Chapter 4 : Spanking

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"I...I'm sorry to bother you...but...I wanted to ask you what was your name..."

"Oh...uhm...I'm Y/N," I answer him without thinking too much. If he's trying to lead to some flirt, he can give up. "Would you want me to give you the money you paid just for me? My stuff is right ove—"

"No no," he shakes his hand that he lifted up at his chest, his beam shining in whiteness. "'s just that I found you cute over there and...I wanted to ask you if I could give you my number...? If one wouldn't mind seeing me again...?"

Holy crap. What do I answer to that? Is he acting like that to be friends or...hook up with me? I'm so bad at detecting that kind of thing, I must look stupid right now. However, if I answer him that I have a husband when he was trying to get to know each other and be friends...I'll look dumb.

"No...?" he bites his lower lip. "I...well...that's kind of you but why would you want to see me again?"

"Get to know each other...I just found you so cute and adorable that I just wanted to...see you again to...I don't know..." he passes his hand over his nape, showing off his big biceps while his face seems to be exuding some nervousness. "You're really kind but I'm married and I don't think my husband would be very happy about this...even if it's just to be friends..."

"Oh...okay..." he smiles at me. "That's fine, I'm sorry I didn't k—" he suddenly jerks his eyes to my left as if something was there, he wraps one arm around me and yanks me against him to turn me around.

What the—

He saved me from getting hit by a ball. "Sorry!" a young kid runs to us to retrieve his toy. "Be careful next time, you could hurt someone..." he removes his arm from me while scolding the boy. I exhale sharply at this moment and thank him. He smiles at me, "I can't believe those kids...Are you okay though?"

"Yes, th—"

"Did you buy what you wanted honey?" the man that I mentioned just some seconds ago makes an appearance, to place one arm around me, cupping my side with some firmness. I see what he's doing just right now. "Y—Yeah..." I look up at him, feeling like I'm gonna be in trouble. "Mm," he fixes his eyes into mine, sending the gaze that I know means he's going to make me lose my sanity tonight. He takes a look at the man and puts a smile on his face, a fake one. "You are?"

"I...I was just making sure that she was okay..." he returns the expression but in a more sincere one. "Alright," he nods to him and lays his attention back on me. "Let's go back to our deck chair baby," he takes my free hand in his hot one full of prominent veins into which the blood is running with wrath. "I follow him but bow my head at the kind guy who smiled back at me.

Now, my butt should be ready.

Jungkook puts me down on our seat, making my heartbeat at warp speed now that I'm facing him. I silently place my small plush on top of our bag and hand the strawberry popsicle to the man standing in front of me, whose eyes are sending lasers at me while I'm shaking. "It''s for you..."

"Who's that guy?"

I place the snack that he doesn't want to take on our small table and open the wrapping of mine. "I forgot to take my money to go buy my items and when he heard me saying it to the vendor...he offered to pay for me and since he insisted, I gave in and took one popsicle but then, the vendor said there was a discount and that I could get one free with this one, so I thought about you and bought this strawberry one," I point at it while I'm starting to eat mine. "Then again, the blond guy added this little dolphin plush for me, for me to not forget him as he said and when I left that "Café" as it is called, the vendor told me there wasn't any discount but that he just offered me one for free since I made his day..." I raise my chin up to meet his big eyes. "That's all the truth Jungkook...I swear..."

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