2. It began like this

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It was unexpected

At the age of 16

The world went silent

And it began like this..

Yoongi was sitting in his mini studio that he designed himself. It was after midnight, late. His headphones plugged in so he wouldn't wake his parents, he pressed the keys up and down as he created a beat. Bobbing his head when he got the rhythm he liked as a smirk was placed on his lips. It was nights like this, when the world was quiet and peaceful, the moon was the only one awake was his most favorite. Night time was his relaxation, the moon and stars was his best friend.

But suddenly

It happened

Out of the blue

With no explanation

At three O'clock in the night, the world went completely silent.
Yoongi groaned in annoying thinking his headphones suddenly no longer worked, getting up and searching for more, he found a pair and plugged them in, trying again but getting no sound, he sees the sound waves moving on screen but hear no beat. In frustration, he pauses and throws those headphones to the side as he decides to just play the music through the computer speakers and finish up this work. But again, there was nothing, silence. He checked the volume, muting it and un-muting it, nothing. In frustration, thinking his computer was finally breaking, he sighs as his face falls into the palm of his hands.

But then he realizes something

Something was off


He couldn't even hear his own sigh, his own voice. He didn't even hear his phone going off when he received a notification. He began to panic, with the repeat of no no no slipping off his tongue as he places his hands on his head and paces the room. He was scared, trying to find an answer for what was happening, everything was so silent, it scared him.
In frustration, he threw everything off his desk and was trying to catch his breath and collapsed on the sofa across the room. Unaware and not even realizing that his big brother had entered the room until he felt a touch on his shoulder, he jumped like a fragile cat. Staring up at Jimin who had confused eyes. He watched him go across the room and pause the music that was apparently playing through the computer, being completely silent to Yoongi's ears.
He falls back onto the couch with a string of curse words slipping from his lips that he can no longer hear, only the vibration going through his chest. He hears something, but barely, not even audible. He looks up and sees Jimin trying to get his attention.
He sees his brother mouth the words of

"what's wrong?"

He sighs as he stands up and paces back and forth until he faces the elder. He speaks, but it's silent, unable to hear the break and fear in his voice "remember when you suddenly went colorblind when you were younger?" He watches him nod in confusion "and there was no explanation on why? The doctors thought it was cancer, but they couldn't find a thing!" He shouts the last thing, but he can't tell, but realizes he did when he watches Jimin flinch and then nod. Yoongi points to his ears "I can't hear" he feels tears rolling down his cheeks, the first time Jimin ever witnesses it and he hears his heart break by the change in his eyes "I can't hear myself, I can't hear! I can't hear you, hyung!"
He's panicking, unable to breathe and crying in frustration, heart thumbing inside his ears as the room begins to spin and become a blur just before he collapses into his brothers arms.

And so it began like this,
at the age of 16.
His happiness was gone, no longer being able to hear it.
The world was different silent, scarier and he had to live with it.
Learning sign language and learning how to read peoples lips when they talked.
Always hated when he saw someone mouth "maybe you shouldn't have listened to music so loud!" with a silent laugh from them.
And it always hurt.

Even when his dad Namjoon said "you'll get better one day, it won't last" but he never understood what he meant, never understanding when Jin and Namjoon gave a look that said something that he or Jimin never understood, something between them that couldn't be said out loud.

But here he is at the age of 22 and Jimin at the age 25, they've learnt to deal with it, it was a part of them.

Min YoonGi
Went deaf at 16 y/os ∆

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