there." He frowned at me.
I blinked.
"It didn't mean anything, if that's what you're getting at Cain." I frowned at him.
"Then why didn't you get up?" He pushed.

"Because he had a comfortable lap." I confessed.
Cain glared at that.
"So if I touch you, its a no no, but if he does-"
"Wait," I looked at him slightly irritated.
"Did you really use the term, no no on me? Cain, Jeremy is my friend. As much as jealousy can look cute, you're not being it. Stop making it look like something its not." I said heading to the door but stopped as Jeremy popped in.

"You wild kids ready?" He asked with a smirk.
I frowned.
"Yeah." I told him.

Jeremy looked down as Cain walked out glaring.
"Keep your eyes off his ass." He growled.
Jeremy shrugged.
"No idea what you're talking about." He grabbed the others tie, pushing him against the wall with his forearm.
"But I do know, you better tell him tonight. I heard everything you two were talking about, and if you're really trying to guilt Angel into confessing something." He shoved the other in front of him.
"How about you go first?" He asked.
Joe's Crab Shack..

"Not the fancy place I had in mind." Keisha said with crossed arms.
Jeremy sighed.
"Joe's can be pretty fancy if you order what you want, were you guys really expecting me to go broke tonight?" He asked us now.

I smirked.
"I could of chipped in when it came to the bill." I told him.
Jeremy smirked back.
"And what kind of gentleman would I of been, if I had let anyone else pay? I told you guys, well not you. Cause you were dead for two days, that tonight was on me." He teased as I blushed looking away.

We sat at a booth.
The girls on one side.
And for some odd reason.
I was in the middle.
Which was a little uncomfortable.

But about time the food got here.
All nerve's were gone.
The house was locked up, Muffin was in my room.
And now we were here.
Relaxing and drinking cold beer.

I was a bit nervous about ordering my meal, because even though Jeremy was paying.
The meals could be pricey.
But he said that money wouldn't really be a problem.
Even after he teased us saying he was going to be broke.

But I got the Land and Sea.
It was this eight ounce steak with creamy peppercorn, a grilled shrimp skewer served with mashed potatoes and my choice of vegetable. Which was green beans.

Jeremy got the Cedar Roasted Salmon, which had rice and seasoned vegetables.
Kimmy ordered the Fish&Chips.
Keisha got herself Seafood Gumbo.
And Cain despite Jeremy's protesting.
Bought himself Chicken Tacos.

And Then There Was You. (BoyXBoy)(REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now