Ch. 52 : Drifted apart

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"What?" my body freezes on its spot. "W—What did you just say? P—Pregnant? M—My baby is...oh my god..." my heart leaps several times into my chest but without even wanting to wait, I make a beeline for my wife. "We're gonna have another little baby?!" I cup her face right after kneeling down in front of her, forgetting what's around me and just thinking about the little treasure inside her belly.

"I..." her eyes widen, before shooting up towards her brother. " said you would keep it to yourself...!" she expresses some frustration at the secret that was supposed to be kept hidden from me. "I'm so sorry Cuddle...! It went out of my mouth like that...!"

"Why would you keep it secret baby?" I drop my hands on her lap, feeling disappointed by this and not understanding why she would do this. "Honey...I wanted it to be a surprise for your birthday since it's soon going to arrive...I'm sorry for not telling you sooner..."

"Oh..." I now understand, finding it adorable from her and not hating her decision. "I'm so happy my baby..." I make my best to not let some tears of delight roll down my face at this right moment but move up to take her in my arms and nestle my head in the crook of her neck. "I can't believe we're going to have our new little baby that I will be able to hold with just one arm...I'm going to hear his first words again and teach him all the new things of life..." I get emotional again, my heart beating hard as her arms are hugging me.

"You're a wonderful dad honey," she pecks my ear but tells me the most meaningful words after her 'I love you's'. I feel so soft and good with her and my babies that's incredible.

"Does that mean my baby is going to be an uncle again?" Haechan grabs Daehan's hand as their eyes are both dived into each other but he draws him closer to him, to make the smaller boy sit down between his long legs and provoke a pink tint on his cheeks. "Well...he's soon going to have another nephew or niece," y/n speaks for me as my emotions are still going too wild for me to be able to give a word out.

"Which gender do you think it will be?" the man gazes at him with a softness on his face, holding Daehan close to his build with his arms way bigger and longer than his. I always forget the fact that this guy is taller than me and I cannot help but sometimes fear they could have a sort of "daddy/baby boy" relationship. That cannot happen with my baby, no way I will allow this with my innocent child. He's still innocent, no matter what, I can't imagine him doing dirty things, I can't and don't want to.

"I don't know..." his voice turns sweeter as his body is hiding in the man's arms and embrace like it always does once he's close to his boyfriend. That makes me feel like the Daehan I know always turns all shy just from being with him. "Maybe a boy...that will be like me, Yoongi, and Cuddle."

The man smiles at him fondly but brings his large hand up to Daehan's face, to brush his thumb past his cheek. "Kiran already reminds me of you so I can already imagine a baby with your cute eyes and lips," his charming laughter escapes from his mouth but he holds my boy's jawline, to press a kiss on his warm cheek that seems to heighten in brightness the more this man is holding the attention on him.

Daehan acts timid again and conceals his head in the crook of the man's neck, making him chuckle. There's just one thing I only noticed now, they both have a ring on their ring fingers, Daehan has a luxury watch and a small chain necklace that I didn't see at first but which appeared quickly once the neck of his top moved.

He must be pampered with Haechan but that makes me feel weird to see him wearing a ring that has a meaning. "Are you both married?" I bring the question up with some tease. Haechan's eyes instantly meet mine, his hand moving down to interlace with his other one and have his arms around Daehan's body. "It's a promise ring..." he smiles but glances away with what looks like some timidity.

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