6. Electric Spark

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Taehyung and Hoseok were walking through the nature park as they strolled through the city making their way to the little coffee shop as people whispered by them. Hoseok was signing about his night at work and how stressful it was due to some of his students. Hoseok worked at a dance university and decided to work nights, so he could be with Taehyung during the day.
"They were so disrespectful-" he signed as he made a look of annoyance as they turned into the little parking lot of the coffee shop "-they kept getting the dance wrong and wouldn't listen" he signed as he jogged a little to open up the door for Taehyung and following in behind

"Hello, welcome to coffee prince!"

A worker said behind the counter as Hoseok bowed with his bright smile, he turns to Taehyung as he signs "go find a seat, I'll order us some drinks" Taehyung nods as his scan the place. The little shop was so pretty and unique, he's surprised he hasn't ever been or even heard about the place.

Hoseok stands aside as he tries to figure out what to get, already knowing what Taehyung wanted. He hums with his arms across and index finger placed on his right dimple. "Ah!" He softly says finally decided and walks up to the counter, the barista smiles brightly "My name is Jungkook! How may we help you today?" Hoseok sweetly smiles "ah, I would like a white chocolate mocha and..." He hums looking back at the menu "and a Sujeonggwa!" He passionately says as he grabs his wallet, the boy behind the counter nods "would you like the white chocolate iced or warm?" He looks at the customer "warm, thank you"
"okay, your total will be $10.03 and we will bring it out when it's ready!"
Hoseok nods and thanks them as he turns to the right and searches for Taehyung, spots him by the window and makes his way over, the other smiles as he sees Hoseok sit him in front of him "what did you get?" He asks curiously with his fingers "I got myself a white chocolate mocha and your favorite, Sujeonggwa" he signs with a sweet smile as Taehyung gasps in excitement "my favorite!" He signs, Hoseok nods and smiles as he grabs his phone from his pocket, opening up the camera app to check himself out. He hums as he plays with his hair before signing to his best friend "I think I want to dye my hair to red, Brown is so bland" his lips go into a form of a pout that makes Taehyung giggle "red looked good on you, do it, we'd match!" He signs as his box smile appears.

As something catches his eye outside the window, he looks, seeing a beautiful red bird. He gets excited and goes to sign to Hoseok to look when he accidentally hits someone next to him, he panics as a drink falls on him, he grabs a napkin to wipe off his pants
"I'm so sorry!" He hears the barista say in fear, he farrows his eyebrows as he realizes he heard them, he looks up as he sees the boy mouthing the words "I'm sorry!" Perhaps it was just his imagination, the boy finally makes eye contact with him and suddenly he felt an electric shock jolt through his body, he blinks a few times before coming back to reality, he quickly signs with a smile "it's okay, no worries, it was my fault!" He watches the boy look at him in shock then surprise, Taehyung looks at Hoseok for Translations, hobi smiles and repeats "he said it's okay, it was his fault, so don't worry!" He looks back at the boy who smiles and signs "I'm really sorry!" Taehyung eyes go widely and smiles brightly as a "wah!" Slip from his mouth, silent to his ears. "He knows sign language!" he signs to Hoseok, his best friend nods with a smile as he's been noticing the way the barista has been fondly looking at him. The boy nods and signs "my name is Jimin, my little brother happens to be deaf as well." He smiles sweetly before adding "I'll be right back with another drink, I'm really sorry!"
He hurries away and disappears into the back of the shop. Taehyung turns to Hoseok with a questionable look, he cocks his head "what?" He reads from his lips, he tries to figure out how to explain what just happened, he bites his lip before looking back at Hoseok "I heard him-" he signs with his eyes glowing "-I heard him talk, Hoseok" Hoseok's eyes go wide as he quickly answers "what do you mean you heard him?" He signs looking at the boy curiously, Taehyung looks around, looking for the right words to express "I heard him apologize, that's why I said it was okay before I even looked at him, hobi" Hoseok smiles a little "what did he sound like?" Signing curiously before sitting his face in the palm of his hands and sipping on his drink, Taehyung swallows thickly before he answers "angelic, his voice-" he stares off out the window, thinking about the shock he felt through his body "-his voice was a little feminine, he sounded so pretty" he signs as he feels his eyes begin to tear up, Hoseok reaches over the table and wipes off the tears that escaped "Hoseok, I heard him talk, I heard him.." he signs as he smiles a little, he's happy but also sad..
"it was only for a second, I don't understand"

Jimin apologizes, feeling the worst as he hurries to the back office to find Jungkook. Who happens to be coming out as Jimin came around, he smiles but suddenly he was pushed back into the office as Jimin shuts the door, Jimin pushes him against the wall before he paces, Jungkook chuckles "whoa, shouldn't you at least take me to dinner first!" He teases his best friend before Jimin looks at him with some of kind emotion in his eyes, Jungkooks smile drops "Jimin? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly as he comes off the wall. Jimin places his hand on his mouth before running it through his hair and taking a big breath of air "color, I sa" he mumbles. Jungkook places his hands on his shoulders and bends down a little to be at his level, pushing his eye out of his eyes "take a deep breath, Jimin, what's wrong?" He watches Jimin lip form into a pout with watery eyes
"I- I dropped a drink on a customer and and.. he.." he swallows thickly again "and he was so cute and his hair was red, it was pretty." He blurts out as he looks down at the floor, Jungkook's eyes go wide and shakes his head in confusion "hold on, wait" confused, he pieces together what was just said "his hair was red.. red-" he smiles brightly as cups his best friends face as his thumb wipes away the tears creeping down his squishy cheeks "red! Jimin! You! His hair is red, you can see color again?!" He watches him shake his head, he sniffles "I- I can't.. it was only for a second, I don't understand" Jungkook thinks for a while as he sits back in the office chair as he goes deep into thought, he hears the other say "I gotta go remake his drink, I'll be back" before storming out the office. Jungkook thinks for a while, trying to get the answer why Jimin seen color for a second, he did alot of research before, when he first went colorblind, wondering if he could ever see color again, but the answers would always be no. So why was it now and why was it when he seen the guy? Jungkook sits up with his eyes wide, as he remembers the one thing people always said to Jimin, but they always took it as a joke.

"You'll get your color back when you find your soulmate. "

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