3. Just a defect

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At the age of 1, a boy by the name of Kim TaeHyung went deaf, but the doctors said it was possibly a effect caused by birth.

Growing up, learning new sign languages and loving things just by touch and what his eyes could see. He was a positive boy who always tried to bright your day.

But being the only child, it was lonely. He didn't have many friends and always avoided the crowds, sometimes even bullied for being deaf, but he didn't know, he couldn't hear a thing, so he smiled with his pretty little box smile and bowed before walking away.

The one thing he loved most was nature. He loved the pretty colors and all the gorgeous plants and cute little animals. But he was missing the best part; the birds, the wind whispering in the trees and the waves on the ocean side. But he had no idea.

He loved art, because of the pretty colors and the wonderful details that didn't need a sound, his favorite artist being Van Gogh and inspiring to be a good artist like him one day. He loved going to museums, even if he couldn't get to hear the story about the creation, but luckily; books exist. Books took him to a new world, his own. It was a better place then the real world, his imagination did wonders and it was always so beautiful.
When Taehyung got to high school, he didn't have friends. But he was an A student and loved art class, of course.

When one day. A boy who was new to school and was quite bright but also shy, sat behind Taehyung in third and fourth period. He went to ask Taehyung about the class assignment, but got no response, frowning thinking he was getting ignored until the student next to him tapped his shoulder and said "his name is Kim TaeHyung, but he's deaf" the one smiled as he shook his head understanding. He suddenly got an idea and luckily for him, lunch was after this period.

Instead of getting food, even though he was a little bit hungry. The boy rushed to the library and asked the receptionist
"where's the books to learn languages?"

She smiles and points "to the left, row B"

His heart shaped lips forming into a smile "Is there any on sign language?" He asks again as he watches her nod, he bows and thanks her before leaving and rushing over to row of books.

Scanning each row slowly until he finally found what he was looking for, he grabbed four books and checked which levels they were, he smiled sweetly as he sat down and started reading before checking out and going back to class.

After the bell rung, he checked out the books and rushed to class as he continued learning the hand signs.
Reaching 4th period, he looked over the lockers who where Taehyung happened to be standing.
He smiled brightly as he walked over to him, spooking him a little as he looks up at the boy with a smile.
He looks through the book for the sign "I'm sorry" and forming his own "I didn't mean to scare you" he is a fast learner and he's grateful for it. He sighs as he hopes he gets the next sentence right

"My name is Hoseok and I gladly want to be friends with you."

But when he did the sign for his name, he decided to do the sign for "bright sunshine" in a cutely manner.

He watched the boys eye's light up with passion and excitement as his box smile appears, he signs "my name is Taehyung, where's your next class?"

Hoseok sticks his nose back into the book to learn the last sentence he signed, with a little "oh!" slipping from his lips as he points to the door behind Taehyung. He smiles and says it's his too, Hoseok looks in the book again and signs "I'm sorry, I'm still learning" and he frowns before he watches the boy sign "It's okay, I'll teach you"

Thankfully, fourth period was a free class, so the two boys spent the entire time learning and teaching Hoseok sign language. They became the goodest of friends and by the middle of 9th grade, Hoseok was a master at sign language and he always helped Taehyung when he signed something and he'd translate it for the person they were speaking to. Hoseok didn't mean though, he was such a bright person and always loved making people happy and feel wanted.

By the end of high school, they got to graduate together.

By the age of 23, they decided to get an apartment together since they were always together, it helped Taehyung with people when he needed something, Hoseok was always there to help.

∆ Kim TaeHyung
Went deaf at 1 y/os ∆

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