First day

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Aiger's POV
"Aiger...Aiger....Aiger snap out of it!" "Whaa!!" I fell from my chair at dinner because of Naru yelling at me, trying to get my attention. "What the heck, Naru!" I yelled back rubbing my head.

She sighed. "Did you hear anything I said?" "Naru was trying to tell you a fact about this famous boy I think his name is-" "Valt Aoi, Mom." Naru said with a smile. "Valt Aoi? You mean the number one blader in Japan?" I asked getting back in my chair.

"Yep! And if you'd payed attention earlier you would've heard me say that he trained at Beigoma Academy." Naru picks up her tablet and shows me the pictures of the campus, some of the classrooms, and then the dorms. "Wait what does Valt even look like?" My whole family looks at me like I just asked them 'why is the earth flat?'(it's not by the way.😠)

"How do you know him but, you don't know what he looks like?" Naru asked me in disappointment. "Hey! I've just..forgotten what he looks like!" Naru sighs and shows me a picture of him on her tablet. I Madly blush at the picture and silently freak out in my head. That's the boy I met this morning!

"U-uhh" "Aiger? Are you ok? Your face is a red." My mom asks with a concerned face. "Y-yeah I'm fine just a little tired from vine swinging today! I'm just gonna go to bed, night everyone!" I run upstairs to my room and crash in my bed. "Ughhh.." I Groan into my pillow. I put on my pajamas and lay on my bed thinking about this morning.

Flashback:Brought to you by bagels
I was in the trees swinging on the vines, jumping from branches, and just basically being Tarzan!  I got on a vine that was a little higher than the other vines I was usually on, but I jumped from a tree branch and started swinging anyway.

"Wooohoo!" I yelled out not paying attention to my surroundings. Then all of a sudden the vine snaps. "AAAHH!!" I peak below me to see the ground and I brace myself for impact. But before I hit the ground I could tell I landed on someone. I open my eyes to see a handsome bluenette under me, rubbing his head.

"Owww..." the bluenette groaned. I blush like an idiot. His voice...even in pain it sounded heavenly. "I-I'm soo sorry! Are you ok?" "No I'm fine. Good thing I caught you in time, huh?" He chuckles a bit with a small blush on his face. "Y-yeah." I help him up and grab the bag he was carrying. "T-Thank you for catching me." I say looking away while handing him the bag. He smiles at me and puts the drawstring bag on his shoulder.

"You know you're pretty cute for someone who so Adventurous and clumsy." I'm red in the face when he said the word 'cute.' "Wh-wha?! C-cute?! I'm not!-"

"Anyway can you help me look for the Akabane residence? I sorta got lost."Akabane? Why is he looking for my house? "I'm looking for Taiga Akabane so he can make me a new Valtryek!" He says with a big smile. "Well...Taiga Akabane is actually my dad." I say in an awkward tone.

The bluenette's face lit up as he squeezes my hands. "Please take me there!! I'll give anything just to have Valtryek back!" He squeezed my hand a bit tighter, and I blush uncontrollably because his hands looked kinda rough but we're actually really soft, even through the fingerless gloves they were soft.

"Uhh...I-I'm s-sorry But my dad doesn't work on Sundays." I look away so I wouldn't see his disappointed face. He let's go of my hands, puts his hand on my shoulder, and gave me a bright smile. "Ok that's fine! Can I come back tomorrow?" "U-uh sure!" I say giving small smile.
"Cool! Where and when do you want me to meet you?" I thought for a bit then i got a idea. I found a stick near by and drew a star into the dirt With my Initials In it.

"These are my initials! Look for them when you're on your way here!" "Oh ok! Thanks I'll see you tomorrow!" I wave to him and then I feel a bit sad because he's about to leave, when I really liked him around! I never payed him back ether... "H-Hey, Wait!" Hm? What is-!"

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