15. əˈkwe(ə)rēəm

515 45 2

Yoongi sighed as he stared at himself in the mirror as he tried to figure out what to wear for tonight. Shrugging his shoulders as he finally just decided on this outfit, taking his index finger and pushing up his glasses from the edge of his nose as he walks over to his closet and grabbing a black scarf with a beanie.
He turns around as he sees his phone lit up on his bed, he waddles over as he sees a notification from Hoseok, he smiles as his thumb runs over the screen as he unlocks it

- The Sun-Hyung:
hi Yoongi, I'll be there in 5 minutes :)

He smiles sweetly as he feels himself get a little nervous, he takes a deep breath and exhales as he heads out his room as he runs into his dad. Jin smiles "got plans?" He signs before fixing the scarf around his son's neck, Yoongi tries to hide his smile "ah, I'm.. I'm going out" he looks away for a moment.
Jin chuckles "you got a date with Hoseok ah? Where's he taking you?" Yoongi stares at him for a moment, before he adds
"Jimin ssi told me"
Yoongi nods and smiles "the aquarium"
The doorbell rings.
Jin cocks his head as he stares at Yoongi, he reaches down to fix the younger's bangs and straightens out his coat, he signs sweetly "your prince is here" Yoongi rolls his eyes and heads downstairs as Jin watches him with Namjoon appearing behind him, wrapping his arms around his husbands wide shoulders as they watch their precious son
"You think he's the one, Hyung?" Namjoon whispers,
Jin hums "I really hope so, Joon."

Yoongi takes a deep breath before opening the door to greet a red haired heart smiled boy, he hands Yoongi a drink before signing "hi Yoongi! I got you your favorite!" Yoongi smiles and takes a sip of his drink "ah, Iced Americano, thank you Hoseok" he looks up at the older with a fond look. Hoseok looks past the younger as he sees two men at the top of the staircase, he smiles sweetly as he waves back to them, Yoongi sips on his drink as he looks back and realizes his parents were still there, he swallows the drink quickly as he shuts the front door in a hurry "sorry" he chuckles "those are my parents, don't pay attention to them" he looks away for a moment before looking back at the other "shall we go?" Hoseok nods as he steps aside and let's the other walk first before walking to the side of him, he signs sweetly "so you and Jimin are adopted?" Yoongi nods "yeah, they adopted us when I was 6" he says softly as he takes a sip of his drink slowly walking down the street "I don't wanna barge in or something" Hoseok signs "you don't have to answer, but can I ask about your biological parents?"
"No it's okay, we gotta learn about each other, right?" He smiles looking up at the red haired boy, Hoseok nods "right"
"Jimin and I's mom passed away when she gave birth to me, she was sick with something and nothing was able to heal with her" Yoongi looks away for a moment with a sigh, he feels a hand on his arm catching his attention, he looks up at the older, with eyes that held so much care and sweetness "Yoongi I'm so sorry" he says softly as he signs as well, Yoongi smiles and chuckles "naw it's okay, Hobi. I didn't really get to know about her. My-" he scrunches up his nose in disgust "-My biological father apparently burned all of her pictures and belongings, so I don't have a clue what she even looks like. And Jimin was too young to really remember what she looked like" he shrugs "but it's okay, she's probably in a better place, right Hyung?"
Hoseok smiles sweetly as he signs curing that he agrees "and your dad?"

Yoongi snorts as he scoffs a little bit as he pushes his glasses up from the edge of his nose, he looks over at Hoseok "he was gone before I was born. The only memory of him is that Jimin was always there when he would abuse our mother. Jimin said there was a few times he put his hands on her when she was pregnant with me and he tried to stop him, but he himself ended up getting hurt in the process too. So ever since birth, the both of us have been in foster care until Namjoon and Seokjin came along" he smiles at the thought of them before looking at the elder "but enough of my mess life - how are you Hoseok? Tell me about yourself?" He watches the other chuckle, wishing he could hear it so desperately, he signs "I've been well, I'm a dance teacher at a university"

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