Ch. 47 : The look into your eyes

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Now that the cake is made and baking in the oven, I kiss my boy's head as he's waiting in front of it and walk up to the sofa. "What is baking? That smells good," she questions me again about it, being too curious to wait a little bit more to know.

I smile but land on the cushions next to her, with my legs resting on it and my feet touching her body while I can have the other angle of this large sofa for me to rest in the corner. "This is a secret, stop being a bad curious girl."

"That oddly smells like chocolate..." she sniffs the air to get to know what this is but provokes a little whining to come from our baby boy. "Mommy! This is a surprise! This is not chocolate!"

She giggles at his cute words and the voice used for it but tries to correct her little mistake. "Alright baby, mommy doesn't know what this is yet," she lets him believe that she doesn't have a clue but turns towards me, to eat a strawberry full of chocolate sauce and whipped cream and come up to me with one.

I can't contain my grin as soon as I see her crawling to me to end on my lower abdomen and sit there. "Ah," she tells me to open my mouth, so I do it and take the whole fruit in it, for her to lick her fingers I felt on my lips afterward. We both gaze into each other's eyes, only us in our little world while our children are staying together and Daehan staying in his bedroom to work.

I take her hands in mine to intertwine them and draw her closer to me, "There's something I want to tell you," I lower my voice for her only to hear it, and make our faces get very near one another. "What is it?"

I nervously play with her hands, swinging them from one side to another, a smile curves my lips up the more I look at her but I don't think too much and tell her about my feelings. "I want another baby..."

"Another one?" she raises her eyebrows before grinning broadly, making me nod sincerely. "I saw a dad with his tiny baby boy aged of maybe some months and my heart felt so warm that I kept on thinking about our babies when they were that young...and that made me miss those moments when they only start using words or walk..."

"When I think about the pregnancy...I suddenly change my mind you's good and joyful but also horrible and painful..." she smiles but still plays with our hands together, staring into my eyes. I pull her down for our lips to join and wrap my arms around her body. "I know...I just wanted to tell you..."

"You weren't kidding when you said you wanted a lot of babies with me, hm?" she gives me her adorable face, recalling the sentence I told her long ago. "Maybe not..." my laughter quietly escapes from my mouth as I'm holding her tightly like a baby. She has no idea how much I love my children and wouldn't want to know that one day, I would not be able to have any baby anymore but just see them all grown up.

"Alright then...if my husband wants another baby and that I agree with him..." she raises her head up from my shoulder for our faces to be at only one inch away from each other while hugging, "When should we start?"

"When did we stop though?" I let out without being able to hold some giggles back inside, causing her to beam at my words that she must know are true. "Yes but...we're not doing it that much that makes our chances even lower."

"We should make it every night quietly then," I whisper to her to make sure our children in the kitchen doesn't hear anything. "And I'll take some days off to be here and make another baby with my wife," I slide my hands up her back, the sparkles in her eyes oddly reflecting the ones I feel tingling in my chest. "This is a good thing that you're telling me this now, because I'm right in the best period to increase our chances of getting pregnant so...we shouldn't wait for too much" the crescent shape her lips are forming drags my eyes down to it, attracting my own lips to them and making this end in a soft kiss. "You know we don't ever wait when we want something."

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