14. You're my Van Gogh

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Jimin shouts standing in the middle of his room, pouting. He hears stomps coming up the stares as Jungkook nearly slide by the door, grabbing the frame to stop himself from falling. He stands up straight and walks quickly into the room "Is everything okay?" He worriedly asks as he stands behind the other. Jimin crosses his arms and looks at his best friend through the mirror "I can't decide what to wear!" He whines making Jungkook chuckle "aish" he sighs "you didn't have to scream for me, you scared me!" He places his hands on his hips scolding his best friend, Jimin chuckles "sorry!" Jungkook rolls his eyes "how many outfits do you have picked out?" He curiously asks before looking at the mess on the bed "four" he points to the chair in the corner of the room, Jungkook nods as he walks over and looks at each outfit before deciding "how about this one? But with this hat!" He picks up an outfit as he looks at Jimin. Jimin hums and grabs the outfit and changes. Black skinny jeans with a pair of boots and a blue trench coat. Jimin stares at him in the mirror, Jungkook fixes his hair before grabbing a hat and setting it on.

Jimin smiles "is it too much? I feel like I'm overdressed for a museum- will he like it?" He's nervous and mumbling out nonsense ad Jungkook chuckles "stop, Jimin. You look good, you're just overthinking" Jimin takes a deep breath and nods. Suddenly the doorbell rings and Jimin's eyes become wide and nervous. Jungkook smiles and pats him on the back, trying his best to calm him down "take deep breaths, now come on"
Jimin takes a deep breath and nods as he begins to head down stairs, Jungkook stands at the top as Seokjin appears behind him with a small smile as they watch Jimin approach the door. Jimin takes a deep breath and tells him to relax before finally opening the door.
He's greeted with a beautiful redhead with a gorgeous box smile. "Hi jiminie~ are you ready?" He signs as he looks at the other so fondly, Jimin smiles and nods "let's go" he signs as Taehyung steps back, he closes the door and begins to make their way down the street.
"You look really cute" Taehyung signs as he watches the other fondly, Jimin smiles shyly "thank you, you look good too" he says sweetly.
They' spent the entire walk talking about one another as enjoyed the cold breeze brush against their skin, it felt nice, No- it felt great.

They finally arrived to the museum and Taehyung was excited as they walked the pathway to the entrance, Jimin looked up at the museums name and smiled "L'atelier?" He signs "the museum of Van Gogh" he chuckles, Taehyung nods " yeah! He's one of my tl op favorite artists of all time" he says before turning to open the door and motioning for Jimin to go in first. He pays for the both of them before they begin their journey. They get to the first painting which happened to be two crabs, Jimin smiles "ah, my dad would love this painting" he signs as looks at the other, the boy smiles sweetly "Vincent painted this after he got out of the hospital in 1889" he looks at the painting fondly "he was inspired when he seen a Japanese printing of a crab by the artist Hokusai, his brother theo sent it him as a gift!" He chuckles softly as he looks at the other sweetly, he signs again "the colors are oil paint. It's a pretty green and the crabs are a red of different shades!" Jimin nods and smiles as he continues learning and listening, Taehyung extends his hand out for Jimin to grab as they go to the next painting. Jimin smiles brightly and signs excitedly "the starry night! I really adore this one"

Taehyung goes and tells the story about the painting, enjoying the moments of explaining what the colors are to Jimin, adoring the expressions and sparkle in his eye as he listened to him sweetly. It was peaceful and sweet, they took their time with each painting because they wanted this moment to last a life time.

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