10. It's time

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- 3:09pm

Yoongi sighed as he stared into the shop window, smiling a little as he detailed the pretty white shiny piano that sat quietly in the window, holding a sign that says for sale. Yoongi drops his shoulders, missing the sounds when he pressed the keys to the piano, he lowered his head closing his eyes as he tried to remember the heavenly sound that came from the piano. He shakes his head and sighs as he looks at his reflection in the window before leaving and heading to his brothers shop.
Adjusting his grey beanie and slipping his hands into the oversized black sweater and shivered when the cold breeze brushed against his cheeks.

He waddles his way up the path and enters the shop and smiles when he sees Jungkook. Jungkook looks up from his phone and comes over to the cash register, he signs "the normal? Iced Americano?" Yoongi nods and watches the other sign with a bright smile "I'll bring it to you when it's ready." Yoongi thanks him before turning to sit but noticing his Hyung sitting with two other people, Yoongi squints his eyes as he tries to see who the other two are with a little "ah" coming from his lips from a whisper when he realizes it's probably the two guys Jimin told him about on Saturday. Jimin notices him and smiles as he waves to come over. Yoongi rushes over and sits next to Jimin. The older signs with a precious smile "this is Taehyung" Yoongi nods as he signs hello before looking back at Jimin "this is Hoseok, his best friend, the one I said-" he cuts himself off as Yoongi glares at him, not wanting any embarrassment.
He finally looks towards the boy sitting in front of him, he smiles and bright like the sun and shaped like the sun with dimples appearing, Yoongi blinks for a moment before signing "hello, I'm Yoongi, Jimin's little brother. Nice to meet you" he watches the boys smile get even bigger and he signs excited "Hoseok. Jimin has told me alot about you." Yoongi looked at him fully this time, was to distracted by his heart shaped smile and pretty hands, they make eye contact and something causes fire to rumble up inside of Yoongi and he hears Hoseok laugh when Jimin said something stupid. He shakes his head as his eyes get a little big for a moment trying to process that the fact he heard his laugh, but only for a second. The wind gets knocked out of him when he feels an electric shock wave run through his body, he tries to make himself look calm, so nobody questions a thing. He pulls himself closer to the table as his hand gets placed on his chin, over his mouth as he stares at Hoseok. Watching him carry on a conversation with his best friend and Jimin.
He heard him, right? He wasn't imagination things, his mind wasn't playing tricks with him, was it?
Hoseok notices that he's stare and there's a look of fondness in his little brown eyes, but he says nothing execpt smile as he stares back for a moment, watching the younger look away quickly, curing that he was blushing, but getting saved by the bell when Jungkook brings him his Americano.

They talked for what seemed like hours.

Yoongi had to go back home to finish up some school work, he said his goodbyes and walked out of the shop with a smile on his face until he felt a tap on his shoulder and that beautiful face of Hoseok appeared in front of him, spooking Yoongi just a little bit as he stops in his tracks "sorry! Didn't mean to scare you-" Hoseok signs with a smile, Yoongi looks up at him and their eyes meet, for a second and again, a shock goes through the younger's body, but he tries to act like nothing is wrong as he watches Hoseok sign "-was wondering if I could see you again?" He blushes a little bit as he fiddles with his sweater, looking away before looking back down at the other. Yoongi smiles as his gummy smile appears "of course, when are you free?" He signs. Hoseok goes into thought before pulling out his phone and handing it to Yoongi "I'm not sure, I'll text you and I'll let you know, okay?" He smiles, dimples appearing as he looks at the smaller one so fondly, Yoongi nods and says okay as he puts his number into the olders phone and hands it back, Hoseok stares at him for a moment as he puts his phone back in his pocket, there's something there that Yoongi can't piece together, but something of this boy has him drawn in and he wants to know what it is. Hoseok bows and signs "I'll see you soon" before waving and heading back inside the shop.
Yoongi smiles as he shakes his head and begins to head back home.

Taehyung and Jimin watch the two outside the window, Jimin chuckles "cute" he signs before looking at the other who was already staring at him, he chuckles with his head cocked "what? Why are you looking at me like that?" He signs with a twinkle in his eye. Taehyung smiles sweetly as he leans onto the table and signs "would you like to go on a date some time?" He watches the boys light up before falling into a thin line with a bright smile, his pretty small hands signing "of course, let me give you my number" he grabs a pen from his pouch, gently grabbing the boys hand and writes his number on his inner arm with "Jimin❣️" written beside the number.


Yoongi sighs as he stands in front of his brothers door before creeking it open and peeking his head in a little "Hyung? Are you awake?" He asks in a soft tone as he sees Jimin nod
"Can I come in?"
He waits for approval, then comes in and quietly shuts the door behind him, he sits on the bed and faces his Hyung. He sighs as Jimin cocks his head "is everything okay?" Jimin says but also signs, Yoongi shakes his head. "Wanna talk?" Jimin asks as he gets up to sit closer to the other. Yoongi scratches the back of his neck as he tries to gather his thoughts and words before speaking "know how you said you seen color when you seen-" he squints trying to remember the boys name "-Ah, Taehyung at the shop on Saturday?" He asks softly as he stares at him, Jimin nods "yeah, why?" Yoongi sighs and shakes his head "I-I.. " he swallows a breath of air "Hyung - I heard Hoseok" he hums "when he laughed and..." He goes off into thought as he remembers day, Jimin leans down to grab the others attention, Yoongi looks at him again "you mean-" Jimin smiles a little with a sparkle in his head "-you actually heard him laugh? Like the way I seen color after making eye contact with him" he watches the younger nod, Jimin spaces out for a moment as he mumbles "his hair was red." He looks at his little brother "how did his laugh sound?" He asks as signs, out of habit thing to do even though Yoongi can read lips and speak back. Yoongi smiles with a little chuckle as he looks down "courageous.. really" he looks back up "loud, but I just wanted to hear more" his lips form into a pout

"what does this mean, Hyung? Because I don't understand what's going on"

Jimin shrugs his shoulders as he scratches his head "I don't know, Yoon." He laughs "I just keep thinking it's our mind playing tricks on us"

"Hyung, I heard Hoseok."

"I think it's time-" Jin sighs as he lays his head on his husbands shoulder
"- for the talk, Joon ah"
Namjoon nods as he rubs his face worriedly as he listens to his sons talk on the other side of the wall, without meaning too, the walls are thin and Yoongi is talking loudly without meaning too.

"It's time" he sighs

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