17. the birds and the bees

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It was a pretty Wednesday evening as the fall leaves continued to whisp through the cold breeze.
The cars roaring by as they head home .
The kids laughing and skipping down the sidewalk as they make their way home from school.
The birds snuggled up with their loved ones in the trees as they sing peacefully.

Taehyung stood at the edge of the lake in the park with his hands in his coat jacket as he watched the clouds float by and the sounds of the world around him, he sighed as he watches a bird fly over him, still overwhelmed that he's able to hear all of his life and he's missed so much. All the birds, the little sounds of squirrels, barks of dogs and purring of cats. And it only caused him to love nature even more.

He jumped a little as his phone vibrated in his pocket making him come out of his trance, he picked his phone from his pocket and seen he had a text from his best friend, he smiled as he thumb tapped the screen, opening the text.

- Hobbii: where are you?
Is everything okay?
Are you safe?
You're not home
Are you with Jimin?

Tae: I'm okay Hoseok :))
I'm just at the park.
on my way to Jiminies

- Hobbii: Don't scare me like that!(。•́︿•̀。)
Be careful, okay?
Text me when your at his place.

Taehyung smiled as he read the text from his best friend, so thankful for having someone so caring and loving. He puts his phone back in his pocket as he begins to make his way to his love ones home.

He heads down the street as he listened to the sounds all around him as he turns the corner and smiles as he sees the house come into view, he runs a little before stopping and checking to see if it's safe to cross the street, once it's clear, he passes over and makes his way over to Jimin's. He rushes up the stairs as he softly knocks, shoving his hands back into his pockets and shivers from the coldness.
He looks up as he hears the click of the doorknob and sees it coming open, he smiles sweetly and nervously as he bows.

"Hi Taehyung"
the dimpled man says with a smile on his lips.
"Is- Is-" Taehyung sighs as he tries his best to form a sentence, but gives up and signs
"hi Mr. Kim, is Jimin here?"

The man looks at his watch before looking back at the other
"Not yet- he's almost off work, though." He leans against the door with his dimples appearing and a soft look in his eyes
"is everything okay, Taehyung?"

The younger nods and smiles "yes sir- Jimin is supposed to be teaching me how to talk, so he asked me to come over after he gets off work, I'm a little early!" He chuckles as he signs sweetly. Namjoon nods as his smiles gets bigger and the look in his eyes get softer "well come in while you wait for him"
Namjoon moves to the side as the other come in and makes his way to the living room.
"If you want, while you wait, I can help you with some speech?" Namjoon offers as he sits next to the other. Taehyung looks at him with bright eyes as his box smiles appear "r-really?" He stutters out, Namjoon chuckles softly "yeah- I went to university for languages and liberal arts" he runs his fingers through his brown locks "and I happen to teach English at the University the boys are at"

"Hoseok is a dance teacher at that university!"
Taehyung signs excitedly.
Namjoon smiles sweetly "is he? What a small town" he chuckles softly as he gets up and grabs some of his books from the small library in the corner of the living room, grabbing his glasses and heads back over to where the younger is sitting, he puts the books down as he puts on his glasses.

Jin walks in and smiles as he stands at the doorway "oh no, is Namjoon torturing you with his boring literature books?" He teases his husband as he crosses his arms watching the two.
Namjoon scuffs and wrinkles his nose. Taehyung giggles and signs "he's going to help me with my speech!" Jin nods as he sits on the love seat across from the two boy "well you got the best teacher in Korea" Jin says sweetly "you'll be able to form sentences in no time"


Jimin locked up the shop and begin to quickly rush home. Feeling bad for closing the shop so late and having Taehyung wait for him at home. He shivers from the cold Autumn breeze as he makes his way home.
He hurries up the stairs and heads inside quickly, taking off his beanie and scruffles his hair as he hears familiar voices in the living room, he peeks in as he sees his father and his soulmate mate looking down at a few books, Jimin smiles and walks in "hi, I'm so sorry for being late. I didn't mean to keep you waiting, Tae" he says softly, feeling bad.
The other looks up and smiles widely as he stands up, waking over to the shorter male and giving him the warmest hug before pulling away and giving a kiss on his forehead, he takes a deep breath before focusing on his words "it- it's oh-okay, jim-in, your- your father-" he takes a deep breath and relaxes himself "-has been te-teaching me how to tuh-talk!"
Namjoon smiles widely as he shakes his fist in the air quietly, being so proud of the younger boy. Jimin chuckles as he places his hands on the boys cheeks as he smiles brightly, eyes falling into a thin like paper "oh Taehyung, I'm so proud of you!"
Taehyung blushes a little as he looks away for a moment "your dad is a gre- great teacher" he smiles cutely before looking back at Jimin's dad "th-thank you Mr.Kim"

"Really son, you can call me Namjoon"

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