Chapter 26 : Hold my hand

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"I'm not feeling good Jungkook...really not..." her words leave her mouth weakly as my heart almost stopped at the feeling of her temperature against my skin. I feel like fainting from fright. "Honey...the fever hasn't gone down...I need to take you to the emergency..." I remove the blanket from her, fearing that this could be more serious than I thought. She doesn't even act against it or tell me that she's fine, which means that this is important for real. "I'm going to go grab hold of a bottle of water, you'll drink to hydrate yourself while I'll be putting Daehan in the car, alright?"

She nods but remains in her position, so I hurry to get out of the room and head towards the kitchen. "Daehan, we need to leave the house a bit earlier than usual, can you go put your shoes on?"

"Okay something wrong with Cuddle?" he stands up as he must have noticed in my behavior that I was stressed out. "She...she's okay...she just needs a special medication to feel better, don't worry," I force a smile to reassure him and then get back into the bedroom as I saw him walking towards the entry room with a pancake in his hand. I'm feeling too anxious, I'm scared I could not stand this situation for too long without passing out. Once Y/N isn't okay, everything seems to not work anymore, as if I needed her no matter what.

I enter the room to head towards her and hand her the bottle, "Drink this honey," I squat down in front of her and pass my hand through her hair, she opens the bottle and gulps down the fresh liquid. I hope she forgot about the issue of yesterday but I doubt it, I know how she thinks.

I stroke her thighs and press a kiss on her skin. "Stay here, I'm going to take care of the kids to put them into the car and come back, okay?"

She answers with a movement of her head to acquiesce again, keeping her eyes lowered down. I gaze at her for some more seconds but force myself to stand up and for the thousandth time today, walk away.

"Jungkook..." she calls me back in a soft voice, making me turn around to ask what is wrong. "Please...don't take too much time...I feel like fainting..."

My heart punches me hard as soon as her words pass through my head, I hold my tears back only caused by the pressure felt on my shoulders but decide to walk back to her, "I'm going to take care of you first...I can't leave you here..." I wrap one arm around her waist and place the other below the crook of her legs to lift her up and hold her the bridal way, in order to leave the room and walk up towards the entry one.

As soon as Daehan sees us, he lays his eyes on his sister with worry readable through his look, "Cuddle...?" his lips curl down, his eyes glistening as he gripped onto the straps of his school bag. "Don't worry my baby...I'm okay..." she answers him with a feeble smile as I couldn't even speak, feeling hurt by everything surrounding me today. I keep the control of myself and head to the outside, telling our little boy to follow us and get in the back of the car while I'm putting Y/N on the passenger seat.

"I'm going to get a new face mask and bring Kiran here," I warn her before closing the door and rushing to the house, the problems building up and crushing me down with it stopping, I've never gone through that yet but this is hard as hell. I go take a new and clean face mask first, with the medications Y/N could need, then walk to our child's room, to take him in my arms and get back to the car, with his jacket, Y/N's one, and a cereal bar I grabbed in the way.

I sit my baby on his seat, fastening the belt and making sure his head is resting on something as he hasn't woken up. Once everything is done, I close the door and get on the driver's seat, to check on Y/N first and start the car, but give her the face mask and the food. "Eat this...even if you're feeling a bit nauseous...please..."

She takes hold of it and lays the face mask on her thighs, to remove the wrapping from the snack and eat, bite per bite. "Sweetheart," I raise my head up and look at Daehan with the rearview. "I'm going to drive you to school now, is it okay?"

FORBIDDEN DESIRE 2 | Jungkook × Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now