19. Piano Keys

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Yoongi stands in the middle of his room as he stares at the door that stands before him, he can feel his heart beat thumbing heavily and too loudly. He takes a deep breath as he finally gets the courage and opens the door.

As the door hangs open, he stares at the quiet little room in front of him. He looks to the left seeing his piano, turning his head slowly to see the recording booth on the right before looking ahead at his computer and equipment.
He takes a deep breath as walks over to his piano, his fingers slowly lower down as the tips press down on the keys gently. He jumps a little as he hears the sound of the piano beneath his fingers, it's been so long since he heard his most favorite thing in the entire world. He smiles a little as he reaches up to wipe a tear off his cheek, he sniffles as he plays a small tune on the piano before turning to his computer.

He pulls out his chair and seats himself, pulling himself up the desk as his fingers hover above the keys of the beat maker slowly before turning on his computer and seeing that it was in the same spot as it was when he went deaf. It's been sitting on the song he was making that night before everything happened.

He takes a deep breath once again as he wipes his cheeks before he reaches down and holds the sun mark on his arm, feeling some kind of comfort coming through it, he smiles as he thinks of Hoseok.

He goes to play the beat that he was creating so long ago, the mouse pointer hovering over the keyboard as he tries to calm himself down from being overwhelmed from all the emotions and memories.
He clicks the mouse as the beat starts to rumble through the speakers.

He smiles sweetly as he gets up, facing his computer wiping his tears before placing his hands om his hips as he listens to the masterpiece that he didn't get to finish, it's been so long, he really missed music.
The track stops and it's quiet again as he leans down on the table as he sighs from all of the emotions. He chuckles softly before looking up at his computer to go to the other files of his work clicks the playlist and listens to the music as it slowly kicks on.

He's jumped out of his thoughts as he hears a knock on his door, looking over to see his love one, he wipes his eyes quickly and pauses the music.
"Sorry, I didn't hear you knock"
he chuckles with a sniffle.
Hoseok smiles as he stands at the doorbell with his hands behind him "it's okay, your dad was heading to work when I arrived, so he let me in"

Yoongi nods as he stares at his computer quietly, Hoseok can feel his emotions, worried and wanting to know what's wrong, he comes farther into the room as he closes the door softly

"Is everything okay, Yoon? Hyung can feel you"
Hoseok sweetly says with a sparkle in his pretty eyes. Yoongi places his hand on his sun mark and chuckles softly "sorry-" he sighs heavily "-I didn't mean to make you feel like shit too." Hoseok shakes his head softly "no Yoon, don't talk like that, you just got me worried, will you tell me what's wrong?"

Yoongi smiles as he looks at Hoseok before looking around the little room "this is where I was-" he softly speaks before walking over to his piano "-when I lost my hearing, I was producing music" his fingers run along the keys of the piano "I haven't been in here since that night"

Hoseok stays quiet as he watches the younger before walking over and softly giving him a back hug, placing his chin on his shoulder and arms around his little waist, trying his best to comfort his loved one.
Yoongi smiles at the action as his head falls back on Hoseok's shoulder
"I'm sorry for making you worried, Hyung-" he cries a little bit "-it's just been so long since I could hear and it's been so overwhelming, you know? I really missed hearing music, making it too."
Hoseok hums as he closes his eyes "it's okay, I understand, Yoon, it's alot to take in"

Yoongi smiles as he turns around and stands on his tippy toes to hug the elder tightly for a moment before pulling away and places his hands on his cheeks, he stares at him for a few minutes before he connects his lips to his soulmate. He slowly pulls away as Hoseok shows his heart shaped pretty smile as he reaches down to wipes the tears off the younger's puffy cheeks and kisses his little red button nose.

"How about I show you some of the songs I created?"
Yoongi smiles as he places his arms around hobi's neck before pecking his lips again.
Hoseok smiles "Hyung would love to hear" he kisses the other again, not wanting to pull a while at all "maybe later I can take you to my studio and show you some of my dances and maybe teach you how to dance, hm?" Hoseok cocks his head as he stares at the younger so fondly, Yoongi nods "that'll be fun, but I won't dance" he teases.

"ah~ Hyungie will find a way to get you to dance"

☀️ 🌕

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