Breakfast's Ready

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

It was still early, and I was still tired from all the stressful school activities I had to go through this week, but the fact that I awoke at 6:00 am on a weekend- a day where I could sleep till lunchtime- did not dampen my good mood. I guess I was just thankful that I could get a break. Sure I was up early. But it's no big deal, because today I could do anything I want to do. I don't have to drag myself to school and listen to my teachers drone on about topics that won't be of use to me in the future. I won't have to deal with my stupid, annoying classmates. I was free. I smiled. I was starting to sound really melodramatic. No words can describe how much I love Saturdays.

I didn't know what my parents were going to do today. I remember Dad saying that they had plans to go to a spa or something, but I wasn't sure. My mind's not fully awake yet.

I heard my mom's voice as I opened the door of my bedroom and prepared to exit.

"Honey, Breakfast's ready!" Now I'm seriously confused. Maybe she changed her mind about eating ordered foods are unhealthy so she decided to cook us breakfast instead.

"Okay mom wait up!"

I was about to open the door when I heard a notification from my phone.

Hey Sweetie, me and your father won't be home until Monday. We left some cash for your food and for anything else. Stay safe sweetheart. I love you

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